Turkish movie stars join forces with UNDP to fight violence against women

Acclaimed Turkish actors Mert Fırat and Melisa Sözen are starring in a new UNDP advocacy video that takes on domestic violence in Turkey and the region with a powerful message: “Violence has no excuse”. The campaign is part of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)’s efforts to combat violence...

UNDP volunteers gave educational concerts in collaboration with TEGV and METU DFS.

What is #GivingTuesday?  #GivingTuesday is the annual global celebration of generosity. On Tuesday, November 29, 2016, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity, and to give back to their community. It’s a...

Subjects of the vocational training for the employment of Syrians under Temporary Protection in Şanlıurfa discussed in a workshop

A workshop was organized in Şanlıurfa province in order to determine the subjects of the vocational training to be provided in the agriculture, industry and service sectors under the employability and livelihoods component of the Strengthening Social Stability in Southeast Anatolia Region Project which is financed...

Pioneer projects on organic agriculture in the GAP region

The first phase of the GAP Organic Value Chain Pilot Projects Financial Support Program was implemented in Gaziantep, Kilis, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır and Şanlıurfa Provinces. Totally 17 pilot projects were implemented in the context of Financial Support Program, which was executed by GAP Regional Development...

Photo Contest on Turkey’s Forests is finalized

The second Photo Contest on Turkey’s Forests with a theme of “Forest and Human” is ended up. The photo contest is organized during 16 June-30 October 2016 in the context of Integrated Forest Management Project implemented by General Directorate of Forestry in cooperation with UNDP Turkey with the financial...

Towards integrated resource efficiency in agriculture and agro-based industries in the Southeast Anatolia Region

UNDP Turkey launched a new project aiming at improving resource efficiency in agriculture and agro-based industries in the Southeast Anatolia Region (GAP Region) with a holistic and multidisciplinary approach. The project is coordinated by UNDP Turkey and GAP Regional Development Administration and supported by...

The GAP Organic Agriculture is now on-line with its new design and content

The GAP Organic Agriculture Portal is launched with its new design and content to contribute to the aim of creating scalable and replicable success stories, developing production and marketing infrastructure and enhancing the cooperation among the actors within the context of the GAP Organic Agriculture Cluster...

Joint UNICEF, UNFPA, UN Women and UNDP Statement on the Draft Bill on sexual abuse against children

UNICEF, UNFPA, UN Women and UNDP in Turkey, are deeply concerned by the draft Bill submitted to the Parliament during the legislative debates on November 17 which may lead to some type of amnesty for child abuse perpetrators on the condition that the perpetrator marries the victim. If adopted in its current...

UN Women’s ‘Orange the World’ kicks off 16 days of activism to fight gender-based violence

The extent to which violence is embedded in society means that uprooting it is everyone’s job, senior United Nations official said today, lamenting that violence against women and girls continue to be a low priority on the international development agenda and urging more action – and more funding – to end the...

GAP Region Plan for Transition to Energy Efficient Production

PRESS RELEASE   Transition to a low-carbon economy and industrial production plan of the GAP Region will be defined through a project implemented by GAP Administration and supported by British Embassy The project is designed to define the potential for transition to a low-carbon and environmentally-friendly...

Toolkit for Designing Regional Competitiveness Agenda is ready now

The work on “Competitiveness Agenda for the GAP Region” realized in 2007 by the Southeast Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration with technical assistance from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Competitiveness Agenda identified strategies and sectors that would boost the...

The last module of Energy Management System Third Group Expert Level Trainings were conducted

In the context of Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry Project last module of the third group’s Energy Management System Expert Level Trainings were carried out in 26-27-28 September. Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry Project is executed by the General Directorate of Renewable Energy of the Ministry...

Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry Project presented in Energy Efficiency Financing and Success Stories Workshop

A workshop was carried out on Energy Efficiency Financing and Success Stories within the scope of Energy Efficiency in SMEs Project conducted by Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. Various representatives from financial institutions, energy service providers, governmental agencies and private companies...

A Story of a UN Volunteer

My name is Gizem Tülüoğlu, 26 years old. 6 months ago, I have started to work in UNDP Turkey as National UN Volunteer (Project Assistant) with desire of contributing to development, peace and growth by expressing my recently gained knowledge and work experiences on project activity implementation. UNV was a...