Financial Inclusion Strategy for inclusive and resilient economic growth

'Leaving nobody behind' is the very foundation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, we are happy to be working on this important initiative - which will make sure that more people in Sierra Leone have access to finance - together with the Bank of Sierra Leone”- Sunil Saigal, Resident Coordinator, United...

AfHDR 2016– pathways to reduce persistent gender inequality

Freetown November 28, 2016: The 2016 African Human Development Report (AHDR) launched today offers pathways to reducing the persistent gender inequality in Africa. The report titled “Accelerating Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Africa,” highlights deeply-rooted structural obstacles such as unequal...

Improving Livelihood and access to basic services in border districts.

Two of Sierra Leone’s Ebola hardest hit districts have benefitted from a new USD 1.5 million project to help improve their livelihood and basic services in rural communities on November 18, 2016.   The initiative, launched by the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon Maya Kaikai, is part of the...

From Prisons to Corrections: New project to promote reforms in Sierra Leone’s detention facilities launched

Freetown, November 4, 2016:  Sierra Leone Vice-President Honourable Dr. Victor Bockarie-Foh has launched, a new USD 1.5 Million initiative aiming to revamp and transform the country’s prisons facilities to correctional services, in Freetown on November 3, 2016.   The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law...

Planting trees for sustainable charcoal production in Sierra Leone

Makolerr village lies in the Koya Chiefdom of the Port Loko District in Sierra Leone, a two-hour drive from the capital Freetown. The district is well known for its charcoal production, which is an important source of livelihood for many of the local communities. It is estimated that 60% of household income in Makolerr...

Pit latrine to combat sanitation concern in orphanage

The Newton Orphanage got its first improved pit latrine on Thursday, 13 October 2016 since it was established seven years ago in 2010. Imagine living in a house with at least 20 occupants and that too little girls and boys with no proper basic sanitary facilities such as a toilet.  What is more worrying is the...

Freetown youth wind-powered generator wins development innovation award

When 17 year-old Samuel Elba and his colleagues got fed-up with the rampant electricity shortage in the Dwazark community, a hill top slum in the central of Freetown, they resorted to use local scrap to invent a wind- powered generator that is cheaper, healthier and environmentally friendly. The lack of affordable...

Livelihoods restoration for ebola survivors

The Kallons are a brave family. They were all infected by the Ebola virus at the peak of the outbreak in Daru town, 36 miles from Kailahun, the eastern-most district of Sierra Leone. They fought courageously and emerged victorious against the disease. However, they encountered fresh battles from community...

Automatic weather stations to reduce climate change effects.

Freetown, July 15 -The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and in collaboration with the Meteorological Department (MDSL) and Ministry of Water Resources, has last Friday finalized an assessment of weather stations around Sierra Leone.  The...

Women help minimise risk of flooding

When torrential rains hit Sierra Leone last year small businesses like that of 42 year old Rugiatu Daniel were badly affected. The economic and social scars of those monsoon rains have still not healed for Rugiatu, who is the breadwinner of a family of six. “I still haven’t fully recovered from the September 17...

Career advisory services in schools to “catch them young.”

Thomas Vandi, a 14-year old pupil of Lumbebu International School in Kenema is excited about his future. Like many his age, Thomas was drawn to a certain career because of some family influence – one member of the family is in a particular field so they also choose that field. But Thomas thinks it is time to make a...

Enhancing security coordination and collaboration in combating transnational, organised crime.

Freetown, 3 June 2016:  Director of Serious Organized Crimes Unit (SOCU), in the Office of National Security (ONS), Mr. Solomon Caulker, has said that an increase in transnational and organised crime in the border communities poses a major threat to peace and stability in the Mano River countries of Liberia, Guinea...

UN police chief ends visit with a call for a broader police-civilian partnership

Freetown, April 14 2016: The Chief of the Standing Police Capacity (SPC) in the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), Ms. Maria Appelblom, said this week that Sierra Leone has made impressive gains in community policing and called for a broader police–public partnership. Ms. Appelblom, from Sweden,...

Digital Financial Services Diagnostics in West Africa

West Africa - The UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) have completed the Digital Financial Services (DFS) diagnostics in the three West African fragile states Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, also Least Developed Countries, recovering from the impact of Ebola. In Guinea and...

Developing Bail and Sentencing Instruments for Sierra Leone

Freetown, March 17 2016:  The Honourable Chief Justice Abdulai Hamid Charm has said that the sentencing and bail instruments are “crucial for justice delivery in Sierra Leone” during his welcoming of U.S. Federal District Court Judges Ricardo H. Hinojosa and  Beryl A. Howell.  The two judges from the United States...

Sierra Leone makes steady progress in human development despite Ebola but deep poverty and inequality persist.

Freetown, 10 March 2016 – Minister of State for Finance and Economic Development, Alhaji F.B.L Mansaray has launched the 2015 Global Human Development Report (HDR) titled Work for Human Development in Freetown, Thursday March 10. The report shows that Sierra Leone continues to make steady progress in human...

Bolstering community participation in constitutional review

In total 394 Wards have been reached with 800 community volunteers deployed on Constitutional kiosks to sensitize the public and encourage their participation through the Constitutional Review Committee’s public submission forms. The trained community volunteers assist individuals and groups to fill out submission forms as well as collect completed forms.

Overview: Ebola Response and Recovery

The recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa was the worst of its kind in recorded history. Over 11 thousand people died, and over 3,900 were from Sierra Leone. Yet death and suffering are only part of the crisis. The epidemic, and emergency actions to stamp it out, have severely slowed economic growth. Thousands of...

UNDP and Panasonic bring light to vulnerable communities

New York, 15 July 2015 — UNDP and Japanese electronics manufacturer Panasonic Corporation have delivered a second batch of 3,000 solar lanterns to the three countries most affected by the Ebola epidemic. The lamps were distributed during the second week of July, based on the needs of each community.  The solar...

Free media helps beat down Ebola

Freetown, Sierra Leone - Hundreds of hard-to-reach communities now get Ebola advice and independent news, through a new satellite link from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) that boosts the reach of Sierra Leone’s sole, free radio network. The Independent Radio Network (IRN), with its 51 community...