
Australia Post tests drones for parcel delivery

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ... that jacket your ordered from

Within months, some Australians may get the option to have items they purchase online delivered straight to their doors by drones.

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Australia Post trials drone delivery program

Taking package delivery into the future, Australia Post are trialling their first drone delivery program and hope to conduct further delivery testing in outer Melbourne by the end of this year.

Australia Post is trialling the use of remotely piloted drones internally, with the backing of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. If the initial two-week trial is successful, the company hopes to trial the service with consumers by the end of the year.

"We're exploring the viability of adding this to our multiple methods of delivery," Australia Post chief executive Ahmed Fahour said.

Australia Post chief executive Ahmed Fahour with one of the drones that will be used in the trial.
Australia Post chief executive Ahmed Fahour with one of the drones that will be used in the trial. Photo: Eddie Jim

"We're pretty confident that if we can get through this [trial] we'll be able to offer this experimental service towards the end of this year."

A consumer trial would use the drones to deliver parcels to 50 locations twice a week in an outer metropolitan location, said Ben Franzi, Australia Post general manager e-commerce platforms and marketplaces.


The technology could be especially valuable for rural customers whose homes are far away from their mail boxes. The drones would be operated by delivery drivers who would launch the drone from where they are parked on a road.

A number of Australia Post's big retail customers were already interested in participating in a consumer trial, Mr Fahour said. Australia Post counts Catch of the Day and The Iconic among its major business clients.

Australia Post tested drone technology to deliver small parcels in early 2016.
Australia Post tested drone technology to deliver small parcels in early 2016. Photo: Eddie Jim

However he stressed the importance of safety in using the technology going forward.

"We take safety very seriously," Mr Fahour said.

"We'll only bring it into play once we are 100 per cent sure that it's safe and reliable."

The delivery drones were developed by Melbourne company ARI Labs.

They are fitted out with a high-definition camera, as well as a parachute, alarm and warning lights which can be activated as safety precautions if needed.

They also send encrypted data back to a ground station so engineers can safely monitor flight activity in real time. ARI Labs hopes to be able to automate the monitoring in future.

CASA, the government body overseeing air traffic safety, recently relaxed some regulations for commercial drone operators, including the need for an operator's certificate and a remote pilot's licence. The changes apply to drones weighing less than 2kg and come into effect at the end of September.

Major US retailers Amazon and Wal-Mart are also testing the use of drones for commercial delivery, subject to regulatory approval.

However a recent survey of online shoppers found only 10 per cent of Australians actually want drones as a delivery option.

On that, Mr Fahour deferred to Henry Ford, the father of the modern automobile: "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."
