Amazon delivers popcorn by drone 13 minutes after order's drone delivery service has lift-off

by Alan Levin and Spencer Soper

Retail giant has made its first drone delivery to an actual customer, dropping off one of its Fire TV streaming devices and a bag of popcorn to a house in the English countryside 13 minutes after receiving an online order.

The delivery took place on December 7 near Cambridge in a zone that UK aviation authorities have authorised for drone test flights, according to a tweet on Wednesday by company chief executive officer Jeff Bezos and a video (seen below) documenting the flight.

"First-ever #AmazonPrimeAir customer delivery is in the books," Bezos said in the tweet. "13 min - click to delivery."

The custom-built quad copter is seen in the video floating over green farm fields before nestling down onto a lawn and dropping off the package.

The delivery took place on December 7 near Cambridge in a zone that UK aviation authorities have authorised for drone ...
The delivery took place on December 7 near Cambridge in a zone that UK aviation authorities have authorised for drone test flights, according to a tweet on Wednesday by company chief executive officer Jeff Bezos and a video documenting the flight. Amazon

The ruddy-cheeked customer, identified only as Richard B of Cambridgeshire, then trots out into the yard to pick up the purchases after the drone took off.

"We're starting with two customers now and in the coming months we'll offer participation to dozens of customers living within several miles of our UK facility, and then growing to hundreds more," the video narrator said.

"After that, well it'd be easy to say the sky's the limit, but that's not exactly true any more, is it?"

While the flight was conducted under UK restrictions that for now prohibit such deliveries on a widespread basis, it marks a milestone in the race by companies like Amazon and Alphabet to use unmanned vehicles to transform how customers buy and receive goods.

The company is beginning broader delivery trials in an attempt to gather safety data to justify an expansion of the program.

Amazon says it is conducting the testing in the UK because regulations in the US are too strict.
Amazon says it is conducting the testing in the UK because regulations in the US are too strict. Amazon

Amazon says it is conducting the testing in the UK because regulations in the US are too strict. 

Amazon announced the delivery five hours before Bezos and other technology industry leaders were scheduled to meet with President-elect Donald Trump, who has vowed to cut regulations across the board.

Amazon is making its drone-delivery service available to customers who live within a few miles of the UK facility it built to test deliveries.

After the December 7 order was received and the items were packaged, the cargo was automatically loaded onto the underside of a quad copter. A small rail bed carried the drone out of the building and into a field.

The custom-built quad copter is seen in the video floating over green farm fields before nestling down onto a lawn and ...
The custom-built quad copter is seen in the video floating over green farm fields before nestling down onto a lawn and dropping off the package. Amazon

The drone then lifted off and flew using the company's automation software for guidance, the narrator of the company's video said. UK rules require a human operator to be standing by to take over in the event of a failure. It flies no higher than 400 feet (122 meters).

The drone landed with the help of a target placed on the ground to guide the craft's sensors to a safe touchdown zone. After dropping the package, the drone lifted off and returned to the company's facility.

"We will use the data gathered during this beta test and the feedback provided by customers to expand the private trial to more customers over time," the narrator said.

Drones could play a key role in helping Amazon manage costs while quickly delivering online orders.

Amazon announced the delivery five hours before CEO Jeff Bezos and other technology industry leaders were scheduled to ...
Amazon announced the delivery five hours before CEO Jeff Bezos and other technology industry leaders were scheduled to meet with President-elect Donald Trump, who has vowed to cut regulations across the board. Amazon

The company has expanded its Prime Now service, which delivers tens of thousands of products commonly found in convenience and drug stores in as little as an hour, to combine the ease of online shopping with the instant gratification of getting goods at a store.

Amazon's proposed use of drones may drive down the cost to deliver small packages crosstown to as little as $US1 ($1.35). That is a fraction of existing same-day delivery options, according to a 2015 study by New York-based ARK Invest that tried to quantify the savings from the use of drones compared with delivery trucks and couriers.

In the US, Amazon faces competition from startups like the Australian Flirtey, which in July made its own household delivery via drone from a 7-Eleven store in Reno, Nevada. Australian Flirtey co-founder and CEO Matt Sweeney envisions customers paying a fee of about $US10 for the convenience of quick drone delivery, and is experimenting with the convenience store chain on delivering over-the-counter medication, which could appeal to parents of sick children.

Project Wing, a unit of Alphabet, which also owns Google, experimented with dropping off burritos to students and other test subjects last September at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.

All these tests were effectively simulations of how deliveries would work and not the fully automated robotic flights the companies hope will eventually become routine.

While routine commercial drone flights have been approved in the US, they're not allowed over people and must stay within sight of an operator on the ground.

Until companies can prove to the Federal Aviation Administration and other regulators around the world that radio links, collision-avoidance technology and guidance systems are reliable and safe, widespread deliveries won't be feasible.

This isn't the first time Amazon has made use of the busy holiday season to make a splashy announcement about its drone-delivery program. In December 2013, Bezos debuted the research effort in a segment on CBS's 60 Minutes.
