
2016 - Victoria's grim road toll soars

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The darkest hours in an appalling year for road deaths in Victoria began not long after 8pm on a Friday in mid-April.

By then 83 had already died for the year. The signs were already there that 2016 was going to be bad, and that prediction turned out to be correct. By Friday evening the state's road toll stood at 291, 15 per cent more than last year's 252.

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Victorian road toll Christmas pain

Assistant Commissioner Doug Fryer and Police Minister Lisa Neville launch Operation Roadwise. The Victorian road toll is projected to reach 290 by the end of this year.

By the time you read this story, the tally could be even higher, as drivers on dark roads often take risks in the final hours before the sun rises on New Year's Day.

Road trauma is the most common form of death for Victorians outside of medical reasons such as heart attacks and cancer. The terminology the Australian Bureau of Statistics use for it - a 'land transport accident' – belies the smell, the heat and the horror of one of these scenes. If you are unfortunate enough to see one.

The black Friday in April was warm and autumnal. It reached 28 degrees. But 14 hours laster, six people would be dead. First a young man – only 23 – crashed into a tree in Hopetoun, way out west near Ouyen. Police said he had been at the pub.

Then just after midnight two men and a woman died after their Commodore collided with a truck on a country road outside of Ballarat. The dead were aged 81, 82 and 72. They had been trying to cross the Western Highway but got in the way of the B-Double truck.


A man crashed a vehicle on private property on the Mornington Peninsula, leaving him dead and a passenger seriously injured. Then a 58-year-old man driving in hilly Myrtleford crashed into a tree. He died.

Victoria police assistant commissioner Doug Fryer – in charge of the roads and the constant messages, warnings and reminders of their dangers - was at a loss. Six dead plus more injured from separate road crashes in the same period. He said the spate of accidents could not be blamed on the weather. "It hasn't been raining." He said all were preventable.

But he said the location of the horror crash near Ballarat – at Burrumbeet – was a known blackspot, one of so many. Two young men and two passengers were critically injured when a car ran off the road into a tree in 2011. In 2012, a man was killed 3km west of the town in a head-on collision between a car and a truck.

In the aftermath, Mr Fryer called on Victorians to work together to stop the "carnage" on the roads. "We are now at 89 lives lost versus 76 last year," he said.

But it was only April. There was much, much more to come. 2016 has been a disheartening year for those who hope to one day see no deaths on the roads, as per the State Government's much-vaunted Towards Zero campaign which aims to see the death toll markedly reduced by 2020.

Yet at year's end we are 15 per cent up, going into New Year's Eve. The frustration for authorities is that the toll had fallen for nine consecutive years. In 2005 there were 346 deaths, the next year there were 337, in 2012 there were 282, in 2013 the tally fell to 243.

But then the graph began to swing back up. Deaths increased by five in 2014, then by four to 252 last year. Now they have risen by another 39, which puts the toll back to where it was back in 2009.

There have been more motorcyclists die on the state's roads this year than for more than a decade. In total 56 were killed - 55 were riders and one was a 18-year-old pillion passenger. Drivers showed the biggest increase. A total of 151 have died, 29 more than in 2015. Two were not old enough to be off their L-plates, while at least 17 were P-platers.

Country roads remain a big problem. In recent years the Bellarine Peninsula and roads around Geelong have proven fatal. This year's figures show that a busy, crowded metropolitan road is a new blackspot.

Main Road East and Main Road West through St Albans in the western suburbs of Melbourne had three deaths and two two serious injuries. In January a 27-year-old motorcyclist hit a car and died. In September an 86-year-old pedestrian was hit and killed. And In November a much younger pedestrian – a 33-year-old man – was hit crossing the road at 9pm.

There were two other deaths in St Albans, not on Main Road but nearby, making the suburb the worst for road trauma for the year. Second-worst was neighbouring Keilor East – a young couple died when their car went off a bridge and caught fire after a drag race, and then a petrol tanker crushed a car on the Calder Highway.

The Traffic Accident Commission's senior road safety manager Samantha Cockfield said Victorians heading off on holiday road trips could be safer by making a plan.

"If people are heading off on a road trip we want them to have a great night's sleep before they leave," Ms Cockfield said. "There's also a lot of socialising at this time of the year and if alcohol is part of the plan, make sure you have a plan for getting home without driving."

She said drivers should turn off their mobile phones and keep children hydrated and occupied. "We know children can be a distraction," she said.

with Angus Smith and Nadia Dimattina