Six new year's resolutions for your family

Remember that the goal is to have fun and be together.
Remember that the goal is to have fun and be together.  Photo: Getty Images

I make new year's resolutions every year. I can't help it. I love the idea of a fresh start and working towards something that will make me happier, healthier or more successful in some way. But self improvement is a solitary practice and sometimes it can even take you away from your family, as my resolution to run a marathon did this year. I spent hours and hours each week running through forests and along roads all by myself, while my family were all sitting at home, eating bad food and watching TV.

And then when I finished my first marathon, the success was mine, and mine alone. The family was there, of course, but the moment meant so much more to me than it did to anyone else.

So this year, my family and I are making resolutions as a group. Because why wouldn't you want to make life happier, healthier and just generally more wonderful for the whole family?

And if we can do something that will bring us closer together, that's a big fat bonus in my book. If you'd like to do the same, here are some great ideas for family new year's resolutions.

  1. Spend more time together as a family. One great idea is to create an activity jar by writing lots of excursions and activities down on slips of paper and then putting them into a large jar. Then, once a week or fortnight, draw a slip out and do whatever is written on it as a family that weekend. The entire family can offer suggestions, which will give everyone ownership of the project, and the element of surprise each time keeps it exciting and fun.
  2. Get more active. Most of us could benefit from more exercise in our lives, and by doing it as a family, you're also setting a fantastic example for your kids. You could do this by going on regular bushwalks or bike rides, or taking a class together like martial arts. Or it could be as easy as creating a weekly obstacle course in your backyard and spending the afternoon trying to beat each other through. Whatever everyone loves to do, that's what you can do together.
  3. Learn something new together. Could you all do a photography course, or start a family blog? Or plan a family holiday somewhere exotic and learn some of the language together (it doesn't matter if the holiday is a few years off, learning the language can still be fun).
  4. Create a vegetable garden. Do some research into what will grow well in your climate, find out everything you'll need to ensure your vegetables thrive, and make your decisions based on what you will also want to eat. Divide up tasks so everyone has something to do to contribute to the garden, and then learn some new recipes to feature the delicious vegetables you've just grown. This can also be a great way to get fussy kids to eat more vegetables.
  5. Resolve to switch off your devices once a week and spend some time together. Dedicate a few hours on a Sunday afternoon, or whenever you have time, and play some board games, visit friends or cook together. Even reading books in companionable silence can be a beautiful family pastime.
  6. Find some whitespace together. Look at your weekly schedules and then remove one or two activities each so you end up with some chunks of spare time where everyone is home and there is nothing planned. Having that time to breathe and just be together can open up the lines of communication and bring more warmth back into your family.

Whatever you decide to choose as your family's new year's resolution, remember that the goal is to have fun and be together. So by all means, ensure you stick to your plan, but try not to be so rigid that it stops being enjoyable for everyone. And if you try something and it doesn't work for your family, you can always change goals.

New year's day is a great time to start a resolution, but there are 364 other days in the year that are just as good.

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