

Who's who list a rollcall of criminals, psychopaths and megalomaniacs

It's that time of the year again. In an effort to celebrate or sum up – or maybe just expunge – the events of a year that's just wound up, we've become obsessed with rankings.

Top 10 Christmas hits, bestselling books, the most excruciating movie moments, the seven things we're doing to wreak havoc on our planet. This year, courtesy of US presidential election, we also have the top 20 fake news stories, the 10 steps for adjusting to a Trump presidency, and the best destinations for those who find they simply aren't able to make the necessary adjustments. The worst, the best, the sexiest, most beautiful or most influential.

Amid all this frivolity, though, is a list that's genuinely frightening – a troubling sign of what the world has become, or maybe just a grim reminder of what it's always been. Forbes magazine's "Most Powerful People": an index of 74 individuals – one for every 100 million people on the planet – "whose actions mean the most", according to Forbes contributor David M. Ewalt.

If the ratios are unnerving – the notion that the fates of so many could be determined by so few – then the line-up is downright Kafkaesque.

It's worth a look, though, at the close of a year that, according to one BBC broadcaster, "punched truth in the face", because the candidate right at the top is Russian president Vladimir Putin, who's not too busy denying his complicity in Syrian war crimes to plot the release of a cache of 19,000 emails hacked from Democratic National Convention, thereby clinching electoral victory for none other than No. 2 on Forbes' list, US President-elect Donald Trump; a man whose disregard for the truth has become the pivotal theme of 2016.

That these two contenders have clawed their way to pinnacle of this dubious list says less about their worthiness than their willingness to wield power – to do whatever's required to get it, and to hang on to it at all costs. And if there are some admirable inclusions – such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, one of only six women – that's little comfort. The fact remains that Forbes' list is populated by such a disturbing number of criminals and psychopaths and it reads like a who's who of global tyranny.


For budding megalomaniacs out there who want to know what it takes to make their way into such exalted company, you'll need power – read: control – over lots of people and in lots of places. You'll also need resources. Read: money. But, hey, the two usually go together. For a lesson in the bifold benefits of power and money, refer to this year's winner and runner-up, both of whom have made an art form of hitching their business dealings to their political interests.

And if you're lucky enough, or maybe corrupt enough, to have found your way to absolute power, you'll also need to be prepared to flex your muscle, according to Forbes, because, goodness knows, there's no point sitting idly by, twiddling your thumbs. Kim Jong-un, for instance, gets the big tick because, according to Ewalt, he's prepared to "punish dissent with death". Hats off, then, to the North Korean dictator. And to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, too, who has earned himself a spot on the coveted list despite, or maybe because of, his enthusiasm for extrajudicial killings, some by his own hand.

The same reasoning, presumably, explains why Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad – accused of trying to "slaughter his way to legitimacy'' – has debuted on the list, at No. 63, just a few points up the rankings from Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of al-Qaeda, and only a little below Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed caliph of the Islamic State, who, along with Assad, is responsible for the deaths of around half a million Syrians.

Then there's Saudi Arabia's monarch, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who executed 47 people in a single day, all in the name of maintaining domestic order, according to Forbes. But there they go again, speaking in tongues, when what they really mean is "silencing dissent" – a critical component in the hang-onto-power-at-all-costs playbook.

The final golden rule, apparent from a close inspection of Forbes' diabolical list, is the disturbingly symbiotic relationship between the planet's most powerful people. When the rich get richer, and the strong get stronger, it's because they stick together. To wit: Rex Tillerson, oil executive, chum of Vladimir Putin, and Trump nominee for US Secretary of State who has edged up the list thanks to Trump's nomination. And vice-president-elect, Mike Pence, at No. 69, or former Blackstone Group CEO, Stephen Schwarzman, No. 52, appointed by Trump to the panel of economic advisers, plus a number of Trump donors who have also been given a leg up.

The sizeable portion of Forbes' list – around one third – occupied by CEOs might lead you to conclude that the vast majority are worthy of the accolade: business leaders actually contributing to the community, in other words, not despoiling it. But that's a false dichotomy, when you consider the high rates of white-collar crime among America's most celebrated CEOs – many of whom display a singular lack of remorse for their actions, and some of whom, let's be sure, are still doing business. Like Lloyd Blankfein, chief executive of Goldman Sachs, who mislead congress over how the firm "juiced the profits" of the global financial crisis, then settled a $US5 billion law suit – just a fraction of the funds swindled from clients – to make the problem go away. Thank you very much Lloyd Blankfein, you are No. 26.

In the end, Forbes' Most Powerful reveres the very worst that humankind has to offer. You could argue it's just a snapshot of what is, not what should be. But rankings like this don't just reflect the status quo – the rewards of greed or deceit, the inverse correlation between power and morality – they celebrate it. And let's be clear: these 74 individuals are not, for the most part, changing the world – as Ewalt suggests – but keeping us stuck in the same old rut.

Maybe it's fanciful to imagine we can put an end to such woeful appraisals, but we can, at least, see them for what they really are. And cheer up: if your nearest and dearest are not among the planet's most powerful – if you'll never get within spitting distance of anyone who is – 2016's selection reminds us that you should probably count your blessings.

Sarah Gill is a Fairfax Media columnist