New SuperButch page, and, Beagles.

I’ve been slacking off on mentioning new SuperButch pages here – the last one I mentioned was page three, and we’ve just posted page eight. For those of you who want to read starting with page four, here’s a link.

Meanwhile, for a completely separate project, called “Scissors, OH,” I need to figure out how to draw a beagle. So here’s what I’ve just been sketching. Part of the trick is figuring out how much preparation to do – it’s better to figure things out at least a little before I start drawing the dog, so that I don’t end up being all over the place, but spending too long preparing is also a mistake.


Posted in Cartooning & comics, SuperButch | Leave a comment  

Preserve Congressional Ethics Oversight


“We’re from the Government. We’re here to help.”

Those words are a cliché of chilling authoritarianism precisely because we don’t trust the government with oversight of their own actions. They are accountable to us, not to themselves.

Well, now the Republicans would like the body which judges the ethics of members of the House of Representatives to be accountable to … The House of Representatives.

As reported over at Politico:

In one of their first moves of the new Congress, House Republicans have voted to gut their own independent ethics watchdog — a huge blow to cheerleaders of congressional oversight and one that dismantles major reforms adopted after the Jack Abramoff scandal.

Monday’s effort was led, in part, by lawmakers who have come under investigation in recent years.

Despite a warning from Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), House Republicans adopted a proposal by Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) to put the Office of Congressional Ethics under the jurisdiction of the House Ethics Committee.

The office currently has free rein, enabling investigators to pursue allegations and then recommend further action to the House Ethics Committee as they see fit.

Now, the office would be under the thumb of lawmakers themselves.

The vote is this afternoon. Call your Representative.

I called mine. The actual call took 1 minute and 48 seconds. “Hello. I am calling to urge {my rep} to keep the Office of Congressional Ethics independent, and NOT to put it under the jurisdiction of the House Ethics Committee.” We had a short conversation.

If you value independent ethics oversight, please do the same.


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The Politics of Artificial Insemination

To prepare for a talk I’ll be giving in April, I am reading Cynthia Daniels’ book Exposing Men: The Science and Politics of Male Reproduction. I just finished the first part of Chapter 4, “Commodifying Men: The Science and Politics of Male Infertility and Sperm Banking.” It’s a fascinating and disturbing read, as has been the whole book so far. The central question of Chapter 4 is this: “In a social system that places male virility at the heart of ideal masculinity, how do we understand the development of a public market dependent for its success on public exposure of male infertility?” What motivated me to write this post was this paragraph from the beginning of the chapter:

Only men meeting standards of ideal masculinity are “hired” by the bank to “donate.” Donors may be rejected if they are too young (under twenty-one) or too old (over thirty-five), to short (under 5′ 8″) or too tall (over 6′ 2″), or if they weigh too little or too much. They may be rejected if they are of a race or religion, or ethnic group that is not in demand by consumers. They may be rejected if they are not heterosexual—if they’ve ever had sex with a man or had sex with a woman who has had sex with a bisexual man. They may be rejected if they’ve spent more than thirty days in prison. Reaching back three generations, they may be rejected if anyone in their family has ever had one of a hundred different diseases or physical disorders. Only men with no hint of history of human frailty or disease, no question about their sexuality, and a physical status not too different from the ideal fit man are accepted as sperm donors. Sperm banks sell their germinal product through catalogs that feature glossy photos of strapping, handsome male models (in a range of “colors”), presumably selling not just potent sperm, but the masculine ideals represented by such images. (74)

I knew, of course, that sperm banks catalogue their products according to a very specific set of traits, and I guess I always assumed that some men were excluded from being able to donate, but I had only the vaguest notion of what those disqualifying characteristics might be. I would never have guessed that they were not focused entirely on health, by which I mean, for example, preventing transmission of disease to the mother or avoiding–or at least making customers aware of–things like a risk for Downes Syndrome. As the above paragraph makes pretty clear, though, in addition to selling the possibility of children to couples and women who would not otherwise be able have them, sperm banks are selling to their customers a particular kind of man, which means also a particular vision of what manhood and masculinity (ought to) look like.

Within these parameters of masculine acceptability, the list of characteristics they use to catalogue their product begins to sound almost sinister. Here’s the list Daniels’ research revealed: height, weight, eye color, facial structure, skin tone, hair texture, religion, IQ, hobbies, talents, interests, race. Clearly there are two different kinds of characteristics here, those that are unambiguously genetic and those that are only potentially so—or perhaps predispositionally so is the more accurate phrase. The former are important in large measure because people commonly want to have children who look like them; the latter, because they want at least to imagine the possibility of intelligent, talented, successful, and perhaps even exceptional offspring. As Daniels shows, however, in a brief but very useful social history of artificial insemination, the list as a whole has some very unsavory roots.

The first documented account of artificial insemination is from 1779, when Lazzaro Spallanzani, an Italian priest and physiologist claimed to have successfully impregnated a spaniel with semen taken from a male dog. The documented history of human artificial insemination begins later in the 18th century. A man named John Hunter was said to have impregnated a woman by injecting her husband’s sperm into her vagina, resulting in a normal pregnancy (75). This is called “artificial insemination homologous” (meaning, by the husband) and it’s abbreviated AIH. AIH’s more controversial cousin, “artificial insemination by donor” (AID), which has its roots in eugenics, is the focus of this part of Daniels’ chapter.

In the 1930s, AID was promoted on the grounds that it offered an opportunity to practice what was called “positive eugenics,” meaning genetic selection for the benefit of society, and doctors urged that AID should therefore only be made available to patients who were likely to produce such benefits. Even as recently as the mid-1960s, the Nobel Prize-winning geneticist Hermann Muller was singing AID’s praises as a way to “rationalize” human reproduction. Daniels quotes him, “[T]he means exist right now of achieving a much greater, speedier, and more significant genetic improvement of the population. [We need only overcome the] psychological [obstacles] of our antiquated traditions” (81). In 1968, S. J. Behrman, a leading advocate for AID, gave a lecture at the annual meeting of the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in which he favorably quoted Muller. Daniels quotes a physician who attended that lecture, who said, “We need shed no tear over the lost lineage of the azoospermic husband” (82).

This idea, that infertile men were somehow unworthy (read: not manly enough) to leave anything of themselves for future generations, is a powerful one, articulating an inadequacy felt very strongly by men whose children have come to them through AID. A study done in 1976, for example, found that 80% of the husbands in the sample experienced guilt over the fact that they could not “give proof of their manhood or act as real fathers” (83). Shielding men from the shame associated with that guilt is one reason for the emphasis on producing children through AID who look as much like the father as possible. The 1976 study also found, however, that the men who successfully resolved AID’s challenge to their masculinity did so through the commodification of the donor’s semen. Because they paid for the sperm, the study concluded, they were able to see it as nothing more than a “fertilizing agent,” divorced completely from the man from whose body it came. Since he was no longer experienced as present in the transaction, there AID fathers no longer felt any threat. As Daniels puts it, “The masculinity of the father thereby rested on the commodification of the donor and his reduction to ‘one function’ as the ‘agent of fertilization’—in essence, an extension of the will of the infertile husband” (83).

Described that way, buying sperm is like buying anything else. You become the owner and the stake of the person who created what you’ve bought disappears into your ownership. I don’t know where Daniels is going to take this as the chapter progresses, but there are serious and disturbing implications, it seems to me, if one of the social functions of AID is to enable the purchase and affirmation of manhood through the purchase of the material necessary to produce a child. This is a very different set of concerns from those raised by the commodification of women’s bodies through the practice of surrogate motherhood and the donation of eggs, and it is one to which, as far as I know, we have paid all too little attention.


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74 unpopular opinions about comics. And counting.


So there’s a meme going around comics twitter, where you post a tweet with a graphic that says “1 like, 1 unpopular comics opinion.” And then, however many “likes” that tweet gets, you post that many unpopular opinions about something comics-related.

So I posted it, thinking I’d get 10-20 “likes,” and I could handle that. But so far it has 103 likes. I have no idea if I’ll be able to come up with that many opinions that I feel a significant number of comics fans would disagree with, especially since I’m trying to avoid using the “Joe Smith’s comics suck!” formula with living cartoonists.

Anyway, I’ve posted 74 opinions so far, and I’m not sure if I’m actually going to be able to think of 103 (or whatever the final number is). You can check it out here, if you’re interested.

Posted in Cartooning & comics | 2 Comments  

Open Thread and Link Farm, Goodbye to 2016 We Won’t Miss Ya Edition

Happy 2017, everyone! May it be better than 2016.

  1. Leia Organa: A Critical Obituary
  2. How Racists Are Made Into Unicorns – Medium
    I don’t agree with all of this – I think a more generous reading of Drum’s argument would be not that the majority definition is the “right” definition, but that there are multiple correct definitions of English words and phrases, including the phrase “white supremacy” – but I very much agree with the point that there’s enormous pressure to define the term “racist” so that no one can actually be said to be racist.
  3. When Men’s Rights Means Anti-Women, Everyone Loses | Noah Berlatsky on Patreon
  4. Copy Edit Tihs! – The New York Times
    This was fun – see if you can spot the grammatical errors in these quotes from recent Times stories.
  5. Revenge
    A post-election poem by e.c.c., that is apt to be more enjoyable for left-wing readers.
  6. Why Obamacare enrollees voted for Trump – Vox
    In short, many of them don’t believe that Trump or Republicans actually intend to get rid of Obamacare. That seems very unlikely to be true, but I hope they’re right.
  7. 120 kg model wins Argentine beauty pageant – BeautyPageants
  8. The most common words in Hillary Clinton’s speeches, in one chart – Vox
    She talked about employment, the economy, etc., much more than about identity politics. I’d be curious to see the same sort of chart done for Trump.
  9. Why Do Marvel’s Movies Look Kind of Ugly? (video essay) – YouTube
  10. Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos Doubles Down On Harassing Transgender University Of Wisconsin Student
    And along similar lines: Milo Yiannopoulos: Never feel bad for mocking a transgendered person.. That the anti-SJWs have made this wart their hero says it all about how genuinely contemptible their movement is.
  11. Disability is Not the Bogeyman, Stop Using it as a Threat | crippledscholar
  12. Dollmaker investigated by police for suspected baby-selling
  13. Bask in the bracing unsentimentality of Vesna Vulovic, the only person to survive a 1972 plane crash.
  14. Obama’s Weak Defense of His Record on Drone Killings – The Atlantic
  15. Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources is now pretending not to know about climate change. | Grist
  16. The PFM-A5 v2.0, A 3D-Printed Paper Airplane Gun That Fires 120 Planes per Minute
    What I find coolest is that it’s not just shooting the paper airplanes; it’s folding them.
  17. House Republicans will ring in the new year with a plan to permanently cripple government
  18. Don’t forget that progressives have made remarkable strides – The Unit of Caring
  19. Do Women Date Assholes? A Study | Thing of Things
  20. What are the odds you’ll stop harassing trans kids? (Gender Analysis) | Gender Analysis
  21. Is any bit of positive fiscal impulse worth the money? | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy
  22. Science and race
  23. All I Want for Christmas Is to Get Out of Immigration Detention | American Civil Liberties Union
  24. After 10-year Legal Battle, a Victory for Undocumented Workers Injured on the Job | American Civil Liberties Union
  25. Fixing Bad Fatty Memes | Dances With Fat
  26. On The Baby It’s Cold Outside Discourse | Thing of Things
  27. Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall apparently accidentally tweeted out a porn video. Marshall is being a pretty good sport about it, or maybe trying to pass it off as a joke; some of the replies to his tweet are pretty hilarious.
  28. Blame the Bay Area housing crisis for the Ghost Ship fire.
  29. There is no good reason not to let felons in prison have voting rights.
  30. A video of tardigrade sex
  31. Why Uber Is Losing Money Faster Than Any Tech Company Ever
    Basically, they can’t both make money and pay drivers. This author argues that Uber’s only long-term route to profit is self-driving cars.
  32. Maybe God’s Word Wasn’t As Infallible As He Thought
  33. Voters Really Did Switch To Trump At The Last Minute | FiveThirtyEight
  34. Reuters: 3,000 Neighborhoods Have Higher Lead Levels Than Flint | Mother Jones
  35. Federal Court Upholds Dismissal of Deputy Clerk Who Refused to Process Same-Sex Marriage License – Art Leonard Observations – Art Leonard Observations
  36. Duterte: I Personally Killed Suspects To Show The Police How It Is Done | JONATHAN TURLEY
    So, see, it is possible to have a worse president than Trump.
  37. Attempts: Poem of the Day Year: Good Bones

Posted in Link farms | 5 Comments  

Quote: Jesse Williams on Critics of Black Lives Matter (plus the petition to get him fired)


From actor Jesse Williams’ award acceptance speech at the BET Awards, June 2016.

And let’s get a couple things straight, just a little sidenote – the burden of the brutalized is not to comfort the bystander.That’s not our job, alright – stop with all that. If you have a critique for the resistance, for our resistance, then you better have an established record of critique of our oppression. If you have no interest, if you have no interest in equal rights for black people then do not make suggestions to those who do. Sit down.

Incidentally, in response to this speech, someone started a petition to have Jesse Williams fired from his job acting on Gray’s Anatomy. Over 27,000 people have signed it so far. Tell me again how anti-SJWs are soooooo in favor of free speech?

Posted in anti-racism, Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc., Race, racism and related issues | 5 Comments  

Please call or email to ask that Nina Chaubal be freed #freenina


Trans Lifeline is a suicide prevention help line for trans people. The co-founder of Trans Lifeline, Nina Chaubal, is currently in ICE detention and being threatened with deportation:

Trans activist detained in Arizona and threatened with deportation due to bureaucratic catch-22

Raw Story spoke to Greta Martela — Chaubal’s partner and co-founder of TransLifeline, an 800-number for trans people in crisis — who explained that because of a bureaucratic muddle, Chaubal has been unable to complete the naturalization process. These types of catch-22 situations are all too common for transgender people as they attempt to negotiate the many layers of red tape involved in changing one’s gender.

Martela and Chaubal are in the process of moving from Chicago to California. They were passing through Arizona on Wednesday, Dec. 28 on a return trip to Chicago when they encountered an immigration checkpoint. When asked if everyone in the car was a U.S. citizen, Martela told them that Chaubal is from India.

However, it was when Border Patrol officers saw Chaubal’s passport — upon which she is still identified as male — that the situation became tense and uncomfortable.

“She hasn’t had her gender changed on her Indian passport,” said Martela by phone, sounding anxious and exhausted. “So they started low-key giving her shit about being trans, but eventually they said, ‘We’re going to take her to Wellton, Arizona’ — this was the Border Patrol — ‘and hand her over to ICE and then we’re going to put her in front of a judge and try to deport her.’”

Chaubal is currently undocumented because her marriage to Martela has not been legally ratified. Martela needs to provide record of her divorce in 1990. However, the California records bureau that would ordinarily provide that verification lost years of documents in the transfer from paper to electronic records, Martela said.

“The woman I got divorced from is now deceased,” she explained, leaving the pair in legal limbo until they can obtain documentation by some other means.

There’s reason to worry that Nina is in particular danger as a trans woman in the Eloy, Arizona ICE facility:

After being held for 48 hours, they’ve transferred her to an ICE facility in Eloy, Arizona with a history of human rights abuses towards trans women. A former transgender inmate, Marichuy Leal Gamino, was raped in custody at the Eloy ICE facility. When she reported the abuse but the staff instead tried to cover up the attack by pressuring Marichuy to sign a statement that the rape was consensual. A google search reveals a number of troubling cases involving sexual violence and guard misconduct.

Trans Lifeline is asking that people call and email on Nina’s behalf:

We need you to help us #FreeNina today! Call the Border Patrol Wellton Office at 928–785–9364 and say: “Hi, my name is ________. I’m calling to express my concern about the continued detention of Nina Chaubal, DOB 9/15/1991. Nina is the cofounder of Trans Lifeline which has helped over 18,000 people in the last two years alone. She is married to a US citizen and is an integral part of our community. She does not represent a flight risk or danger to anyone. I urge you to release her immediately or have her transferred to the Santa Ana facility.”

Melanie Gillman writes that when she called, she was told to direct her concerns to “the public relations office at (602)257-5943.”

You can also use this webform to automatically send email to the appropriate people at ICE. (Or, better yet, do both.) I’ll be watching #freenina on Twitter for updates.

Posted in Immigration, Migrant Rights, etc, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | 1 Comment  

Chag Sameach! Happy Chanukah!


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Cartoon: At the Pro-Life Strategy Meeting


My new cartoon is up at Everyday Feminism! Please check it out.

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights, Cartooning & comics | 2 Comments  

The Absolute Basics of the US-China-Taiwan Relationship

This is A. J. Johnson’s 1865 map of China. Covers the region with particular attention to cities and waterways. China at the time this map was made was mostly closed country, however, a few ports were opened to western trade, these are noted in capital letters and include Tanchau, Kaifung, Waingan, Shanghai, Canton and Nanking (Nanjing) among others. Insets detail the “Island of Amoy” and Canton (Hong Kong). Features the Celtic style border common to Johnson’s atlas work from 1863 to 1869. Steel plate engraving prepared by A. J. Johnson for publication as plate no. 97 in the 1865 edition of his New Illustrated Atlas… This is the first edition of the Johnson’s Atlas to exclusively bear the A. J. Johnson imprint.

(A post by Ben Lehman, who many of you will recognize from “Alas” comments. Reprinted from Ben’s facebook, with Ben’s kind permission. The illustration, an 1985 1865 map of China and Taiwan, was chosen by Amp.)

PREAMBLE: I’m going to endeavor to try to keep this essay as viewpoint neutral as humanly possible. However, I should let you know what my biases are before I start talking. Taiwan is one of my favorite places in the world. I love it, and I love the people there. My highest hope is that they will be able to achieve prosperity and happiness, and will be able to enjoy their hard-fought and well-earned social and political freedoms. I wish this regardless of their current or future political identity.

VERY ABBREVIATED, SIMPLIFIED HISTORY: Up until the 1500s, Taiwan was mostly inhabited by Taiwanese aboriginal groups (who are not ethnically or linguistically Chinese) and the occasional Chinese fisherman or pirate gang along the coast. In the 1500s and 1600s there were several failed attempts at European colonization, first by the Portuguese and then by the Dutch and the Spanish, to provide a waypoint for ships to restock and repair on the long journey to Japan.

In 1644 when the Qing took control of the Mainland, a half-Japanese half-Chinese pirate named Koxinga declared Taiwan a rump dynasty of the Ming, complete with a young claimant to the Imperial Throne, with the intent on reclaiming the mainland. He consolidated power, expelled the Dutch, and generally made a huge nuisances of himself. When the Qing finally crushed this nascent state in 1683, they annexed the island, mostly in an attempt to prevent further pirates, Europeans, or political revolutionaries from taking up residence.

The Qing governed Taiwan as a frontier, and attempted to keep out ethnically Chinese settlers, fearing that the area was too distant and overseas to be controlled effectively. But the farmland in the western plains was excellent and there was good fishing, so Chinese settlers arrived and settled enthusiastically. This settlement was somewhat analogous to the American West — including the expulsion, conquest, and massacre of the aboriginal people, although the government — which was ruled by Manchus who didn’t trust the Chinese settlers — was somewhat less openly anti-aborigine and pro-Settler than in the US.

This state of affairs — an influx of Chinese settlers intermarrying with and displacing the native population, with wary government oversight — continued until the Qing lost the Sino-Japanese War in 1895. As part of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, the Qing signed over Taiwan and its outlying islands to the Japanese empire in perpetuity. The Japanese would govern Taiwan for the next 60 years.

The Japanese government of Taiwan was a different form of colonialism. They focused on assimilation — making the local, mostly Chinese population speak Japanese, take on Japanese names, wear Japanese clothes, and live a Japanese lifestyle. Meanwhile, they looted the island for its natural resources (mostly gold and timber) to help fund Imperial expansion.

In the treaty of San Francisco that ended World War Two, Japan surrendered all of its imperial possessions, including Taiwan, to their own sovereign rule or to their original countries. Because China was regarded as one of the Allies, Taiwan was returned to Chinese sovereignty, and the Japanese withdrew, but Taiwan did not actually receive any government from the Republic of China (ROC), because the Republic of China was a bit busy fighting the Communists in the Chinese Civil War. When they finally lost the Chinese Civil War in 1949, they did not surrender. Rather, they “retreated to Taiwan.” In practice, this was a full-scale military invasion of the island. The invading ROC, a fascistic military dictatorship under Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang (KMT) party, brutally suppressed the local inhabitant, who they saw as Japanized quislings and collaborators, as separatists, or as communist-sympathetic liberals. They established military rule on the island, and consolidated power and wealth in the hands of the KMT elite who had come from the Mainland in 1949.

Now, it’s worth noting here that, while both of these groups are ethnically Chinese, they are different Chinese ethnicities. The KMT elite were Mandarin and Cantonese speakers from the northern and southern cities. The local Chinese were Taiwanese speakers (a dialect of Fujianese) and from a very different culture, now shaped by 60 years of Japanese social engineering. So, though both these groups are Chinese, there is a legitimate and meaningful ethnic divide here. It’s not just political.

Meanwhile, on the Mainland, Mao Zedong, having effectively won the Chinese civil war, declares the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and proceeds to begin governing Mainland China and its outlying territories.

Now, it’s important to note that while there are two governments here, there are two governments of China. The Chinese Civil War never formally ended. The ROC never signed a surrender document. Chiang Kai-shek, delusionally believing that he’s going to successfully retake the mainland any day now, wants to avoid being having other states, particularly the US and other anti-communist states, recognize the PRC as a legitimate government of China, leaving him governing a rump, separate, state of Taiwan. So he declares the “One China Principle,” which is to say, there is one legitimate government of China, and you can recognize the ROC as legitimate or the PRC as legitimate but not both. Mao, likewise, wants to claim Taiwan as Chinese territory, not as a separate state, so issues the same ultimatum. The US and its allies, as well as the UN, recognize the ROC, but not the PRC. The USSR and its allies recognize the PRC. The PRC refuses recognition from several US-bloc countries, such as the UK, on the grounds that it would violate the One China principle.

This is the deal: Pick your Government of China, the other government is illegitimate and you can’t have anything to do with it.

So the ROC, run by the KMT as a one party state, is on Taiwan oppressing the hell out of people with US support, and the PRC, run by the CCP as a one party state, is on the Mainland oppressing the hell out of people, sometimes with the support of the USSR, sometimes going it alone. This is the status quo.

Things start to shift in the late 60s early 70s. Canada recognizes the PRC and its recognition is accepted. The UN shifts its recognition in 1971, functionally expelling the ROC and Taiwan from representation permanently. In 1972 Nixon goes to China and the US and the Mainland start an informal relationship. In 1975, Chiang Kai-shek dies and his son, Chiang Ching-kuo takes over. Chiang Ching-kuo begins to initiate dramatic social reforms, rolling back martial law, carrying out land reform, economic development programs, opening up elections to “non-party” candidates and KMT membership to local Taiwanese, and dramatically increasing freedom of the press.

And, with basically no notification, in 1979, the US recognizes the PRC, thus recognizing the legitimacy of the largest nation on the planet and gaining a badly needed anti-Soviet Communist ally.

Taiwan has lost its major patron. Because of the One China principle, the US cannot acknowledge it as a government at all. It’s basically fucked. The US comes to Taiwan with a deal, though: continue to carry out its social reforms with the end goal of liberal democracy, and the US will continue to support Taiwan through back channels. Taiwan agrees. So the US passes the Taiwan Relations Act, which does a few things:
* It allows the US to come to defense of the Taiwan if China-Taiwan (PRC-ROC) status quo is threatened.
* It allows private US arms manufacturers to sell weapons to Taiwan for use in self-defense.
* It establishes the American Institute in Taiwan, a non-governmental organization staffed by state department officials on leave, to be an informal embassy.

Meanwhile, in China, Mao dies and Deng Xiaoping takes control of the party and state. He initiates the Reform and Opening, a policy of economic and diplomatic liberalization without political or social liberalization. Included in this is a revision to Taiwan policy, which includes the idea of the Three Links (postal, commercial, and transport), that there should be some communications between the sides. This basically goes nowhere for 20 years.

And this is the beginning of the modern status quo.

The ROC, on Taiwan, holds free and fair political elections for the first time in the 90s. The political parties rapidly form into two coalitions, the Pan-Blue coalition led by the KMT (which has renounced fascism and military government and reinvented itself as a centre-right party of business and the status quo) and Pan-Green coalition led by the Democratic Progressive Party, or DPP, an alliance of dissidents, democratic reformers, non-communist leftists, and independence and human rights activists. The KMT, led by the Taiwanese statesman Lee Teng-hui manages to hold onto power until the election of 2000, where the Pan-Blue coalition splits their vote between the KMT and independent James Soong, letting Chen Shui-bian of the DPP win the presidency in with a narrow plurality of the vote.

The PRC, on Mainland China, flips the fuck out at this. Let’s look briefly at why.

Theoretically the Chinese Civil War between the CCP and the KMT is still unsettled. As long as the KMT is in charge on Taiwan, the CCP can claim that they are simply two sides of this ongoing struggle gone cold. But the DPP has no part of the Chinese Civil War. They’re not a rival China. The extremists in the party are even pro-Taiwan independence, and although Chen Shui-bian rejects that they have their suspicions about his sympathies. They build up missiles pointed at the island, they threaten to invade, it’s a huge deal. For decades, the belief has been that Taiwan and the Mainland are the same country, with two rival governments. Now, there’s a huge existential threat to that in the form of 1) election 2) of a non-KMT president 3) with separatist sympathies.

Secondarily, the KMT has emerged as the pro-China party, what with the business opportunities and the insistence on the status quo. The DPP has separatist leanings and favors a closer relationship with Japan, partly as a counterweight to China, and partly out of nostalgia for Japanese colonial rule. So, ironically, the CCP is happier with the party that they are at war with, rather than the party that refuses to acknowledge that there’s any reason for a war.

Despite this, during Chen Shui-bian’s tenure, China and Taiwan get a hell of a lot done through back-channel negotiation. They open mail and transit links, they open opportunities for investment and trade. Taiwanese owned and built factories in China bring high-tech manufacturing and jobs to the Mainland, and a shitload of money to Taiwan. After Chen Shui-bian leaves office in a cloud of scandal, the KMT president Ma Ying Jeou accelerates ties, arranging high level meetings with PRC officials and opening up real estate purchases on Taiwan to mainland elites. This makes him very popular with the Mainland government, but it (along with a lot of other mistakes) also alienates the populace of Taiwan.

Meanwhile, the US continues arms sales and military support for Taiwan without direct connection. While some ousted heads of state (say, the Dalai Lama) can get away with visiting the US “as a private individual” the President of of the ROC is not even allowed to stop their plane in the mainland US. “Refueling stops” of only a few hours are allowed in Alaska and Hawaii, but no government business is directly conducted and even then it is extremely touchy diplomatically. Nonetheless, we remain the primary guarantor of Taiwan’s security, independence, and democracy. Every time the PRC gets too aggressive towards Taiwan, we sail a carrier group through the Taiwan straight to get them to back down. China and the US are highly interdependent. China doesn’t want to pick a fight with us over Taiwan. We don’t want to pick a fight back.

In China, Xi Jinping, a demagogic, aggressive leader with strong callbacks to Mao, is selected as the head of the party and the president. He proceeds to ratchet up rhetoric towards Taiwan.

Ma Ying Jeou leaves office deeply unpopular, and in a wave election last year Taiwan elects Tsai Ing-wen, it’s first female president and second DPP president, along with, for the first time, a pan-Green majority in the legislature. China gets really, really on edge. Previously, the KMT legislature could block any moves towards independence. Now, they can’t. In practice, it’s unlikely that the DPP will try for independence — it’s fairly unpopular with the people of Taiwan and it’s unlikely that the US would defend them if they instigated a conflict — but try telling that to the Chinese Communist Party. But Tsai Ing-wen has refused to acknowledge several important pieces of previous negotiation (particularly the 1992 consensus which is “there is one China but both sides can decide for themselves what that means). So there’s been another ratcheting up of tension and rhetoric. (It’s worth noting that Tsai Ing-wen was the chair of the Mainland Affairs Council during the period of increased ties 2000-2004. It’s also worth noting that this doesn’t seem to have helped much.)

And now you have a president-elect of the US ignoring decades of diplomatic consensus from both Taiwan and the Mainland, in a situation that’s already tense, after having already threatened to not come to the aid of US allies and to withdraw US forces based in East Asia (which are the primary defense of Taiwan.) So. Here we are.

Hopefully this will provide some context to whatever happens next.

Posted in International issues | 10 Comments