Rugby League

Alex McKinnon's legal action against NRL backed by mother of quadriplegic former league player

The mother of a former rugby league player who unsuccessfully tried to sue a governing body after a scrum collapsed and left him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life says Alex McKinnon has every right to pursue a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the NRL.

Christine Buttsworth, whose then teenage son was left a quadriplegic (the partial or total loss of the use of all four limbs) after fracturing his C6 and C7 vertebrae when a scrum caved in on top of him during a match in 1994, has told of the exorbitant costs the family has absorbed since.

Buttsworth's son lost a long-running case against the NSW Country Rugby League, which was finalised in 2008, more than a decade after the accident occurred in a match on the mid-north coast.

The case had been argued on the basis that Country Rugby League should have exercised its powers in regulating the game to not allow clubs to select players of slender builds to start in the front row, where Buttsworth's son did against older and bigger players in a reserve grade match.

Buttsworth's son was just 16 years old at the time, weighed "55 to 57 kilograms" and was playing his first year in open-age competition because his club did not field an under-18s side that year.

Buttsworth argued she would not have allowed her son to be registered if she had been warned by CRL of the serious spinal injury he could have suffered if he was chosen in the front row.


He had sought damages of $6.5 million, but lost the case and was ordered to pay CRL's costs.

In mid-December McKinnon's legal team sent a letter to the NRL notifying them of an intention to launch action against head office and Storm prop Jordan McLean over a tackle that left him paralysed in 2014.

It is the first time a professional player has intended to sue the NRL as the result of an injury, but not the first time a rugby league authority has been pursued.

McKinnon's intention to pursue the NRL in court raised eyebrows with some, but Buttsworth gave an insight into what the 24-year-old will require.

"It's going to take a lot of money to care for him properly," she said.

"People just don't realise what's involved with a spinal cord injury. They think, 'OK, well their legs aren't working and everything else is all good'. That's the least of it. It's everything else that's involved with it.

"My son's leading as normal life as he possibly can, with a lot of help, of course. He works full-time, has a modified car and has his own house, which is modified as well, but the case has made it very hard."

Former NRL chief executive Dave Smith promised McKinnon a "job for life" in rugby league and he received the maximum $500,000 compensation payout and $1.2 million from fundraising efforts after the 2014 tackle.

But that is likely to be only a small fraction of the costs he will need to cover for the rest of his life.

"All the things like medical equipment and costs of everyday needs is a huge drain and very expensive," Buttsworth said. "When we first bought him home we had to have the bathroom remodelled and concrete ramps put out the back.

"The only help he's been given with his house is when I approached the Men Of League because he needed a new kitchen, which was totally not functional.

"The Men Of League paid for the new kitchen and other than the local football club at the time [of the injury] it's the extent of the help we've got from rugby league. The Men Of League were marvellous in that regard."

McKinnon had expressed an interest in seeking damages to fund his living costs in 2015 and the wheels were put in motion in December.

"I had no idea how much this injury was going to cost," McKinnon told the Nine Network in July 2015. "I didn't know until two weeks ago it cost $100,000 for me to get out of bed in the morning.

"I just need to know how much it is going to cost me, how much money I have and where I [am] going to get that money from."

McKinnon's case is likely to feature scrutiny of the NRL's comments about lifting tackles and their place in the game before the ex-Newcastle forward's injury.