
British PM Theresa May scolds John Kerry's Israel speech

Brussels: British Prime Minister Theresa May has condemned a blunt speech this week by US Secretary of State John Kerry on the state of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, an unusual move likely to boost Britain's relations with the incoming Trump administration at the expense of President Barack Obama.

The rare diplomatic spat between Britain and the United States, which was met with surprise by the US State Department, highlighted the fast-collapsing influence of the White House in Middle East peace negotiations. It also pointed to a vast reordering of international affairs expected after President-elect Donald Trump takes office in three weeks, as US allies position themselves to curry favour with the incoming administration.

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Britain scolds US over Israel comments

British Prime Minister Theresa May rebukes US Secretary of State John Kerry focus on Israeli settlements.

The transatlantic split was particularly unexpected given that May's government acted as a key broker between US and Palestinian interests ahead of a UN Security Council vote last week to declare Israeli settlement construction "illegal". British diplomats worked as go-betweens in shaping the measure to ensure that the language was acceptable to the United States, Britain's Guardian and Israel's Haaretz newspapers reported this week.

Kerry on Wednesday offered a harsh assessment of the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that "his current coalition is the most right wing in Israeli history, with an agenda driven by its most extreme elements." He criticised persistent Israel settlement expansion on the West Bank as a threat to the "two-state solution" under which Israel and a new Palestinian state would coexist side by side.

May's office retorted that "we do not believe that it is appropriate to attack the composition of the democratically elected government of an ally". It said "we are also clear that the settlements are far from the only problem in this conflict. In particular, the people of Israel deserve to live free from the threat of terrorism, with which they have had to cope for too long."

The move was an olive branch both to Netanyahu and Trump, who railed against the Obama administration's decision to abstain from the UN Security Council resolution condemning the settlements. Trump has expressed near-unconditional support for actions by the Israeli government, breaking with long-standing US policy that has sought a middle ground between the two sides.


Kerry's speech and the US abstention in the Security Council vote were received warmly by Germany and France, among other European nations, which led to a stunned reaction in Washington to the message from May's office.

"We are surprised by the UK Prime Minister's office statement given that Secretary Kerry's remarks - which covered the full range of threats to a two-state solution, including terrorism, violence, incitement and settlements - were in line with the UK's own longstanding policy and its vote at the United Nations last week," the State Department said in a statement.

May, who leads a Conservative government, has been trying, with mixed success, to make inroads with the incoming Trump administration. A planned early visit to the White House by May will hope to show the continuing strength of British-American ties. Kim Darroch, the British ambassador in Washington, has said that May and Trump want to "build on the legacy of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher".

Relations with the Obama administration have not always been smooth, with major disagreements over Syria policy and military spending, but the two countries are close, especially when it comes to intelligence sharing and NATO.

Still, the comments represented an extraordinary public rebuke to such a close ally, even if President Barack Obama is about to exit the scene, and Britain clearly wants to maintain ties to Israel and its elected government.

Kerry's hour-long speech on Wednesday was unusual in its breadth and frankness, coming from a man who devoted much of his energy as the top US. diplomat toward Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that were ultimately abandoned.

"No one thinking seriously about peace can ignore the reality of what the settlements pose to that peace," he said.

The Australian government also distanced itself on Friday from the Obama administration's stance on settlements and the UN resolution.

Australia supports negotiations leading to two independent states, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said, but she added Australia - which is not a member of the Security Council where the vote was taken - did not support the UN resolution condemning settlements.

"In voting at the UN, the coalition government has consistently not supported one-sided resolutions targeting Israel," the statement said.

British leaders have publicly embraced Trump since his victory last month, despite his urging that Nigel Farage, a lead campaigner for Britain's exit from the European Union and a thorn in the side of the British government, be named British ambassador to Washington. Britain, which is preparing to negotiate the terms of a messy exit from the EU, is hoping that a strong economic relationship with the United States will help smooth out the disruptions.

Washington Post, New York Times