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Integrating Current Events in Your Courses: Labor and Work
The working class has been seen as a forgotten and misunderstood group. Many claim that working class people--and white workers, in particular--tend to choose and vote against ...

Germ Wars
by Melanie Armstrong, author of Germ Wars: The Politics of Microbes and America's Landscape of Fear I teach in an Environmental Management program. When I give ...

Assassination of a Saint: The US Trial for the Killing of El Salvador's Oscar Romero
by Matt Eisenbrandt, author of Assassination of a Saint: The Plot to Murder Ã"scar Romero and the Quest to Bring His Killers to Justice Ã"scar Romero ...

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Aldon Morris accepts the R.R. Hawkins Award at the 2016 PROSE Awards. The PROSE Awards Luncheon took place in Washington, DC. on February 4, 2016.

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