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Research Topics

Alien Abductions

Atheism and Religion

Artificial Intelligence (AI)



Free Will

Lucid Dreams

Memes and tremes

Near-Death Experiences

Out-of-body Experiences

Paranormal Belief


Sleep Paralysis

Zen and Meditation



Blackmore Humanist


The British Humanist Association, BHA, asked for answers to 'What's it all for?' This is mine.




Skeptic trumps
see the full deck



I am listed in:

100 Global Minds: 2015

 30 most influential psychologists (25)

and 30 most influential  counseling psychologists (30)



Je suis Charlie and why and see this open letter on Academic Freedom


2016 Edge Question. My answer this year was 'that dress'.

Lecture on out-of-body experiences, CogNovo, University of Plymouth, 7 December 2015

AI is already evolving beyond our control - CommentisFree September 2015

Featured in 100 Global Minds: The Most Daring Cross-Disciplinary Thinkers in the World by Gianluigi Ricuperati, September 2015

Watch my lecture at the American Atheists National Convention (Memphis 2015)

BBC Radio 4 "A Place of Silence", recorded in 1998. A half-hour documentary about the Maenllwyd retreat in rural Wales.

Interview on out-of-body experiences at TSC 2015 in Helsinki for Consciousness Central TV.

"Genes, Memes and Tremes" on TV in Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, May 2015

Third Replicator

Watch my TED talk (with subtitles) in 23 languages. Or read the book chapter or Feature article in New Scientist   

The Eye of theEye of the tremes Tremes
Watch our (2 min) New Video, based on the idea that phones, computers and servers are becoming interconnected like neurons in a brain. Does the advent of drones give this vast treme machine eyes?

Recent articles

Hallucinogens in my life, in The Psychologist, September 2014

100 walked out of my lecture - post and comments on Richard Dawkins Foundation website, and  at Psychology Today.
 'I am offended, I won't listen'

Now available in the BBC archive. Castaway on Desert Island Discs BBC Radio 4, 3.5.98 and 8.5.98.

Anorexia ...
You can read about Emily and her anorexia in the Mail, on ABC News, in her blog, and in mine at CiF.


To find out about me :
Who am I? or  CV

Follow me on Facebook Facebook

Forthcoming Events

You might like to know: 
Why I gave up parapsychology
Why I left my job
Why I support the legalization of drugs and Anyone's Child - families against the War on drugs.

My Guardian blog - Commentisfree

Psychology Today Blog

Books on Consciousness :
Consciousness: An Introduction 2nd edition 2011 and 
A very short introduction to consciousness.
Conversations on Consciousness

For more ...see Consciousness

Zen and the Art of Consciousness  Published April 2011 (previously Ten Zen Questions)
Read Chapters 1 to 8, Join in the
Ten Zen Blog
or my Psychology Today blog
or for more see Zen

Free will
Lecture 'Living without free will'; British Humanist Annual Conference 2013

Listen to "The Myth of Free Will", broadcast on BBC Radio 3, on 2.11.08 - on YouTube May 2014

Literary agent Donald Winchester at Watson Little Ltd.

Contact  Please note: I am drastically cutting the time I spend on emails. For any urgent work-related requests please contact my agent or email my assistant alisonseldon@gmail.com 

Want to know why?

I am an Honorary Member of  Population Matters

Patron of Transform - Drug Policy Foundation

Patron of the British Humanist Association

Ally of NaturalismEnthusiastic Bright

Distinguished Supporter of Atheism

supporter of Pipedown

I am on the Advisory Board, Brain Preservation Society


Find me at Academia.edu.

I am on Facebook this is my official page, there are other pages about me on Facebook but they are nothing to do with me.

I have left LinkedIn because of the large number of requests from people I do not know.

I am not on Twitter.


Green weddings. You can get married in our house!


My husband, 
Adam Hart-Davis  

My family

My daughter Emily Troscianko, Research Associate at University of Oxford

My son Jolyon Troscianko, who drew the pictures for my books
Consciousness, VSI, and ConCon.

Their father, the late Tom Troscianko

Meme Lab UK



Last updated: Monday, 25 April 2016 15:31

Original web design by David Green, Aikonmedia

Maintained by Sue Blackmore