UK Borders Agency office doors locked up in Derby as part of Week of Action against deportation

The UK Border Agency offices in Derby were reported ‘d-locked’ on the night of 2nd/3rd June 2010.
Full story on Notts Indymedia:
Elsewhere in the same ‘European week of action against the deportation machine’, G4S (Group 4 Security) were reported having pulled out of a Brighton jobs fair after a campaign to highlight their heavy role in detention and deportation:
No Borders South Wales dropped some banners in the city of Cardiff. The UKBA there are currently having to carry out a internal investigation into racism there.

At its main offices in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire on 3rd June, travel agents Carlson Wagonlit Travel were awarded ‘Deportation Profiteer of the Year’ title for their major role in booking seats on deportation flights. Campaigners from the Stop Deportation Network presented the company with the ‘award’

Protests were part of a European Week of Action Against the Deportation Machine, from 1st to 6th June 2010.

There will be a Mass demo against deportations in Parliament Square this Saturday in London, 5th June, 2-4pm. This will be followed by a solidarity evening with Kurdish and Iraqi refugees, organised by the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees @ the Ringcross Community Centre (60 Lough Rd, N7 6RH) from 6-11pm. Details:

Visit Indymedia UK for more reports.

Cardiff’s Babi is deported by BMI – the airline with a tiny heart

LGBT Asylum News, Sunday, 21 September 2008:
Babakhan (Babi) Badalov was deported to Baku, Azerbaijan, from Heathrow Airport yesterday afternoon on a British Midlands Airways (BMI) to Baku. He was due to fly earlier in the day on Azerbaijan Airlines but the airline refused to take him after they were contacted by supporters of Babi. He sent a little poem to his friends in UK.

Cardiff's Babi is deported by BMI - the airline with a tiny heartBABI+HELLO FROM HELLBAIJAN
Fakkk you miss jacquyi locksmith from hellbaijan
fakk you united king kong yankee go khomebashi
will not died n kill myself
will conitine except you giving me adventure pain
i am live but its very terrible place to be here
i am affraid of my family come find me here
i lav all all you there
you all so good and nice plesant to me

Babi Badalov

Babi’s is not an isolated case. John ?Bosco? Nyombi was deported on a flight in Entebbe, Uganda on Friday evening. See:

We wish you luck Babi and John! Until these deportations are stopped it is the politicians like Jacqui ‘lock’ Smith & Liam Byrne, the UK Border Agency officials and their private contractors, and not least airlines like the defunct XL airways, Virgin (never done it before, honest), BA (British don’t care-ways) & now BMI ‘Babi’ (the airline with a tiny heart) who have (and will have) blood on their hands if the threats to the lives of these and other gay deportees become a reality.

*Note: If you are considering local action, BMI Baby may claim they are not the same as BMI (who deported Babi from Heathrow on flight BD929), which is, of course, nonsense – they’re the ‘low cost’ subsidiary of British Midland (who also bought British Mediterranean Airways BMED in Jan 2007), and so it’s little different than Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Nigeria. Yeah Baby! Nice try.
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Cardiff Gay Radical Artist Asylum Seeker Snatched! Protest Wednesday.

Babakhan Badalov, (Babi) the openly gay, internationally renowned radical artist and poet from Azerbaijan was arrested on the morning of 16th September during a reporting session in Cardiff. There will be a protest on Wednesday 17th September against Babi?s incarceration outside of the place where he was grabbed; the UK Border Agency offices at 31-33 Newport Road, Cardiff at 12 noon. All are welcome. This protest will only last one hour so people can come along in their lunch-breaks, and show your support with any banners or placards that you are able to make. Details and complains to Home Office from No Borders Wales. Friend and activist Hywel Bishop said: ?I?ve never seen anyone so scared. If Babi gets sent home he faces persecution from the state for his art, beatings from the local community, as well as the threat of honour killing from his family because they can?t live with the fact that he?s gay.?

On the same day, in Nottingham, a Zimbabwean women was detained at The Bridewell police station. There are many more signing detentions and dawn raids we don’t hear about. The inhuman harassment of asylum seekers in Britain is continuous. How much clearer can it be that nation states are the enemy of any freedom-loving person?
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Another BA flight leaves for Nigeria without family HO wanted to deport on July 2nd

Yesterday No Borders South Wales reported another successful campaign to stop a deportation flight. Family Kemi Ayinde, Taiwo Salami, and Yasim Salami were not deported as the home office had planned, although they were taken to the airport at 6am on morning of 2nd July and actually boarded the plane bound for Nigeria. Airways staff were talking about ?all the phone calls? before informing the family that they were unable to fly them as they had been advised Kemi was not fit to travel. The family?s case is not over; they are currently imprisoned in Yarlswood detention centre without legal representation and still with the threat of immanent deportation hanging over them.

Supporters were called to a Public Meeting in Butetown, Cardiff this evening (3rd July) to hear first hand accounts of contending with British border controls from local asylum seekers Babakhan ‘Babi’ Badalov and Constance Nzeneu, followed by a discussion and practical advice on resistance to the UK Border regime.

Full article on No Borders South Wales website:
Sanctuary for Kemi Ayinde, Taiwo Salami, and Yasim Salami
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