ACT News

First Canberra baby of 2017 brings hope for the year ahead for Isabella Plains couple

As many Canberrans were heading home after the fireworks, or already in bed, an Isabella Plains couple were welcoming the birth of their first child in the early hours of 2017 at Canberra Hospital.

After more than 24 hours in labour, Fiona Odewahan gave birth to Michael Kurt Leslie Byrne at 1.32am on January 1.

Michael was the first baby born in Canberra this year, leading the way for about 11,000 more babies expected to be born in the city over the next 12 months.

The quiet newborn weighed in at 3580 grams, measuring 49 centimetres long and with a head circumference of 33 centimetres.

Ms Odewahan, a hairdresser, and Kurt Byrne, a sheet-metal fabricator, had originally expected a Christmas birth, given the baby was due on December 28.

But, after a tough 2016 for both parents, Mr Byrne said it seemed Michael was "holding out" for 2017 - a sign of the hope the couple have for a great 2017.


"We both lost our best friends last year, it was a pretty shit year for both of us," he said.

"But we've recent bought a new house, so we've got a new house, a new kid, a new year - it's a new life for us.

"It's a real life changer, you can't really explain it."

Ms Odewahan said while she was tired and sore after the lengthy delivery, she was very happy to have a healthy boy.

She said while she expected the new year would be "very different" for them both, she was excited to be going home with her new son.

Mr Byrne said Michael's names had come from both their fathers, as well as his own name.

"I lost my father when I was very young, so it's kind of a dedication to him that he's named after him," Kurt said.

"But we ended up naming him also after Fiona's dad Leslie, as well as my name in there as well - got to keep everybody happy."