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Welcome to the ASNSW!

 Welcome | Join the ASNSW | Guest Speakers | Universe Magazine | Calendar

Welcome to the The Astronomical Society of NSW (ASNSW) website.

Objects of the Society: The ASNSW exists to bring together people interested in Astronomy and related sciences, and to promote public interest and education in Astronomy. The ASNSW provides members and the general public access to Astronomical observing facilities, educational lectures, and assistance in selecting, using and even building telescopes and related instruments.

Click on the picture to see our VIDEO!

For more information, see About the ASNSW.

For help with items in the User menu at left (loggin in, membership records, passwords, payments and mailing lists), click here.

Join the ASNSW: Want to become a member? Details and application forms are here.

Guest Speakers: The ASNSW engages guest speakers from leading Australian and overseas Astronomical institutions to address our meetings. In these talks you will hear about their latest research on a wide range of topics of astronomical interest. We also have talks from ASNSW members speaking on their latest projects or topics of interest to amateur observers. If you have an interest in Astronomy or are thinking of joining the ASNSW, come along to one of our Scheduled Meetings to listen to our guest speakers. Visitors are welcome. Refreshments are provided after the meeting.

Universe Magazine is the Journal of the ASNSW. Current and past issues are only available to logged-in paid-up ASNSW members.


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