ASV News

For members interested in comet and meteor shower news, observation reports, and images, please join the ASV Yahoo groups below.

ASV Comet Section:


ASV Meteor Section: 



Con Stoitsis


Great Melbourne Telescope

Great Melbourne Telescope Section Meeting
Wednesday 12 October, 6.45pm, (i.e. before the Monthly Meeting)
GMT House, Melbourne Observatory.
Speaker: Jim Pollock
Subject: The GMT Story and Update

Leon Mow Radio Observatory (LRMO)

The Radio Observatory at LMDSS has normally been found on-line at but we've recently moved some of the LMRO website onto the ASV website.

You can now check on the weather at LMDSS, look at the ALL SKY CAMERA day or night or look at results from any of the science projects running there.

You'll find the LMRO pages at or click on the "About us" menu bar at the top of this page.

The ASV Yearbook 2016

A PDF copy of the 2016 ASV Yearbook is available from the members download area

Website Updates

Members can now join and renew online with payment being accepted by PayPal - no need to fill out paper forms any more.

Login to the members area to process your renewal.

Robert Arrowsmith

ASV Website editor

Astronomy Twitter


I'll be posting regularly comet and meteor shower updates on Twitter. Please follow me at ConStoitsis@vivstoitsis


Con Stoitsis

Director, ASV Comet Section

Great Melbourne Telescope Restoration Project

A new GMT newsletter has been uploaded to the Phoenix page. You can download a copy here.


A summary presentation has been uploaded with images from the recent VASTROC 2013 event. Members can download the presentation from here.

Total Eclipse 14 November 2012

Image by Phil Hart

A total Eclipse of the Sun was visible in the Cairns / Port Douglas on 14 November 2102. Many ASV members travelled north to experience this rare event.

Visit the ASV Total Eclipse page to see images taken by ASV members.

 Click here to view.


Andrew Prentice Prediction 9 May 2012

Dr. Andrew Prentice's presentation from his speech at the ASV monthly meeting held on 9 May 2012 has been uploaded to the ASV website. You can download a copy using this link. Refer to page 94 for the details! Audio file

Dr. Prentice's final prediction relates to the Dawn Press Conference (NASA HQ, Washington DC) on Friday 11 May 2012: 4.00 am that will present a new analysis of the giant asteroid Vesta using data from the agency's Dawn spacecraft.

The prediction is as follows:

Chemically-uniform model: MOI (moment-of-inertia factor) = 0.388 +/- 0.004
Differentiated model: MOI = 0.369 +/- 0.004
Good luck Dr. Prentice and thank you for a very enjoyable speech.

21-May-2012 Update

GMT in the News

An interesting article about the Great Melbourne Telescope appeared in The Age recently:

The Age

New ASV Observatory

Thanks to Phil for this timelaspe movie of the new ASV Observatory construction at LMDSS.

LMDSS Observatory Raising from Phil Hart on Vimeo.

Beavis Star Atlas Story

A must read for all ASV members, and includes a great picture of Barry at the State Library of Victoria.  Fully story available online at The Age website.

ASV Comet Section


For members interested in all things comet related, please join the ASV Comet section yahoo page

The group caters for all levels of experience.

The group page has a wealth of information, including  finder charts on comets currently visible in our skies.

Please call me if you have any questions.


Con Stoitsis


ASV-Comet Section  0421 616 547

ASV on Facebook

They said it would never happen - but it has. The ASV is finally on Facebook. Please click on the icon below and join in the discussion, and don't forget to 'like' us.
