Cosmology & Astrophysics

Contributed by Ross Berner        (last updated 11 December 2016)

We usually meet on the 3rd* Wednesday each month from 8pm to 10:30pm at the ASV Lodge to discuss a Cosmology topic of the month, which includes a question and answer session around the table. (Topic is listed on Website week before meeting) (* = We wil be changing to 1st Wednesday in 2017.)

Members of all levels are welcome to attend and are incouraged to ask questions (if they wish).

Coming Meetings:


Topics for discussion generally are chosen from the following:

Discussions are normally based on published articles from Scientific & Astronomical publications, but are descriptive in approach. No Formulas

For more info contact: Ross Berner Phone: 0403 167 004 email:

Members can recieve info on topic by email by sending me their email address (to the above address).

Recommended Reading:

Recommended Websites