

Welcome to the ASV Astrophotography Section

Section Director: Nicholas Jones, 0402 022 228,


Yahoo Group

Facebook Group

We now have a facebook group called "ASV Astrophotography"

ASV Astrophotography

When requesting to join please provide your membership number 


Section meetings

Save the following dates in your calendar for the 2017 section meetings. The topics for the section meetings are yet to be determined. All section meetings take place at the ASV Lodge



Notable images from our section members

 M16 - Eagle nebula


M16 - The Eagle Nebula in narrowband

Terry Robison produced this wonderful narrowband image of M16 from his suburban home in Melbourne.

The Eagle Nebula is located in the constellation Serpens, 6,500-7000 light years away, and stretches approximately 70 by 55 light years. It is formed around a star cluster that is around 2 million years young. The nebula itself is a 5.5 million year old cloud of dust and molecular hydrogen gas, and is thought to contain several star forming regions.

Phillippe Loys de Cheseaux discovered the Eagle Nebula in the mid 18th century. But his original description was only the cluster of stars. Charles Messier independently rediscovered it in 1764 as part of his catalogue, giving it the catchy name of M16.

 Located in the top left hand side of the image, there is an incredible looking structure known as the Stellar Spire. It is roughly 9.5 light years long. Cosmic sea horse?

Enjoy this amazing view while you can as both the Spire and the Pillars in the Eagle Nebula are already likely to be gone. 8500 years ago, a supernova explosion created massive shock waves moving through the nebula. This process would have taken thousands of years to sweep through the region, in the end, destroying the delicate structures.

If you access to a fairly modest low powered telescope, or even with a pair of binoculars, you will be able to view this nebula from a dark location. You should be able to see around twenty stars, surrounded by gas and dust.

Instruments Used:

Telescope: RC10 (RCOS), Camera:STL-11000 (SBIG), Mount:AP900 (Astro-Physics), Filters: Ha 7nm, SII 8.0 nm, OIII 8.5 nm (Baader Planetarium)

 Image Details:Resolution:0.804 arcsec/pixFocal length: 2309.84 mm (9.1) Pixel size:9.00 um Image processing with CCDStack and Photoshop.


Monitor Calibration

Leon Mow Dark Sky Site

New Moon Weekends

Piers and Storage Locker

Astrophotography Observatory at LMDSS

Club Section

ASV Library

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