
The Origins of Osiris

Osiris is the oldest son of the Egyptian god of the Earth, Geb, and the sky goddess Nut. Geb is the son of the elements Tefnut (moisture) and Shu (dryness). He is the father  of Osiris, Set, Isis, and Nephthys. Geb was said to be eternally engaged in coitus with Nut, until Shu separated them. … ...
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Osiris & Horus

Horus was the son born of the goddess Isis and the god Osiris. Many believe that Horus was conceived after his father, Osiris was already dead. After the god Set had angrily dismembered and scattered Osiris all over the world, Isis searched for every part, retrieved all but one, and reassembled him. When she had … ...
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Osiris & Isis

The name Isis literally means “Queen of the Throne.” She was the mother figure in Egyptian mythology, and was both the sister and wife to Osiris. She was a funerary deity, like Osiris, and thusly became his wife by association. She and her sister, Nephthys often appeared on coffins, with their wings spread, to protect … ...
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Osiris & Isis: Sister, Wife, Mother

Isis was the daughter of Geb and Nut, the two supreme deities in Egyptian mythology. Originally she was promised to her brother Set, however, instead she fell in love with and married Osiris. Set was a dark and more sinister god, and after Isis chose Osiris over him, he became infuriated, making Osiris and he … ...
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Osiris & Dionysus

Many people fail to see the connection between Osiris and Dionysus, however, the “Osiris-Dionysus” refers to a group of deities that were worshipped before the time of Jesus Christ’s emergence. Scholars of religion, theology, and mythology have been debating for years that all of these figures in ancient religion have been other forms of Christ … ...
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