What's New header
Childcare proponent


Who'll watch the kids?

Working parents need affordable childcare. The U.S. can afford to fund it — and should.


A win for California inmates

The end of long-term solitary confinement in the state was a hard-won fight by prisoner activists.

From the Archives

Class — the Power That Heals

From Clara Fraser's "Socialism for Skeptics" series, a 1994 article that could not be more timely.

Wangan and Jagalingou people


Three reasons to STOP Adani

Sovereignty, the Great Barrier Reef and our planet

To breathe we have to fight


New Year’s Greetings from the Freedom Socialist Party: Make 2017 a Class Act

Many see 2016 as out of the ordinary. In some ways that’s true. In some essential ways, though, not so much.

Guadalupe Lizárraga


In support of journalist Guadalupe Lizárraga

An open letter to Mexican Attorney General Raúl Cervantes Andrade (English, español)

Moneybags on a lark


Debunking a few myths

“They’re takin’ our jobs” and other tall tales.

FSP members


Facing the future with confidence

The FSP’s convention — energizing prep for resistance by a party with 50 years of experience on the front lines.

fsp header

Welcome! The U.S. Freedom Socialist Party is a revolutionary, socialist feminist organization, dedicated to the replacement of capitalist rule by a genuine workers' democracy that will guarantee full economic, social, political and legal equality to all who are exploited, oppressed and repelled by the profit system and its offshoot—imperialism.

We are unionists, antiwar activists, free speech advocates, environmentalists, gay freedom fighters and rebellious people of color and youth. There are branches of the party in San Francisco, New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles and Portland and a sympathizing section in Australia. Our sister organization Radical Women is the leftwing of the feminist movement and the feminist wing of the socialist movement.

Learn more about the party by subscribing to the bimonthly Freedom Socialist newspaper. It carries analysis, commentary, humor, and cartoons on the worldwide struggle for human emancipation. Or order books and pamphlets by socialist feminist theorists and revolutionary poets from Red Letter Press, the party's publishing house.