Not my president

us elections

Don’t mourn, organize!

The god-awful election is not a reason for doom and gloom. What’s behind it and how to fight back effectively. (English, español)

Andrea Bauer


Syria’s ruin

The bloody, multi-country counter-revolution is rooted in the profit system — capitalism.


Facing the future with confidence

The Freedom Socialist Party’s convention — energizing prep for resistance by a party with 50 years of experience on the front lines. Also: ¡Saludos! Greetings from Partido Obrero Socialista

Megan Cornish


Wanted: labor’s own party

Unionists and unorganized workers need a militant party of their own.

Linda Averill


A win for California inmates

The end of long-term solitary confinement in the state was a hard-won fight by prisoner activists.

Lois Danks


Corrupt politicians unseat Brazil’s president

After voters rejected the Workers’ Party, business groups jockeyed to put one of their own in power. (English, español)

Guerry Hoddersen


Texas orchestra members walk out

Musicians mount a rare strike to save the Fort Worth Symphony.

Sandra MacKAY


Curing Parkinson’s will take more than hope

Big Pharma’s focus on profits is a barrier to progress on this severe disease.

Fred Hyde

movie review

From patriotic geek to whistleblower

Edward Snowden’s exposure of the National Security Agency’s domestic spying program makes for a gripping movie.

Steven Strauss


Let’s expel the electoral college

It has its roots in slavery. Enough said?

letters to the editor

Prisons ban a Black newspaper ...

Also: the Everett Massacre anniversary; feedback on the Democrat’s history of racism; an update on Mumia Abu-Jamal; and kudos from FS fans.

Tlingit canoe


Standing fast at Standing Rock

Water defenders throw a wrench into pipeline process. Also: a report from the front lines.

Construction site


Affirmative action = class solidarity

Stopping the right wing’s attack on labor starts with working people unifying in self defense.

Demo in Guerrero


Mexico political prisoner campaign

Divisions in the indigenous rights movement in the wake of Nestora Salgado’s release. (English, español)

Community control


“Officer Friendly” isn’t a solution

Elected civilian review boards are needed to rein in police violence, not community policing and other toothless reforms.

Childcare proponent

radical women

Who will watch the kids?

Working parents need affordable childcare. The U.S. can afford to fund it — and should.

Moneybags on a lark


Debunking a few myths

“They’re takin’ our jobs” and other tall tales.

Signs outside the courtroom

political prisoners

Manning: pioneer on two fronts

Government whistleblower and trans activist Chelsea Manning needs your support.