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The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory says a comet may be visible as people welcome in 2017 on Saturday. If you miss it, don't worry! Several comets are expected to be visible throughout the year.

Apart from the traditional fireworks and illuminated ball in Times Square, look for a blazing comet to light the night sky on New Year’s Eve.

The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory said a comet may be visible as people welcome in 2017 on Saturday.

“Say farewell to 2016 in cosmic style by looking up to see the #NewYearsEve #comet on December 31,” the laboratory said in a Wednesday Instagram post.

Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova will be near the moon on New Year's Eve, NASA said.

The comet, NASA said, was expected to appear in the western horizon on Dec. 15 and had a bluish-green head by Dec. 21. The comet is a periodic comet, which returns to the inner solar system about every 5 years.

Dr. David Reitzel, an astronomical lecturer at Griffith Observatory in California, said the comet is visible now using a telescope or strong binoculars. On Saturday, people should point their instruments to the west just after sunset to catch a glimpse of the comet, which will be just to the left of the crescent moon. For a good view, go somewhere away from residential lights.

It looks like 2017 may be a good year for comet spotting. NASA said people will be able to view several throughout the year. In fact, Reitzel said people can take a peek at Comet 45P when it's closer to Earth — about 7.5 million miles away — on Feb. 11.

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