
"I don't care what they say. No computer is safe," Donald Trump said. | AP Photo

Trump: No computer safe from hacking

President-elect Donald Trump said Saturday evening that no computer is safe from hacking and that some communications should be sent by courier.

"I don't care what they say. No computer is safe," Trump said while taking questions at the Grand Ballroom of Mar-a-Lago ahead of his New Year's Eve party, according to pool reports, adding that messages should be sent by courier, "the old fashioned way."

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Taking questions from reporters for about five minutes, the president-elect said he wants to be sure the intelligence community's analysis of Russian influence in hacking is correct, because "if you look at the weapons of mass destruction, that was a disaster, and they were wrong."

He continued by saying "hacking is a very hard thing to prove."

"So it could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation,” Trump said.

When asked what he knew that other people don't know, Trump said: "You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”

When asked about President Barack Obama's push to defend the Affordable Care Act, Trump said he believes it is not working and needs to be replaced.

“He's president until January 20. And then after that it's our turn. So we'll see what happens," the president-elect said. "He's gotta protect what he wants to do and perhaps he could save his legacy but when you look at Obamacare you have in many cases over 100 percent increase. It's unaffordable, it doesn't work."

On a separate question as to if he feels like Obama is trying to undermine him, the president-elect said: "We have a very good relationship."

He pivoted, however, to the U.N. resolution on Israeli settlements, criticizing "what he's done with Israel."

"Look, we have to protect Israel, Israel to me is very very important, we have to protect Israel, and I disagree with what he's done with Israel," Trump said. "I listened to Secretary Kerry's speech, I think it's very unfair to Israel, what happened.”

"Hopefully we're going to have great relationships with many countries, it includes Russia and it includes China," Trump said.