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Russia's Five Most Memorable Censorship Moments of 2016

As 2016 comes to a close, RuNet Echo looks back at the five most controversial, infamous, and even ironic actions this year by Russia's federal censors.

Bangladesh Blocks 560 Porn Sites

Bangladesh is a Muslim-majority country, where many people have expressed concerns about the spread and consumption of online pornography. But it is also a democracy.

Iranian Civil Rights Defender Continues Hunger Strike, Protesting His Wife's Arrest For Fiction Writings

The campaign to free civil rights defender Arash Sadeghi has reached a critical point. Two months into his hunger strike, many worry Sadeghi's life is on the line.

Imprisoned Iranian Activist Faces New Charges After Complaint About Mistreatment

"When asked to produce a warrant, they attacked me. One of the agents, who I’m embarrassed to say was a woman, started to beat me."

When They Censored Messaging Apps on Election Day, Montenegrin Regulators ‘Acted Legally’

Political oppositionists and prominent members of the country's civil society say the government's crackdown on social media harmed Montenegro's freedom of expression at a time when it was most needed.

Former Kuwaiti Lawmaker Sentenced to 42 Years in Jail for Tweets, ‘Insulting Saudi Arabia’

Dashti is a critic of Saudi Arabia, in particular its war in Yemen. He is also known for his controversial support of the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad

Netizen Report: Threats on Civil Society Reach New Heights in Macedonia, Egypt

Global Voices Advocacy's Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.

Assaults on Rights Activists Harm Civil Society — And Saudi Arabia's Progress

Saudi Arabia's ongoing crackdown on peaceful activism is depriving activists of their freedom and basic rights -- and it's costing the kingdom the work and creativity of its brightest reformists.

Macedonia's Ruling Party Lashes Out at Civil Society After Contested Elections

Flyers naming civil society members (so-called “traitors”) were distributed in the mailboxes and under windshield wipers throughout the capital, Skopje. Others were targeted on social media.

Thailand’s New Computer Crimes Law Threatens Free Speech and Encryption

"The law's most serious shortcoming is in its giving too much power for authorities to make their own judgement whether certain actions may be deemed in violation of the law."

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