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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Using UNFCCC materials
  2. Hyperlinking
  3. Event participation
  4. Press and media
  5. Viewing content
  6. General

1. Using UNFCCC materials

Do you have photos and videos of UNFCCC events that I can use?

Photos and videos provided by the UNFCCC may be downloaded and used free of charge on condition that the photos and content are not modified and credit is given. Photos may be downloaded from the UNFCCC Flickr account.
Videos can be provided upon request, please see the UNFCCC You Tube channel, and the UNFCCC webcast archive for reference. Please send your request to

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB), an IISD service, provides third party media coverage of UNFCCC events. Please visit their UNFCCC event archives and then find the appropriate photo pages. Their photos are available for use, free of charge, in non-commercial publications with appropriate citation. Their website contains instructions on usage and citation requirements. However, if you are not sure about a particular use, please contact the Director of IISD Reporting Services for permission.

May I use the official UNFCCC logo?
Use of the UNFCCC logo requires written authorization from the UNFCCC secretariat. Requests to use the UNFCCC logo should be addressed to

Can I use the official United Nations emblem?
The official emblem of the United Nations is intended for official use and may not be used by persons or organizations outside of the UN system without authorization of the Secretary-General. Please note that anyone wishing to use the United Nations emblem should submit an official request in writing to the Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations. Please visit the pdf-icon United Nations website for more information.

Can I redistribute your press releases, or link to them?
You may redistribute UNFCCC press releases provided you credit UNFCCC. Alternatively, you may link to UNFCCC press releases from your website. Please note, the UNFCCC secretariat distributes its own press releases and does not post third party press releases on its website.

I want to get graphs and data about climate change. What is available and can I use it?
All official texts, data and documents are in the public domain and may be freely downloaded, copied and printed provided no change to the content is introduced, and the source is acknowledged. You can find graphs and data in our background publications and the GHG data section of our website. Alternatively, you may wish to visit the IPCC--they have posted numerous scientific charts that can be downloaded in a variety of convenient formats.

2. Hyperlinking

Can you link to our organization's website?
The UNFCCC website may only link to the websites of accredited non-governmental organizations. A list of those IGOs and NGOs can be found on our dedicated webpages. For detailed information on the documentation needed for seeking admission as an observer organization, kindly visit the dedicated web page.

Can I link to the UNFCCC web site or a particular document?
Anyone may link to the UNFCCC website or a particular document. If you wish to link to a particular document, please credit the source, be it from UNFCCC or another author. When establishing hyperlinks to our site, please use our full name "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change"; do not use our acronym UNFCCC.

3. Event participation

Are UNFCCC meetings open to the general public?
No. Each participant must be properly accredited and registered.

Who can participate in UNFCCC meetings, and how do they accredit themselves?
There are different participation groups at UNFCCC meetings; these include:

  1. Government delegate, duly nominated as part of the official delegation from one of the Parties to the Convention and/or its Kyoto Protocol, or as a delegate from an observer State. Nominations for delegations are received from the respective governments, usually through the National Focal Point. For sessions of the COP and CMP, official credentials are issued by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  2. Observers from admitted non-governmental or intergovernmental organizations. Nominations must be made by the Designated Contact Points of admitted organizations using the online registration system (ORS). Please see the civil society web page for more information.
  3. Observer from a United Nations organization or specialized agency. Nominations are received from the respective organization.
  4. Member of the press. Media participation at UNFCCC Conferences is subject to accreditation by the UNFCCC secretariat. Accreditation is strictly reserved for members of the press who fully meet UN media accreditation requirements. For more information, please visit the accreditation section.

4. Press and media

When should I accredit myself for UNFCCC meetings?
Accreditation usually opens two months prior to the meeting. It is advisable to apply for accreditation in advance, to avoid any unnecessary delays at the meeting venue.

Where can I learn about press accreditation for UNFCCC meetings?
Please visit our web section on press and media accreditation (also available in French and Spanish)

Please read our pdf-icon FAQs on press accreditation (273 kB) for more detailed information.

Can you send me a list of UNFCCC accredited media persons?

Information on media accreditation for UNFCCC meetings is for internal use only and confidential. The UNFCCC secretariat does not distribute media lists.

I would like to stay informed about UNFCCC news and events. Can you add me to your mailing list?
If you wish to be added to the UNFCCC's media mailing list, send a message to Alternatively, when you begin the media accreditation process, you will have an opportunity to sign up for this service.

5. Viewing content

How can I view webcasts on your site, do I need special software?


Mac OS

Mobile Devices (iOS, Android)

  • iOS 5.0+ (iPhone), iOS 5.0+ (iPad)
  • Android 4.0. Depending on the used Hardware. Not all Android devices support live video streaming.

Webcast content produced before November 2009 requires the installation of the Real Player.

How can I view documents?
Documents are available in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and sometimes in HTML. PDF is the standard format, adopted by the United Nations, for issuing official documents electronically. The task of updating this "digital library" is ongoing, and documents are posted as they become available.

Which browser do I need to view the web site?
The site can be viewed with all newer versions of all browsers. As the website uses style sheets for layout, you may have problems viewing the site in older browsers. If you are using an older version (e.g. netscape navigator < version 5.0) please use the text version of the site. And if you wish to view the website with a PDA or other hand-held devise, use the text version of the website.

6. General

Where do I find information about the United Nations in non-official languages?
German language resources: Regionales Informationszentrum der UNO and documents in German.
Information about the UN in other non-official languages

Where can I find information about intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations?
Please visit our dedicated web pages for IGOs and NGOs.

Website statistics
UNFCCC website statistics