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Long-term Climate Finance


The work programme on long-term finance, launched by the Conference of the Parties (COP) at its seventeenth session and extended at its eighteenth session, concluded its work at COP 19 in Warsaw.

COP 19, by pdf-icon decision 3/CP.19, and subsequently with further specifications in pdf-icon decision 5/CP.20, decided to continue deliberations on long-term finance with three core elements for the period 2014 to 2020: biennial submissions by developed country Parties on their updated approaches and strategies for scaling up climate finance; annual in-session workshops; and biennial high-level ministerial dialogues on climate finance.

For more background information on long-term climate finance, please click here.

Events and in-session workshop on long-term climate finance in 2016

In-session workshop on long-term climate finance in 2016, 18 May 2016
Download summary report of the in-session workshop
Please click here for the programme, presentations and inputs

Webinar on the design of the in-session workshop in 2016, 14 April 2016
Please click here for more information

Archive of previous work on long-term climate finance

Past workshops, meetings and events

Here you can find information on LTF work programme, including all presentations and recordings of workshops and events

LTF workshops and events in 2015

LTF workshops and events in 2014

Extended work programme on LTF in 2013

Work programme on LTF in 2012

Documents related to long-term climate finance

ltf box 4

Here you can find relevant decisions, reports and other useful information on LTF.

Please click here to access the documents.

Please click here for information on the COP 19 High-level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance.