Peter Meurs' higher calling with Mormons

Former Fortescue Metals Group executive Peter Meurs in Temple Square, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Former Fortescue Metals Group executive Peter Meurs in Temple Square, Salt Lake City, Utah. Supplied

Peter Meurs is feeling liberated.

After more than a decade spent handing out orders in senior roles at Worley Parsons and Fortescue Metals Group, he is suddenly on the receiving end.

"I have had almost total freedom in business to travel where I needed to and do what I wanted to do. Now I get my marching orders and follow them," he says of his new role with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

As often is the case with Meurs, he is being modest.

In his new role as a "General Authority Seventy", Warrnambool-born Meurs has assumed one of the highest ranks in the Mormon church.

Under the church's complicated leadership structure, there are just three levels of leadership above the General Authority Seventy, and those three levels contain just 22 people.

"We have a prophet and two counsellors and then 12 apostles, they are the leaders of the church in every way, and the General Authority Seventies ... take our assignments from them. We effectively extend their reach, the things we teach are the things they teach," Meurs tells AFR Weekend from his temporary base at the church's global headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Meurs moved to Salt Lake City with his wife Maxine in August after announcing his exit from Fortescue in April.

A General Authority Seventy is not a role that one casually applies for; it is unpaid, lasts for 10 years and only comes to those who are called (or invited) by the church.

Meurs is just the second Australian to be invited into such esteemed company, after Terence Vinson, a fund manager and financial adviser with Sydney's Northhaven Wealth Management, joined the ranks in 2013.

"They all have very different backgrounds but they have all been called like I was from successful positions in business or medicine or whatever they were doing, so there is great diversity among them (General Authority Seventy) but incredible capability as well," he says of his 84 new peers.

"I feel very humble just to be associated with them, to be honest."

While the change surprised some observers, in many ways it was a natural progression for Meurs, who has been heavily involved in the church most of his life.

As a young man he deferred his mechanical engineering degree at Melbourne's Monash University for two years to travel overseas as a volunteer missionary for the church.

He remained active throughout his business career, and served as an "Area Seventy" in the Pacific region while he was living in Perth and leading Fortescue's $US9.2 billion expansion project between 2010 and 2014.

That "T155" project was completed quicker than anyone in the mining industry thought possible, and it transformed Fortescue from a marginal player to one of the world's lowest-cost producers of iron ore.

Fortescue, in which Meurs is the 17th biggest shareholder with a stake worth about $62 million, can now export three times more iron ore each year than it could before the expansion.

Meurs says he loved the contrast of his dual roles with the church and Fortescue.

"I had assignments on weekends with conferences as far away as Tahiti, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, plus Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. So in the middle of the T155 project at Fortescue I was disappearing on a couple of weekends each month to somewhere far away doing a church assignment as a volunteer," he says.

"We were spending about $600 million per month and I was visiting some places where most people were subsistence farmers. It just gave such a good perspective on life and kept your feet on the ground."

Meurs, who has been named on the BRW Rich List several times, will spend a year in Salt Lake City learning the ropes before being posted to serve in another part of the world.

"For the training assignment in Salt Lake we are spending a month in each department of the church in preparation for being assigned to one of the 15 areas of the church worldwide," he says.

"After the April general conference I will be assigned to one of the 15 area presidencies which effectively run the church units in that area of the world."

On weekends Meurs is often sent to church conferences in different parts of the US, where he helps to preside over the proceedings and occasionally helps with the selection of new leaders for local congregations.

At other times he travels to visit Mormon missionaries who are spending their youth in the same way Meurs spent his.

"Recently I was in West Virginia with my wife and we did a mission tour for three days and we met with missionaries in a couple of locations and we talked and motivated them and listened to them, and that is also incredibly rewarding to do because you can pass on life experiences to them," he says.

"They are amazing young people, particularly for this generation to go and basically serve and do things for others entirely for two whole years. It completely changes their life and outlook."

Despite regular headlines about the decline of organised religion in developed nations, Meurs says the Mormon church is growing, both in Australia and around the world.

"It grows at 300,000 or 400,000 new members per year consistently, and it is getting towards 16 million members," he says. In the 2011 census 60,000 Australians said they were Mormon.

Meurs rejects the notion that religion is becoming less relevant in modern society.

"It seems like in much of the world we are having a very good go at throwing away all of the values and principles that have kept us safe and happy, particularly family structures and our commitment to each other in marriage and a lot of those fundamental values," he says.

"The consequences of that we don't fully understand. Being in an organisation that remains consistent, teaches really good principles and is very much aligned to Christ's teachings, it feels very good.

"You see a lot of business leaders and other leaders coming out of the church because of the things it promotes, and I feel good about that because, of all the things I could be doing, this one seems to have the most potential impact on the world for good."

During his time at Fortescue, Meurs was not the only man of faith holding high office.

The company's chairman and founder Andrew Forrest is a proud Christian, former executive Herbert "Bud" Scruggs was a mission president with the Mormon church and blue-collar workers on Fortescue's hot, remote mines often share in a group prayer before starting their day's work.

While Fortescue is still largely an Australian company, it has always relied strongly on US investors and US debt, and has become increasingly international with subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Singapore and, at one stage, Mozambique.

Meurs' other alma mater, Worley Parsons, is even more international, with a presence in all of the world's populated continents.

But Meurs says his work with the church has opened his eyes to the challenges and opportunities that come with a truly international organisation.

"The church is very well established in Australia and New Zealand with multi-generational members, but it is just emerging in West Africa, where it is growing very rapidly but most of the leaders have only been in the church for a few years. Then there are different levels of literacy, different cultures and customs that all have to be taken account of, and yet the church is completely consistent in how it runs its meetings and processes," he says.

"In the large organisations I have worked for you would travel around the world and there would be significant differences in practice. Even between two mine sites there would be differences in practice, whereas this organisation over years has just maintained total consistency. So if you go to church in France it is in French, but otherwise it is the same.

"It is so different to the normal corporate structure and yet incredibly powerful."

Come April, Meurs and Maxine will pack up their apartment in Salt Lake City, and relocate to a new part of the world.

"My assignment is until I am 70 years of age. I become emeritus at 70, so I know my release date, which is 2026," he says.

He has no plans to resume his stellar business career, nor paid work for that matter, and he looks forward to his next calling.

"I have been in a church that has all voluntary positions all my life, and callings come and go and some of them are significant and others are less significant and they all provide opportunities to serve, and this was just another one that came along."