WA News

'Frat party' not the first time Brass Monkey Hotel has courted controversy

The Brass Monkey Hotel has issued a second apology on for using sexist banners to promote an upcoming event, saying its staff would be educated about the issue, however WAtoday can reveal this isn't the first time the Northbridge bar has landed itself in hot water.

The Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group, which owns the Brass Monkey Hotel, was forced to issue a written apology to the Consumers of Mental Health WA in November after it hosted an asylum-themed Halloween party that prompted a number of complaints from the public.

The event's promotion featured a young woman in a strait jacket and encouraged guests to "get admitted to the institution and go crazy".

The CoMHWA threatened to take legal action against the bar under anti-discrimination laws which led ALH Group to issue an apology.

"The theme and associated images were never intended to cause any offence," the apology read.

"We would like to express our regret in using a theme that may have caused stigma or stereotypes of people affected by mental health issues.


"[We] will be mindful of the entertainment themes for future events held at the hotel."

However it seems the bar didn't heed its own advice with a furore over sexist banners it displayed on its balcony on Thursday to promote a fraternity-themed New Year's Eve party. 

The Brass Monkey Hotel has been forced to cancel its 'Frat Fest' event this Saturday due to a public backlash against the banners which were slammed as "a shameless celebration of rape culture".

Such was the public discontent that the bar's owners, AHL Group, issued a second apology on Friday. 

"We unreservedly apologise for the totally inappropriate messages placed on the outside of the Brass Monkey Hotel," the apology read.

"The words used were offensive and harmful and the messages were utterly unacceptable under any circumstances.

"This does not reflect the values of the Hotel and we have taken appropriate action to both educate the staff and to ensure this will never happen again."

Some of the banner messages which landed the bar in hot water read: "Our couches pull out, but we don't", "Drop your freshmen daughters off here" and "You teach her morals, we'll teach her oral".

A Boycott the Brass Monkey Hotel Facebook page was set up in protest against the sexist banners and had attracted nearly 400 likes by 4pm Friday, while one of the artists who was due to perform at the 'Frat Fest' withdrew after learning of the sexist banners. 

Meanwhile, a venue across the road from The Brass Monkey Hotel hit out the sexist banners by hanging their own banner titled "women are amazing".

"We normally don't like to comment on other bars and their doings. But we thought we should hang our own banner in contrast to the stupidity across the road," the Mechanics' Institute. Small Bar posted on Facebook.