ACT News

Airbnb listings in Canberra double in 2016

The number of homes in Canberra being listed on Airbnb has more than doubled in the past year.

New figures have revealed more than 700 homes or apartments were listed on the home-sharing website in 2016.

The figures also showed that 27,000 people used the service in the past 12 months, as Airbnb continues to grow in the capital.

Airbnb Australia country manager Sam McDonagh said he expected more Canberrans to open up their homes to guests in the coming year.

"Overwhelmingly, hosts in the ACT are everyday mums and dads, seniors and young families listing their primary residence," he said.

"This modest extra income helps to pay off the mortgage, cover bills or to afford to take the family on a holiday."


An Airbnb guest in Canberra spends on average 3.4 nights in the capital, while forking out $109 per night for their stay.

While Canberra's Airbnb use had its largest increase in 2016, it still pales in comparison to Sydney, which was recently placed fifth in the world for the largest number of Airbnb users.

Sydney was just behind Paris, London, New York and Los Angeles, while Melbourne failed to make the top 10, despite having a 40 per cent increase in users in 2016.

A typical Australian property host on the website rents their house out for 28 days per year, earning more than $4700.

As a country, Australia is the fifth largest nation of Airbnb users, with an estimated 18 per cent of all Australians having an Airbnb account.

One of them is Braddon resident Tim van der Linden, who started listing his apartment in Acton last month.

He said in the time he started using the website, his apartment has had a 90 per cent occupancy rate.

"I think I've had about four guests in the time that I've listed it," he said.

"It's been a lot of business people during the week, which is probably better value than staying in a hotel."

Mr van der Linden, who only bought the apartment recently, said the decision to list it on Airbnb was an easy one.

"I figured I could get a higher return than if I was to rent it out. I would like to live in the apartment eventually though," he said.

"I've planned to list it for maybe a year or two, but if it earns a bit, I might do it a bit longer."