Showing posts with label Winnipeg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winnipeg. Show all posts

19 April 2017

ARC's Response to Outing of "Nazi Mom"

We're sure that by this point, talk about ARC's communication with the woman referred to as the "Nazi Mom" has become fairly wide spread within the bonehead community in Canada and elsewhere as a result of poor security on her part. There is no indication that ARC email accounts have been compromised.

To address the elephant in the room, I will admit that ARC is guilty as charged.

"Nazi Mom" (and she will continue to be referred to as such given the legal issues related to the child custody issue that has been going on for close to 10 years now) contacted ARC in the middle of 2014. While still associated with the movement, she provided information about those individuals that she felt were not of moral rectitude. Eventually, and over the years, this writer began speaking to her on a more human level as I thought that perhaps I might be able to lead her out of the movement that she had been a part of for much of her adult life; those efforts may or may not have been naive on my part, but as I have found some success in the past, I figure that it was worth a try.

In any case, a former friend of the "Nazi Mom" who found himself with access to her email account sent information to myself and others concerning allegations of theft and prostitution, as well as evidence that she had been in contact with ARC for a number of years. One of the individuals who received the information was Bill Noble who promptly posted some of her contacts with ARC on the hate site Stormfront. Among those who replied was Kevin Goudreau who posted messages threatening the "Nazi Mom" and demanding that she reveal more of the identity of your's truly. That thread on Stormfront was either removed or moved to a members only part of the forum before I was able to get any screen shots, though I did manage to save part of the text of one of Noble's posts which will be discussed later.

In response to Bill Noble, I have the following question:

Do you really think that she is the only informant within your movement that ARC has?

8 November 2015

August Kreis III: Sentenced to 50 Years For Child Molestation

Back in June 2008 we ran a story concerning neo-Nazi parents (one of whom we continue to refer to as "Nazi Mom") who had attended the first Aryan Guard march in Calgary. This particular couple, now divorced, hit the news when Child and Family Services removed the children from their home after "Nazi Mom" had sent her daughter to school with racist iconography scrawled in marker all over her daughter's arms. Despite attempting to regain custody, "Nazi Mom" never did regain her parental rights.

At the time the news hit the msm, the usual suspects jumped in to support "Nazi Mom" and "Nazi Dad." The most prominent included Paul Fromm and members of the Aryan Guard itself, but they also received some international support:

August Kreis III, the leader of the Aryan Nations, told the Winnipeg Free Press his organization is prepared to mobilize whatever resources are necessary -- including financial and legal -- to ensure the decision isn't allowed to stand. He said the case is unlike anything he's ever heard of and fears it will set a dangerous precedent across North America.

"We're all family people. If they can do this in Canada, how long until they are doing it down here?" Mr. Kreis said in an interview from his home in South Carolina.
"The Canadians need to know we support this fight, that they are not alone. We're all over, and there are a lot of Canadians who feel the same way we do and are fed up with all this multiculturalism."

Mr. Kreis said he wouldn't advise his followers to turn their children into so-called "billboards" -- such as what is alleged to have happened in Winnipeg -- but added that's hardly grounds to have children removed from a home.

Mr. Kreis questions why similar seizures haven't been made of children being raised by homosexual or lesbian parents.

Ah, they are, "all family people" eh? Big supporters of the 14 words, no doubt.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

It is such a relief that family men such as August Kreis are looking out for the welfare of "white" families and their children. Kreis himself was a family man having sired many children himself.

And just how well protected were the "white" children under Kreis' care?

25 October 2014

Reaction to the Tragedies in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Ottawa

Well I'm back.

Did I miss anything?

There are a lot of stories I would like to get to eventually. For example I've been digging up some information on a Winnipeg misanthrope posting on Stormfront as "vikingwarlord14" named Jonathan (and trust us when we note that the online moniker is yet another example of a delusion of grandeur). And god knows that Paulie's photos deserve more attention. Well, that's a poor choice of words. Dear god! Even when this writer takes some time off I'm subjected to a horror that so living soul should be subjected to. Paul Fromm. In a leather bondage thong. That's an image that, once seen, can never be unseen.

But I really think I would remiss if I didn't first make mention of the tragedies of the past week in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Ottawa.

I'm not going to belabor the basics that we all already know, though I will provide a brief background. Patrice Vincent and Nathan Cirillo were murdered in two distinct attacks. The two accused, also dead, were Canadian-born recent converts to Islam who have been described as having been radicalized. Neither man appears to have known the other and the second attack in Ottawa appears to have been a copycat attack inspired by the events in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. At least one of the men had a long, troubled, history before his conversion to Islam and had been tossed out of a mosque as a result of his extremist views. The other had attempted to travel to Turkey in order to hook up with ISIS (a particularly evil, fascistic, Islamic movement in Syria and Iraq responsible for countless atrocities) but was prevented from doing so by the authorities; numerous people, including his parents and Imam, tried to steer him away from radical views but were sadly not successful. Both men may or may not have been inspired by ISIS' call for those supporting them to engage in attacks on targets overseas, though it appears likely there was no direct connection. Both may or may not have been mentally ill.

Since the attacks, Muslim Canadians have denounced the murders loudly and unambiguously:

Winnipeg Muslims condemn soldier attacks, fear backlash

Canadian Muslim group calls Ottawa attacks ‘repulsive’

Ottawa shooting: Canadian Muslims denounce attacks

While condemning the murder of Vincent and Cirillo is admirable, one might be troubled by what appears to be the assigning of group guilt to Muslim-Canadians. If there was not a condemnation of the attacks by Muslims, they would be accused of secretly supporting those attacks. I can't recall Roman Catholics in Canada being required to condemn the actions of the IRA, for example, or be suspected of implicitly supporting sectarian violence in Ireland.

But regardless of how many times our fellow Canadians denounce violence carried out by extremists, there seem to be those who will ignore those denunciations and still tar all Muslims as extremists, as our friend Ed Kennedy (formerly of the currently defunct Free Dominion) proves once again:

Not surprisingly, the boneheads we cover here on the blog also jumped into the mix. The irony of some of their comments given some of their criminal backgrounds (keep in mind that "Freedom Fighter" is Kyle McKee) appears lost on them:

29 April 2014

Flyers and Graffiti

Over the last two weeks, there have been a few events that have resulted in some coverage in the mainstream press that would be of interest to our readers. The biggest story is the one about the flyer that was distributed by a group calling itself Immigration Watch Canada in Brampton:

"Mainstream Canadians" = white Canadians apparently
Actually, given the euphemistic name the IWC has given itself, we sort of appreciate that they decided to be so overt in their racism. Kinda puts it right out there in the open.

Condemnation of the flyer has been widespread and varied and has resulted in a police investigation, but not to worry. You see the spokesman for the group says that the flyer isn't racist and that it's the people who view the obviously racist flyer as racist who are the real problems:
"That's the standard answer that they all give. They can't think of anything else to say, so they play the race card or call you a xenophobe," Murray said in a telephone interview on Friday. "If we are going to throw around names, I'll call them a bunch of cowards and quislings –  the mainstream part of the population that engages in that type of conversation."
Yeah. Because how could one possible come to the conclusion that the ad is xenophobic? Crazy, right?

Of course the quisling accusation sort of echos the claims of people like Paulie Fromm and his fellow travellers that immigration is akin to a foreign invasion, so that doesn't help their claim to not being racist. Hell, we half expect them to start spouting off the Whitaker mantra.

And it also doesn't help your rejection of the racist label when your flyer results in Bill Noble and the folks on Stormfront showing you a little love:

5 October 2013

Individual Involved In Freemen-on-the-Land Group Near Grande Prairie Connected to Bill Noble

We received more information regarding our post from October 3.

Our readers are well familiar with many of the recurring characters in the Canadian racist movement. And counted among the more colorful characters would have to be Bill Noble. A few posts to remind our readers and to bring up to speed any who are unfamiliar with Billy's antics:

The above photo is a few years old now. It was taken when Billy took some time to, "live off the land" or something to that effect. Billy was actually brought up off the grid in British Columbia and as an adult came to view himself as a "freeman" which was a philosophy (one he appears to have adopted before being sentenced to 4 months in jail and which he justified the immediate violation of his parole) he was able to easily mesh with his "White Nationalist" views. For a while he was an acolyte of Dean Clifford whom we have also profiled here on the blog (here, here, and here) until there was a falling out between the two of them.

So when we were told that one of the people involved in the most recent, "freemen-on-the-land" escapade near Grande Prairie, Alberta was tied to someone from the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour, we assumed it had to be Billy.

But we were wrong.

24 June 2012

Interesting Bill Noble Update

ARC hasn't spoken much about Bill Noble, though we have noted that he has left his son and that son's mother back in Calgary when he relocated to Winnipeg. He's still active in the movement, if operating a mostly moribund webform for a group who's leader is currently in jail is active. But he's still giving young up-and-comer "boneheads" advice:

But there has been something interesting that has happened.

Bill has a new girlfriend who seems to be exercising some level of influence on him.

For example, between May 25 and June 3, Winnipeg celebrated it's 25th annual Gay Pride week. One wouldn't expect a well known (at least in our world) neo-Nazi to attend a Gay Pride event, but that's just what Bill did.

And he seems to have had a good time too.

I can't blame him. I've had a blast at every Gay Pride event I've ever attended. Great music, wonderful people, and at least the one's I've gone to have had great street food.

But it will be interesting to see how Bill, if he still claims to be an active, "bonehead" will explain his attendance to people less open-minded than we here at ARC.

6 December 2011

Update on Winnipeg Teen Who Assaulted Jewish Student

Defiant after alleged race attack
-- Highly public debate on Internet -- Teen accused of torching Jewish girl's hair

By: Gabrielle Giroday and Mike McIntyre
Posted: 12/6/2011 1:00 AM

A Winnipeg teen accused of a racist attack on a Jewish high school student is now stirring debate about the incident through his very public Facebook page.

Police confirmed Monday a 15-year-old boy had been charged with assault with a weapon for allegedly using a lighter to burn the hair of a Jewish classmate while uttering anti-Semitic remarks in the halls of Oak Park High School.

But while police said it was still being determined whether the boy will be charged with hate crimes, the boy had a message of his own, a picture of himself on his Facebook page wearing a shirt with a slogan relating that he loves "haters."

And he's being lauded by others online for the alleged attack.

5 December 2011

Winnipeg Teen Facing Possible Hate Crime Charges

Regarding the story that we re-posted here, perhaps one of our readers might be able to give us a heads up on who the accused might be?

Winnipeg teen who allegedly burned Jewish girl’s hair may face race hate charge

Dec 4, 2011 – 9:25 PM ET | Last Updated: Dec 5, 2011 10:30 AM ET

A 15-year-old Manitoba youth who police say has anti-Semitic sympathies may face a hate-crime charge for allegedly pinning a Jewish classmate against a row of lockers and burning her hair with a lighter.

3 December 2011

Jewish Teen Attacked in Winnipeg

Attack on Jewish teen ‘shocking’

Hair burned with lighter by fellow student

A POLICE probe is underway into an incident at a Winnipeg high school involving a student with Nazi links who reportedly used a lighter to burn the hair of a Jewish student. The altercation in a hallway at Oak Park High School last month apparently also saw the 15-year-old boy make anti-Semitic slurs toward the 15-year-old girl.

4 September 2011

Nazi Mom Interviewed on CBC Radio.

We haven't heard much from "Nazi Mom" in a while now, aside from a single Facebook conversation she participated in. But yesterday we learned that an updated story and interview would be on CBC Radio's, "The World This Weekend." Our readers can listen to the program by clicking this link here. The "Nazi Mom" segment starts at 19:35.

A brief synopsis: "Nazi Mom" is trying to win back custody of her children, however she's taking a rather novel approach in her efforts. Instead of cleaning herself up and dissociating herself from the movement that resulted in the trouble in the first place (though there was the presence of drugs and alcohol in the household, the general neglect, the arrest for theft and the other factors that played a significant role in the removal of the children), "Nazi Mom" instead has subscribed to the Bill Noble school of judicial strategy and is simply claiming that the law doesn't apply to her.

Yep, "Nazi Mom" has gone all sovereign citizen, or detaxer, on us.

Uhm, yeah. Let us know how that turns out (as you have already spent time in jail as a result of your harassment, we can save everyone the time and just write that it ain't going to go well).

UPDATE: At 7:34, one can also hear a shortened version of the story by clicking here.

24 August 2011

Part II: And How Does the Extreme Right React to Jack Layton's Passing? Exactly How You Would Expect

In our last article, we discussed briefly the reaction of those one might consider to be "mainstream" conservatives to the news of Jack Layton's death. Those reactions seem to range from sincere admiration for a respected adversary to general douchebaggery. However we didn't discuss the reaction of those we cover on this blog.

Yep, the boneheads have something to say too.

There is a belief that one can measure the worth of a person by the respect that his or her ideological opponents has for that person. In all likelihood, this was intended to apply to ideological opponents who are mainstream and here Jack fares very well. However, we at ARC believe that one can measure the worth of a person by how hated that person is by the most vile, loathsome elements of our society.

26 February 2010

Nazi Mom Article Archived

For the time being, we've archived the article concerning the Nazi Mom we published on February 24. We're giving someone the benefit of the doubt.

But don't think for a moment that we're going soft.

16 February 2010

An Open Letter to the Winnipeg Nazi Mom

We here at the ARC Collective like to have a little fun with the subjects of our article. Sure, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but we have to go with what we're good at.

However there are also times when we need to act like adults. We think this is one of those times.

Not long after the ruling came down awarding the children in the Winnipeg Nazi Mom and Nazi Dad case to the province of Manitoba, we were sent a message by the Nazi Mom. This isn't the first time she left a message, though this will be the first time we publish one (we'll go into the reasons why the last one wasn't published soon enough):

I don't even know where to start... you have the bias of the media on your side of the spectrum, what the press fails to print are my reasonings behind moving to Quebec in the first place, the #1 reason being the DPJ does not interfere on the lives of families based solely on an assumed political belief whether you agree with it or not, The entire time I spent in QC I spent talking to the DPJ, and to the Investigative unit of the Child Protection Branch. My ex, was a loser, yes. And I worked too much because of it, I have accepted that, so I have therefore accepted the blame for my children not always being properly cared for, but I had an amazing neighbor, and a fantastic baby sitter who would on a regular basis check in on things while I was at work. That neighbor would come over and read to my son, he would play with him he did more for him then his father did, yes. But I knew he was there, so I had no reason to worry.

What you don't understand is that every job I had (after the fact) was terminated due to an anonymous call informing my employer of exactly who and what I was portrayed to be. That is immediate interference, how would you feel if someone randomly called up your employer and accused you of being a left wing extremist? How do you think your employer would react? How would you feel if your own mother was helping them? How would you feel if your own mother was telling lies about you? If you had no other option but to steal rather than go hungry and homeless what would you do? I have admitted some guilt to the credit card fraud, but I handed the card over to my ex so I wouldn't touch the card while in NYC, during that 3 week period (in which I wasn't allowed to see my children) he rang up approx $18 000 I had no idea of how far it had gone until I was arrested for it.

The issue of my daughter's attendance in school was addressed and dismissed, they had continued to count absences AFTER she was apprehended.

If you're interested in the reason for CFS denying my access to my own children, it's because I gave them each a t-shirt from THRASHER magazine... CFS claims THRASHER to be a WP mag, we all have knowledge enough to know that, that is complete and utter bullshit!!!

I think your opinions are interesting, and as I believe in freedom of speech I won't ask you to STFU, as I very well could seeing as though you clearly do not have your facts right... maybe you should have read through all the court documents instead of referring everything you heard to what the media is reporting...

What I did was stupid, immature and wrong. But I made a mistake. I challenge every single one of you to honestly say you have never done something stupid, immature or have never made a mistake.

(In our response, we'll refer to the Nazi Mom as Marie.)

Well Marie, this was, at least for you, a fairly reasoned message in which you appear to be starting to take some responsibility for your past behavior. But we both know this wasn't the first time you contacted us. Let us remind you about the content of your last message. In it you were angry that we commented on your attitude towards the tragedy in Haiti, told us that we had no life and that we should get out from behind our computers and physically fight the people on your side. All grist for the mill to us and nothing unusual compared to the other messages we often receive from the folks on your side. You also commented that you hope we have "fun" when you win your case. Also, we would expect that, though to write, "win" seems to denote your children were some sort of the prize.

The problem emerged soon after you wrote that your mother was now supporting you. Had you left it at that, there would be no problem. However you didn't leave it at that, did you Marie? Instead you sent us a copy of an email your mother sent to the case worker at Child and Family Services which she cc'd to you. You sent complete strangers a copy of a private email containing your mother's email, your email, the case worker's email and details about your situation that no one had any business knowing other than the three individuals who originally had access to that email message.

We want you to think about that for a moment. You sent a private email containing potentially sensitive information to people you don't know. And why did you do that? To try and, "score points" like this is some sort of a game?

Do you realize the danger you could have been putting your mother in? Your self in? Your children in? The case worker in? If we were a tenth as dangerous as certain people claim us to be, your thoughtless actions could have resulted in something terrible happening. And you sent this because of a selfish desire to be smug? To try to claim sort of personal victory and rub it in our faces? Help us out here because we still don't get it.

If you're now regretting, as you should be, sending us that email, you needn't worry. We sent it to the trash bin; no one saw it on our end other than us and we had absolutely no intention of publishing it. Still, we can't help wondering if you sent that email to anyone else. We hope to God you had more sense than that.

That brings us to the crux of the issue. Believe it or not, we don't think you, or anyone else, should lose custody of your children based on your political beliefs. We find your views repugnant and potentially dangerous, but as repulsed as we are by them, those views alone should not result in the break up of a family.

Our problem with you and why we believe the province of Manitoba took the correct course of actions in removing your children from your, "care" is your self-centeredness. You don't seem to view your children as a responsibility. You view them as a means to an end.

Think about how this all started. Your husband (0r you and you once claimed) sent your daughter to school with ink drawings on her arm of swastikas and other neo-Nazi symbols. You both knew there would be a reaction, which is why you did it. We imagine you and your then husband got a kick out of thinking how scandalized the teachers would be when they saw what you did to your daughter. The teachers, responsibly, washed off the ink from your daughter's arms and sent her home. You, in defiance, put those hateful symbols back on. And you did it because that's what YOU wanted. YOU wanted to make a point, and you were willing to use your child's skin to make that point. And what was that point?

"I will do what I want and you're not the boss of me!"

As the case went on, we learned more about the situation your two children found themselves in. We learned of an unkept, often filthy apartment. We learned that your daughter often wouldn't attend school because mommy and daddy wanted to sleep in and didn't want to be bothered getting her ready for class. We learned that, some time before, you and your ex up and left your children in the care of relatives while you both moved to Brandon to start try and start a racist group (we've been aware of you and your husband for years, even before the Infantry 14 efforts). We learned about alcohol and drug abuse. We heard about neglect. We heard about a little girl who learned from her mother and step father that people of color should be killed. We learned about credit card fraud and we learned about a DUI during the custody case. We learned that the mother, for whatever reason, decided to move to Quebec and attend custody hearing infrequently.

Shall we go on?

The common denominator here, Marie, is your and your ex husband's desire for personal gratification. Your children appeared to have been incidental to that desire and often their needs suffered as a result.

Even during the custody dispute, you and your husband appeared to care less for the welfare of your children than you were with crying about how YOUR rights were violated. Your ex, for example, tried to argue that denying him the ability to send his step-daughter to school with what amounts to graffiti all over her body was a violation of HIS right to free expression. In interviews you talk about how YOUR rights have been violated by the province. Not once have we heard you express much more than passing concern for the welfare of the people whom you should be most concerned about.

Even now, has anything really changed? You said that you'll no longer associate with people who would generously be referred to as "racist scum." That is a lie and you know it. You claim that you take responsibility for your failings, but in your most recent message is filled with excuses, buck passing and justifications for poor decisions.

Here's something else that might surprise you. We would love it if you did make the changes necessary for you to regain custody of your children. We would be genuinely thrilled if you could reform and straighten yourself out. We hope that day happens, but so far you really haven't given us any indication that day is imminent.

You are approaching 30 years old Marie. And you still act like a spoiled teenager. But a spoiled teenager with young children needs to grow up and think more about those children's needs than his or her own wants. Can you honestly look within yourself and say that you've done that?

UPDATE: We're surprised we missed this:

Unrepentant 'Nazi mom' aims to get her kids back

White supremacist returns to Winnipeg, finds work and an apartment in bid to eventually reclaim son, daughter
WINNIPEG — From Saturday's Globe and Mail
"Nazi mom" wants to set a few things straight.

She thinks Mein Kampf is garbage. She didn't teach her daughter to kill minorities. And she's certainly not a Nazi.

"I'm not one of these idiots going down the street saying, 'Kill all the Jews,' " she says, sipping a Starbucks coffee in The Globe and Mail's Winnipeg office, a day after a judge awarded Child and Family Services permanent custody of her two children. "I'm preaching pride, white pride, not hate."

For nearly two years, she has been the target of bloggers and editorialists, lawyers and social workers, all picking apart the lifestyle and worldview of a woman who sent her seven-year-old daughter to school festooned with a swastika and white supremacist slogans. She's lost everything since then: her two kids, jobs, friends, family - everything except a stubborn adherence to her belief in the supremacy of the white race.

"I'm reforming my life - moving back home, working hard, getting an apartment - but I won't deny what I stand for, even if it made all this go away."

Dressed in a conservative black V-neck top and blue jeans, she pushes her auburn hair away from her green eyes as she explains how she arrived at her race-dominated outlook on life and how she plans to get her kids back.

In her early teens, she joined the army cadets and fell in with a large skinhead contingent.

"I learned from them what kind of immigration policies we have," says the mother in her late 20s who cannot be named to protect the identities of her children. "I mean we're bringing in people from Haiti now. They still practise cannibalism there. Do we want that here?"

Her stance on race stems from her understanding of evolution. The way she sees it, all races began in Africa, and while Asians and Caucasians adapted and thrived, other races floundered. 

"Africans, they really haven't evolved much," she says. "The blacks that we have here - and I'm going to use the wrong words here - we domesticated them. We made them who they are. Otherwise they would still be eating each other and killing each other. ... It's not racism, it's racialism. 
There's a difference."

She had her first child at 18 with a much older man she worked for. Her parents beseeched her to have an abortion but she refused, prompting them to kick her out of the family home. She moved in with the girl's father but soon moved on, eventually marrying a man closer to her own age who was prominent in Winnipeg's skinhead scene.

Family and friends questioned the marriage, but she ignored them. The couple moved to a number of homes in southern Manitoba, but, contrary to testimony from family and social workers, they never lived in squalor, she says.

"When they say we lived like pigs, it was all hearsay," she says. "The testimony was wild. They said we would shoot birds and feed live animals to feed our dog - that never happened. They say we showed our kids violent racist videos - it was the History Channel. They said we had neo-Nazi flags all over our house - we just had a couple of White Pride posters on the fridge.... All this shit destroyed my life and none of it was true. They just wanted 'Nazi mom' starving in the streets."

But there's one truth she can't deny. When the case began last year, she fled to another province, leaving her husband - the two are now separated - to argue for custody alone. In the custody decision released last Thursday, Justice Marianne Rivoalen wrote that the mother "essentially abandoned her children" and chastised her for what she called a "narcissistic quest for media attention" that "demonstrated a puerile disregard for whether her actions conflicted with her children's best interests."

With eyeliner streaming down her cheeks, the mother insists that she would never abandon her children, that she simply moved to a province where she felt child services would not judge her lifestyle. "I wanted to have the case transferred away from Manitoba so I could get my kids back," she says.

She now admits it was a misguided move. During her time away, she allegedly stole and maxed out her mother's credit card and now faces fraud charges.

In the week since she's returned to Winnipeg, she's secured two jobs and a decent apartment. A year from now she can apply for custody of her daughter and son, whom she hasn't seen in a year.

"Child and Family Services is finally helping me," she says. "I'm doing everything they want me to do. We will need a lot of family counselling. A lot."

11 February 2010

Winnipeg Nazi Mom and Nazi Dad Loose Case

Thanks for the heads up BCL.

We wonder how Paulie will respond?

Foster care approved for kids in neo-Nazi case

Last Updated: Thursday, February 11, 2010 | 1:23 PM CT

The Manitoba government has won permanent guardianship of two children whose parents were accused of teaching them neo-Nazi beliefs.

A Court of Queen's Bench judge has ordered that the boy and girl remain in the custody of Child and Family Services (CFS), which has placed them in foster care with a relative.

The court also dismissed a constitutional challenge from the father, who argued the government violated his right to raise the children according to his beliefs. He is the stepfather of the girl, now nine, and the biological father of the boy, now four years old.

To protect the identities of the children, no one involved in the case can be named.

The children were removed from their home in 2008 after the girl showed up at her elementary school with racist writings and symbols on her skin.

The government agency argued the children were emotionally harmed and were also being raised in squalor and suffering from neglect.

Girl described how to kill: social worker

During the trial of the custody issue last year, social workers testified the girl had said her parents hated people who were not white and talked of racial violence.

Social workers testified she used racial epithets to describe blacks, Asians, aboriginals and other minorities. One worker told the court the girl calmly described how black people could be killed with a ball and chain.

The father admitted to using Nazi salutes and telling the children that only white people belong in Canada. But he told the court his beliefs do not amount to racism and he never preached violence.

The mother, who now lives in another province, attended court infrequently, saying she could not afford the travel. In June, she testified that her estranged husband wasn't fit to be a parent, saying he was a heavy drinker and had been suicidal.

She also accused social workers of putting words in her daughter's mouth and said she never preached hatred to her children. The mother testified she wanted to co-operate with CFS officials in an effort to one day regain custody.

At one point, the mother appeared in court in shackles after being charged with a number of fraud-related crimes.

Appeals planned

In an email to CBC News on Thursday, the mother said she supported the decision not to grant custody to the father, but does not support a permanent order. She intends to appeal the decision.

"I deny any allegation of abandonment and will state that based on the judge's writings that she had made up her mind prior to the final arguments," she wrote.

"If she had paid attention to the evidence as opposed to [hearsay] from third parties speaking for a child that had no voice at the trial [and who were] never present in my home, then I believe her decision would be different.

"This is communism, state-sanctioned theft of children to punish their parents based solely on an alleged belief system. The social workers have stated that it is not their job to investigate the accusations through evidence, that [hearsay] is all that they need.

"Apparently the judge was in agreement with that. I am already working on my appeal."

The father's lawyer said they will review the judge's decision and plan an appeal. She described her client as being "very disappointed" with the verdict.

The father immediately loses any visitation rights with the children. Up until Thursday, he was allowed one supervised two-hour visit a week with them.

With files from The Canadian Press

25 January 2010

You Think We're Getting Under Their Skin? Boneheads Talk About the ARC Collective

Well, "talk" might not be an apt term. Cry, whine, bitch, drool, utter monosyllabic grunts, draw stick figures with big "x" marks over them.... these might all be more accurate.

First, we received a note from one of our fans who goes by the name "Scarborough":
anti racist canada is a joke all talk to action get all the imformation u need to do somthing and just dont i dont get the whole point of this you are all fucking morons last time u guys came to scarborough posting pics you fled like babys pull up your socks boys get a new game plan cuae youo are acomplishing absolutly nothing but invading privacy or people fucking communist pigs

It's Mike Gaio, isn't it? Come on! It's got to be Gaio!

Shall we dissect? Yes, we believe we shall:

17 January 2010

Crisis In Haiti: Racists React According to Form

EDIT: If you're more interested in helping the people of Haiti than you are reading the views on the crisis of racists, go to the end of this article to the links. Please be generous.

Want to stick it to a Nazi? Donate to Haitian relief.

We, along with most of our readers, have been following coverage of the Haiti disaster. Between 50,000 and 500,000 men, women and children may be counted amongst the dead - the true extent of the loss of life is likely to be unknown for some time -- and millions more have been left with nothing.

When events such as that which has occurred in Haiti happen, it often brings out the best in people. Rather than looking at the irrelevancies of race, creed, nationality or politics, we look to try and help fellow human beings who are in desperate need for support. We can talk about the reasons for the systemic poverty in Haiti and the democracy deficit that helped to exasperate the problem, but this isn't the time. Right now people need to help the people of Haiti and so far we've seen people and groups from all sides of the political spectrum put aside petty arguments (for the most part) to get to the real matter at hand.

All, except for racists we cover here.

We debated whether or not to publish this story or the screen shots that will accompany it. In the end we decided to publish for two reasons:

First, these groups and people claim that they, "don't hate" anyone and that they are merely, "proud to be White." Events such as the Haitian catastrophe serve to elucidate the true character of these racists.

Second, perhaps reading the real views of these thugs once they've dropped the mask covering the true extent of their hatred will light a fire under some of our readership which result in more being done to help the people of Haiti.

Here now are the views to the Canadian racists who say they don't hate:

From Calgary's own Aryan Guard:

A Canadian poster on the Blood and Honour forums:

Canadian Stormfront members posts:

Don't worry Noble (above screen shot). We're more than pleased to provide the entirety of your comment so that the context isn't lost. It doesn't help.

Our resident delusional Nazi in Ottawa, Kevin Goudreau:

Another Calgary based Nazi sympathizer closely linked to members of the Aryan Guard (and who himself is a former inmate):

The defacto leader of Canada's racist movement Paul Fromm's views:

And, because we have some visitors from across the pond on occasion, here is the leader of the BNP Nick Griffin and some of the membership of the British Nationalist Party...

... followed by two more Brits:

By the way, the person who's name and face (partially) blacked out in the above screen shot is that of the "Nazi Mom" of the infamous Winnipeg Nazi custody case. You know, the one who claimed she never taught her children to hate anyone?

Now, if you've managed to get through this article and are completely disgusted (as a normal human being would be), we would ask our readers to take a look at the following links. We aren't interested in the politics of each individual organization. What is needed is immediate monetary assistance.

And please, be generous:

26 December 2009

Winnipeg White Pride Warriors: More Toothless Tigers

Another "group" that is trying to fill what they perceive as the void left but the implosion of the Aryan Guard is going by the name, "Winnipeg White Pride Warriors." As the name suggests, it's based in Winnipeg although the founder (who claims the group has 20 to 30 members and has been active for a few months) doesn't appear to currently live in the city:

Now, "honoryourlife" or Ryan here had made the following White Power cliche claims that no one buys anymore, if they ever did:

1. "We aren't about hatred, we're about being proud of our race."
2. "We aren't White supremacists."

You've been following this blog long enough now to know what's coming next, courtesy of Stormfront, right?

So, who is this terrifying scourge of ethnic Winnipegers?

Meet Ryan Brady, currently of Brandon Manitoba. Standing at an intimidating 5'3", Ryan also has class 1 diabetes, which means those ovens he suggest being fired up might have been used on him had he been subject to the Nazi eugenics programme.

3 December 2009

So, What's Happening To Nazi Dad?

Remember a while back when we were discussing the epic of "Nazi Mom" and "Nazi Dad" of Winnipeg when the lost their two children after repeatedly sending the oldest daughter to elementary school with swastikas and other racist iconography drawn on her body with a Sharpie marker (when she was sent to school, that is, as her attendance was infrequent at best). Remember the efforts to get their children back -- Nazi Mom and Nazi Dad were now separated -- and Paul Fromm's indignation of the rights of these parents were being violated by the state? Remember the protest Paulie organized which drew a grand total of 3 unattractive dolts, and which Paulie himself may not have attended?

Then, there was the testimony which indicated that the racist drawings were the least of the problems. Then there was Nazi Mom who moved out east and couldn't be bothered to attend the custody hearing initially, and when she did go she was arrested for credit card fraud and then gave up her quest for her children. Remember that? And how Nazi Dad tried to claim that saying he couldn't draw racist symbols of his kids was a violation of his right to free expression?

Well, now word that Nazi Dad was arrested some timelate last month. Not yet certain of the charges, though it appears to stem from a case of impaired driving near Selkirk, Manitoba.

The "Master Race" indeed.

15 September 2009

September 2009 Bits and Bites

We haven't spoken about either "Nazi Mom" or "Nazi Dad" in a while, but since "Nazi Mom" was arrested there hasn't been much to talk about. Until......


WINNIPEG - A Manitoba man says he and his wife were legally exercising their freedom of expression when they sent their daughter to school with racial slogans and symbols written on her skin in permanent marker.

The man, who cannot be identified under provincial law, says Manitoba Child and Family Services violated his charter right to free expression when workers seized the girl and a younger brother from the family home last year.

"The state intervened to stop the respondent and his wife from expressing themselves to their children in a certain way and to stop the children from being the recipients of this expression," the man's lawyer, Catherine Dunn, wrote in newly filed court documents.

The case, which has made international headlines since the children were taken last year, is drawing to a close following witness testimony in the spring. Final arguments are scheduled for Sept. 25, and both sides have deposited written submissions with the Court of Queen's Bench.

The government, which is seeking permanent guardianship of the children, argues the Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not allow parents to mark their children with controversial slogans.

"It is submitted that an attempt to convey meaning by using another person's body without his or her consent falls outside of the scope of expression that is protected (under the charter)," writes government lawyer Deborah Carlson.

Child welfare workers were called to the girl's elementary school after she showed up one morning with her skin covered in markings. They testified that in subsequent interviews, the girl casually and frequently used racial slurs to describe blacks, Asians, aboriginals and other minorities.

One worker told the court the girl calmly described how black people could be killed with a ball and chain, and that people who are not white should be shipped to other countries.

When investigators visited the family home, they found neo-Nazi paraphernalia. They also testified the couple were poor parents who worked infrequently and neglected the children, leaving their son in filthy diapers and failing to wake up early enough to bring their daughter to school on many occasions.

The racism concerns were only part of the reason for the children being taken, the government says.
"The respondent's charter argument is little more than a red herring, meant to deflect the court's attention from the respondent's inability to adequately parent (the) children," writes Kris Jonovcik, lawyer for Child and Family Services.

The couple, who are now separated, deny being poor parents. They say they taught their children to be proud to be white, but never preached hatred toward other races. They also say they provided the kids with food, shelter and love.

The mother accuses child welfare workers of putting words in her daughter's mouth.

"They intervened in our life based on politics and they heard stories from a ... girl who was probably terrified and who probably still is, and they put horrific words in her mouth," writes the mother. "Our home was by no means perfect ... but our children were never in danger."

The case has seen dramatic twists and turns. The mother, who now lives in another province, did not initially attend court, saying she couldn't afford to. When she eventually showed up, she was arrested on charges of credit-card fraud.

When the father testified, he admitted using Nazi salutes, telling his children that white people should not have children with people from other races, and telling them that non-whites belong in other countries. But he said his beliefs do not amount to racism, and maintained he never preached violence.

So "Nazi Dad" believes that drawing on his step-daughter is a form of free expression protected by the Charter of Rights, does he? Hell, based on that logic he should be able to tattoo his step-daughter on her forehead with a swastika.

We suppose he hasn't really considered his step-daughter's interests? Hey, if he wants to mark himself up in a way that he can only find employment as a carnival sideshow freak (see Robert Reitmeier as an example) that's his business. But if he thinks that the courts will buy this "freedom of expression" argument, well, he makes a bag of hammers look like a Rhodes' Scholar.

And for not preaching violence? Do you really want us to call you on that lie, "stage"?

In other news, looks like the Aryan Guard is misbehaving in the Bridgeland area of Calgary. We received the following report:

I've heard from some people that live in the area that the boneheads hang out at the Seven Eleven on 1st street and the bonehead with that web tattoo on his neck [Robert Reitmeier] was spotted getting off the 9 coming from Bridgeland downtown. Also, at around mid August I heard about a run in with two nazis that resulted in some pushing. And back in June, myself and a few others followed a few boneheads to Bridgeland and witnessed them buy drugs right off memorial drive, right by some transit cops.

Finally, with the recent ruling regarding section 13, Arthur Topham has been getting a little frisky and has been more vociferous in his efforts to have the complaint thrown out. He's even taken to the airwaves. Well, the Internet Radio "airwaves" in any case. Below is an email he sent out to his supporters regarding a recent interview:

From: RadicalPress <>
To: "RadicalPress" <>

Received: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 11:40 AM


September 13, 2009
Cottonwood, B.C.

Dear Radical Reader,

Below is an interview with myself and Pastor Eli James of the Christian Identity movement in the U.S.A. recorded on the 9th of September, 2009.

The purpose of the interview was to discuss the current sec. 13(1) "hate crimes" laws now playing themselves out in Canada and more specifically the repercussions arising from the recent Hadjis ruling in the Lemire Decision of September 2, 2009. The effects of this landmark decision upon the case of Harry Abrams & the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada v. Arthur Topham and was of course a part of the overall discussions as well as the perspective of Pastor Eli as it applied to the Christian Identity movement in the United States and their own struggles to stem a similar attempt by another tentacle of B'nai Brith International – the ADL or Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith in the USA.

Due to a technical problem (I had trouble making a phone connection with Pastor Eli as a result of the phone card I was using) the first 20 minutes or so is taken up with Pastor Eli discussing the issue of freedom of speech connected with comments on an article from the National Post that discussed the Hadjis ruling of Sept. 2.

The full interview runs for over an hour though and highlights some of the similar challenges faced by both our respective countries in terms of fighting this pervasive attempt by the Zionist-Jews, aided and abetted by the powerful Zionist-Christian elements within the states and Canada, to control our basic human right to freedom of speech and freedom of the Internet.

As always feedback is appreciated.

Shine your Light for Love, Peace & Justice for All,

Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada's Radical News Network
"Digging to the root of the issues since 1998"

And who is the good pastor? Why, he's the head honcho of the Church of the Restoration of True Israel, a Christian Identity cult:

Christian Identity is a religious ideology popular in extreme right-wing circles. Adherents believe that whites of European descent can be traced back to the "Lost Tribes of Israel." Many consider Jews to be the Satanic offspring of Eve and the Serpent, while non-whites are "mud peoples" created before Adam and Eve. Its virulent racist and anti-Semitic beliefs are usually accompanied by extreme anti-government sentiments. Despite its small size, Christian Identity influences virtually all white supremacist and extreme anti-government movements. It has also informed criminal behavior ranging from hate crimes to acts of terrorism.

And Free Dominion, Israel's "best friend in Canada," is championing Mr. Topham? Interesting.

UPDATE: Shall we eat crow? Sure.

It's not 2010 yet, it's 2009. Title changed accordingly.