Showing posts with label Harley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harley. Show all posts

17 July 2016

Wildrose Party Leader Brian Jean Photographed with Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour Associate

Okay, the title of this article could rightfully be accused of being click bait and of being  unfair to Brian Jean, but it is also an accurate title.

Much like the late Rob Ford was photographed a an event with an individual well known to those familiar with the racist movement in Canada, so too was Brian Jean, leader of the Wildrose Party of Alberta who posed for this photo with Jonathan Besler we presume at the Calgary Stampede:

Given Besler's attitude toward the current NDP government in Alberta, perhaps we shouldn't be too surprised that he would gravitate towards the Wildrose Part as an alternative....

26 December 2009

Winnipeg White Pride Warriors: More Toothless Tigers

Another "group" that is trying to fill what they perceive as the void left but the implosion of the Aryan Guard is going by the name, "Winnipeg White Pride Warriors." As the name suggests, it's based in Winnipeg although the founder (who claims the group has 20 to 30 members and has been active for a few months) doesn't appear to currently live in the city:

Now, "honoryourlife" or Ryan here had made the following White Power cliche claims that no one buys anymore, if they ever did:

1. "We aren't about hatred, we're about being proud of our race."
2. "We aren't White supremacists."

You've been following this blog long enough now to know what's coming next, courtesy of Stormfront, right?

So, who is this terrifying scourge of ethnic Winnipegers?

Meet Ryan Brady, currently of Brandon Manitoba. Standing at an intimidating 5'3", Ryan also has class 1 diabetes, which means those ovens he suggest being fired up might have been used on him had he been subject to the Nazi eugenics programme.

16 December 2009

Kyle McKee Update: They Got Him

We said it was a matter of time, and we were right.

Kyle McKee was arrested in Winnipeg.

Happy holidays.
Date: Wed Dec 16 09:55:11 2009Subject: PA/MRU #08-633
From: Emma Poole 
The Winnipeg Police Service, with assistance from the CalgaryPolice Service, has arrested a man wanted since November fortwo counts of attempted murder. 
Kyle Robert MCKEE, 24, was arrested Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009, at approximately 12:30 a.m., Central Standard Time (Winnipegtime). 
MCKEE surrendered to officers following a two-hour standoff at a home in the 500 block of Bannerman Avenue, in Winnipeg’s North End.
MCKEE was tracked to the home following a tip to police. Itnot known how long he had being staying in the house. 
He was last spotted near Regina on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009, but was able to evade RCMP. 
MCKEE, 24, faces two counts of attempted murder, possessing, making or controlling explosives, and possession of a weapon or imitation for a dangerous purpose in connection with an explosives incident in Rundle on Saturday, Nov. 21, 2009. 
A 17-year-old, who cannot be named under provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, was arrested earlier in Portagela Prairie, Manitoba, and charged in connection with the same incident. 
The Calgary Police Service would like to thank the Winnipeg Police Service, the public, and the media for their assistance in locating MCKEE. 
District 5 GIU Staff Sgt. Keith Cain is available to speak with the media today, Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009, at 1 p.m.This availability will be held at the District 5 office, 5401 Temple Drive N.E.
More information to follow. In the meantime, if anyone has any information on the residents of the home in Winnipeg where he was hiding out we would be very interested.

And to answer some questions posed to us, sadly no, on this the mainstream media did beat us to the story.

However, time for some educated speculation on out part.

Some boneheads close to the Aryan Guard were from Winnipeg. And we know that although they moved to Calgary that there are still people they know who lived in Winnipeg. We wonder if there's a connection?

We also know that John Marleau, basically the main cause for the events that transpired, has links to Winnipeg. And Jason Harley, a former Aryan Guard member who attended their first "White Pride" march in Calgary in 2008 now lives in Winnipeg as well.

UPDATE: Some MSM links concerning the arrest of McKee:

22 March 2009


Selected pictures taken of the events on March 21:

Paul Fromm marching with neo-Nazis while sporting a smart, red man purse.

20 February 2009

Aryan Guard At It Again

Most of our readers are aware of the Aryan Guard's plan for another "White Pride" day rally on March 21. This information isn't exactly old news, in fact the mayor of Calgary has already said that the Aryan Guard will not be permitted to hold their rally on city property. We know that there will be at least a few members and associates who attended last year's march and rally, such as the young man currently on trial for assaulting a Japanese immigrant, the Winnipeg Nazi mom and dad who lost custody of their children only days after returning from last year's event, our favourite loose canon Tom Trenerry, foul-mouthed Nazi kitty cat lover Jason Harley, disgraced university lecturer Terry Tremaine and a number of others may have a difficult time attending this year's events due to legal issues of conflicts with current members of the Aryan Guard.

20 September 2008

The Decline of the Aryan Guard: Part 2

We continue with part two of our part three series on the continuing collapse of the Aryan Guard.

The troubles of the Aryan Guard in recent days have been evident, but even we didn’t realize just how bad things were getting for them until the third week of September. We’ve discussed some of the infighting and rifts between people previously associated with the Aryan Guard such as Melissa Brow and "rippler2k3", but in recent days we’ve been hearing rumours of youths getting tired of the Aryan Guard and leaving as well as some of the worst infighting among Aryan Guard members (or former members depending upon whom one listens to) that we’ve seen yet. We’ll begin first with those who are rumoured to have left the Aryan Guard.

The first individual associated with the Aryan Guard whom we had heard had left the organization is a bonehead going by the initials B.L. We’ve noted that B.L.’s mother is someone who appears to be a progressive and, as such, likely never approved of his involvement with an overt racist gang. Seems we were right, as B.L.’s involvement with the Aryan Guard resulted in a rift between himself and his family to the point that they wouldn’t have anything to do with him so long as he continued to be involved with the Aryan Guard. Estrangement from his family appears to have given B.L. cause to reconsider his involvement with organized racism and he has, if the rumours are true, decided to leave the group in order to try and reconcile with his family.

The second individual rumoured to have left the Aryan Guard is M.J., an Aryan Guard groupie / oi toy. M.J. had been involved with the Aryan Guard for at least a year and was a member of its women’s auxiliary the Valkyrian Legion. She was also involved with Aryan Guard member Tyler Sturrup, a relationship that called into question both her judgment and good taste. Well, word on the street from a reliable source was that Miss. M.J. soon became bored with her involvement with the Aryan Guard and decided that she would rather get drunk and suck on a pacifier at raves than get drunk and suck on… well, Aryan Guard members. This rumor appeared to be confirmed when, “AryanBroad” posted the following comments on Anti-Racist Canada:
Just for the website's knowledge,
I wanted to inform everyone
[M.J.], is not dating Tyler Sturrup and the stupid Bitch hasnt been around for the last 2 months or so. Along with Tyler is back in jail

[M.J.] broke up with Tyler at the end of August, Im not to sure when. The reasons from what I understand is because he is an idiot and went to Jail a second time. The other time about him going to jail was about "robbery" and breaches. This time the same thing for the Breaches. Where [M.J.] is? From what the Aryan Guard and WEB understands is she is back to her old group and Raving. If she were to come back we would be suprised.

24 July 2008

We're Mentioned in the "Briarpatch"

We guess this is a tooting our own horn moment, but we would have posted this link regardless because it's a great article. "The Briarpatch" is a progressive magazine that deals with issues ranging from human rights, corporate media control, the environment, and numerous other issue that are not effectively dealt with (if at all) by the mainstream media. In a recent article, "Fighting Fire With Fire: Anti-racist Organizing in Alberta" the magazine discusses the growth of the Aryan Guard in Calgary, but more importantly the efforts by anti-racist activists to shut the group down. This blog is mentioned in relation to the videos posted by Jason Harley and others:

If videos posted on the Anti-Racist Canada blog are any indication of the kind of non-violent family values the Aryan Guard espouses, Devine and Bernard have a right to be skeptical. In a profanity-laced diatribe, Aryan Guard member Jason Harley explains that multiculturalism is like putting a red sock “representing the communists” and a blue sock “representing the Jews” into a washing machine with a white load of laundry. “Everything turns fucking fruity and purple and fucking gay. Fucking retarded. There you go. Fucking white supremacy.” In another video, two Aryan Guard members fight bare-chested in the snow on a quiet residential street.

10 May 2008

BOK (Brotherhood of Klans) Canada: Update

We wrote a brief note a few months ago regarding the re-emergence of the Klan in Saskatchewan. A Canadian branch of the American based BOK, Brotherhood of Klans, was established in the province and made itself known to the public in August 2007. It is lead by Christian (Chris) Waters, formerly of Ontario.

Though their efforts to organize a Klan rally didn't seem to get off the ground (unless they count the laying of wreaths at the war memorial in Victoria Park, thus dishonouring the men who died fighting the extremism espoused by the likes of the Klan), on March 21, 2008, some members of the BOK traveled to Calgary to take part in the rally organized by the Aryan Guard. As a result, we now have been able to identify one more Klan member by name, as well as a person currently unknown.

26 April 2008

White Pride? Who Do They Think They're Kidding?

On March 21, 2008, the Aryan Guard (updated as of April 26, 2008) marched through downtown Calgary under the banner of "White Pride." "White Pride" is a phrase used by racists to sound as if they are not in fact racists, but merely proud of their heritage. They complain about the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in United States and Black History month and claim that if minorities can be proud of their heritage, then why can't they? "It's discrimination against White folks," they lament and caterwaul about the terrible injustice that they are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, ignoring the fact that days commemorating European heritage already exist, including but not limited to Saint Patrick's Day, Columbus Day, Robbie Burns Day, Thanksgiving, Oktoberfest, St. Steven's Day, Victoria Day, Polish Heritage Month, and so on and on and on. But why would racists allow facts to get in the way of their propaganda message?

So "White Pride" was the mantra of the Aryan Guard on May 21, 2008 and has been since it's inception. In fact, one Aryan Guard member was quoted on the day of the rally by a reporter from the "Calgary Herald":

"We're just proud to be white, that's all. Why can't we be proud to be white?"

The Aryan Guard posted the following on their website regarding the march, again calling their march a rally for White Pride:

20 February 2008

Wildrose Alliance Candidate "Linked" To Paul Fromm

Photograph falls under Fair Use.

Link Byfield shaking hands with Paul Fromm in November 1999. Byfield was being honoured at dinner held by Fromm.

Link Byfield is currently a candidate for the Wildrose Alliance Party in the constituency of Whitecourt-St. Anne (see Byfield campaign website). In 2004, he was chosen as one of Alberta's four senators in waiting, though the Federal government is not obliged to appoint him to the Senate.

11 February 2008

Aryan Guard March and a provincial election

A member of the Aryan Guard (Jason Harley) posting as "harley1488" the following (spelling, punctution, and gramatical errors left as posted):

On the 21st of March, The Aryan Guard will be participating in a march and Rally in the streets of Downtown Calgary. White Pride World Wide (AKA "Harmony Day") day is a day to show the pride that you have for our white race. there will be NO Swastikas, SS, or any Nazi symbols present. only the Celtic Cross flag will be flown. We are encouraging ANYONE who is proud to be white and wants to show it to attend. And of course... this would not be a racial pride rally without the presence of the ARA, and Antifa ("Harmony day" believers). there will be no confrontation started on our part, but we cannot speak for them. this is to be a peacefull rally of support and pride. (if the gays can do it, we sure as hell are going to as well) for more info please PM myself or Pitbull A.G.And without the presence of our close friend and comerade Bill Noble, we are also going to show our support for Bill and others in his situation being imprisoned and persecuted for voicing thier beliefs and concern for our race.Please join us and contact(PM) Pitbull A.G., wpcalgary, or myself harley1488 for more info or ideas.Thank You. A.G.