Showing posts with label Galloway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galloway. Show all posts

23 December 2013

Brad Galloway and Volksfront

What is the Status of Volksfront in Canada?

The question might be a bit more complicated than it would appear based on the the apparent status of Volksfront internationally.

Or it might not be complicated at all.

While reading the most recent issue of the SPLC's "Intelligence Report" regarding the apparent collapse of Volksfront in the United States in part due to this incident) and overseas, we found the following excerpt to be especially interesting:

In late 2009, Krager, [the founder of Volksfront] who is a heating, ventilation and air conditioning specialist, was hired by a civilian contractor in Afghanistan. When he departed, as shown in E-mails hacked by opponents of VF, he left the U.S. organization in the hands of Corey “Spider” Miller, VF’s security chief and Krager’s designated heir; Justin Martin, the group’s vice president; Paul Alfich, VF’s treasurer; and Brad Galloway, head of the VF Vancouver chapter in Canada. Within months, however, Alfich and Galloway were dropped from VF’s leadership core.

The hate groups in British Columbia always seemed to be a lot more discrete than their counterparts in Alberta for whom there was a certain, and quite honestly justified, loathing, so we've always had some difficulty trying to get decent intel on the membership. That said, we think we might be able to speculate as to the reasons why Galloway was dropped from the Volksfront leadership core when Krager left to work as a civilian contractor in Afghanistan.

The photograph to the left is the earliest of Brad Galloway that we have in our collection, at least regarding his involvement in organized racism. Galloway, who originally was from Toronto, was a member of an Ontario-based hate group known as the Tri-City Skins who's best known member was James Scott Richardson (Richardson, along with Alexan Kulbashian, also founded another group known by the charming name, the Canadian Ethnic Cleansing Team). Galloway's background at this time is a little sketchy. It was rumored that his father was involved in some way with CSIS and that he left Toronto in what has been described as, "weird circumstances." What is clear though is that he wasn't entirely trusted; members of the Hammerskins in Ontario were suspicious of him and that, according to a source, "couple heavy hitters out there wanted to hurt him badly." We aren't privy to the reasons behind the animosity towards Galloway and whether this information is accurate or not Galloway did leave the city and disappeared for a time only to pop up in British Columbia.

14 March 2012

So, who WAS the guy with McKee?

When we reported the incident involving McKee trying to intimidate Jason Devine at his home, we also learned that there was a second individual present. We had speculated about who it might be and it turned out that our second guess was actually correct (we're getting good at this!):

Meet Kirk Delmo who currently resides in BC looking slightly more respectable than he does now, especially in the picture below:

3 March 2012

Rob de Chazal: The Lemire Connection

A friend forwarded us a number of interesting screen shots from some of the hacked emails, including those from Kermit the Frog impersonator Bill Noble.

Since one of our focuses is currently on Rob de Chazal (who, along with Shawn Macdonald and Alastair Miller, is accused of a series of assaults), we did a little search and were surprised at what we found because it was really quite unexpected.

Back in late 2004, former WCFU co-founder and leader Glenn Bahr decided that he was going to engage in a massive (from his standpoint) flyering campaign to get out the "White Nationalist" message which would take place on January 15, 2005:

On this Stormfront thread, Bahr and other "White Nationalists" discuss how they will proceed and, once the campaign was over, brag about the success:

25 October 2011

Quebec Boneheads. The More Things Change, the More Things Stay the Same

Boneheads in Quebec are, sadly, well represented in our timeline of racially-based violence that we published earlier in the month. One of those individuals, Steve Legault's (on the left in the photo above) name has once again come into focus as well as a few others who have fallen off our radar for a time but who have now caught our attention:

There's Steve, front and center and a member of a bonehead group going by the name, the Ragnarok Skinheads (fyi,"Leon" is Ren矇 Lariviere lead singer of Vinland Warriors):

We always get a kick out of the melodramatic names these groups give themselves.

And so who are the Ragnarok Skinheads? While there are some who we don't yet know, we actually have managed to figure out more than a few of them in addition to Steve Lavalle:

29 September 2010

December Volksfront Event in Calgary: Is C18 Invited?

To tell this tale, we're going to jump between Stormfront and Blood and Honour / Combat 18 (B&H/C18) forum discussions.

A month ago yesterday, a Canadian Stormfront member posted a message on Stormfront regarding a shindig that Volksfront Alberta is organizing for December:

While Volksfront itself has been around for a few years, but they're sort of the new kids on the block in Calgary. Of course given their affiliation with the Blood and Honour faction opposed by the Combat 18 affiliated faction, their presence in Calgary might be seen as problematic by the Aryan Guard, most of who's members have put on a C18 patch.

Brad Galloway (O'neil bc) was, and still seems to be, very much involved with Volksfront in British Columbia. We don't know if he's in any leadership capacity, but that's not all that important now. The group in Calgary appears to have Scott Sinclair running the show. Sinclair is from Manitoba but has spent time in the Atlantic provinces with the boneheads out there and has been in Calgary for some time now.

So, how did the C18 affiliated Aryan Guard respond on the B&H/C18 forum? Surprisingly, the initial response was favorable:

24 May 2010

Kevin Goudreau Is Delusional Part 102,091,199,347,162,831

Sometimes you just have to laugh at the ineptitude of boneheads.

This coming weekend there's going to be a conference in Toronto: Marxism 2010. Now, being that there are really no communist members of the Collective (the closest some of us come to that ideology would be champagne socialists). So considering we don't really have a dog in that hunt, we were inclined not to provide any commentary.

Except that boneheads really don't like communists, so we knew that if we waited long enough one of our subjects in Toronto would make the discovery that the "reds" were coming to town, and hilarity would then ensue.

Known arsonist and snazzy dresser Richard "Lurch" Martin did not let us down:

We note the following:

1. People who might try to follow the link might have difficulty reaching their destination, as this idiot savant (minus the savant part) didn't quite spell "conference" right. Also, it should be ".ca" not ".com" Hey, chin up sport! You tried your best, but for future reference, we would like to introduce you to the handy "cut n' past" feature on your computer. Might save some embarrassment in the long run.

2. When the people whom Martin associate with try to, "smash reds" it usually involves following from a distance and well out of sight (or so they believe), perhaps shouting a few Nazi slogans before fleeing with their tails between their legs, and then declaring victory. Oh yes, those reds sure were smashed! Alternatively, they sit in puddles and smack themselves.

3. While they might try to prey on individuals, we really don't think too many will view these folks as much of a threat, especially when you see who they're hanging out with now. Try to figure out who we're talking about:

Oh sweet Mary Lou! It's Kevin Goudreau. Just when you think that Benson, Gaio and Martin couldn't sink any lower, they literally scrape the bottom of the barrel. In another picture below, Goudreau is hidden behind Gaio. Consider that to be foreshadowing your future relationship boys.

30 December 2009

GermBrit Comments on ARC

Looks like another of the Stormfront faithful have decided to give us a look over:

Losers and social outcasts? Dude, those are your fellow Stormfront members you're talking about.

Now aside from the inaccurate views on our relative economic positions and living arrangements, (we are members of a vigorous quilting bee, bird watching society and some of us had at least one date with a real member of the opposite sex and not with a World of Warcraft avatar.... we're looking at you Sparky!) we think GermBrit has a valid point here. Perhaps we should focus more on individuals more worthy of inclusion on these pages? Such as, oh, we don't know.... members of the Canadian Navy who post on Stormfront?

Meet Stormfront member GermBrit. Birthname Kevin Stewart. Having lived the majority of his life in British Columbia, Kevin is now in Halifax, Nova Scotia training to become a member of the Canadian navy.

Now isn't only a Stormfront member. He's also close to members of Volksfront based in B.C.:

12 October 2008

Aryan Guard vs. Volksfront Canada?

Before getting to the main event, we continue our long running saga detailing the dispute between Tom Trenerry and John Marleau. In this exciting episode, we learn about the origin of the rather heated disagreement between these erstwhile allies:

We think that Tom actually hurt John's feelings here. John seems upset that Tom has continues to make fun of him because of John's weight problem. True, that's a low blow. What we could rather Tom comment on is John's apparent inability to bond with a woman who isn't under the age of 16. That, our dear readers, is truly sad.

At this point, we have to admit that the Trenerry and Marleau spat has grown predictable, tiresome, and boring. Until something more exciting occurs, we're not going to tune in to their minstral show any longer. Changing the chanel.

What has interested us is the rising tension between the Aryan Guard on one side, and the "A" brothers and Volksfront on the other. We have earlier discussed the online fight resulting from comments made by D.A. on the Stormfront, Blood and Honour, and Aryan Guard Forums (here and here). Soon after posting the second to the two articles, we received the following message, presumably from someone close to the Aryan Guard, if not a member himself: