20 March 2016

Canadians United 4 Canada Founder and Paul Fromm Meet

Hot on the heels of our last story detailing Canadians United 4 Canada and their ties to Canadian neo-Nazis, we see have a related update further cementing the group in the "White Nationalist" camp.

Yesterday Ms. O'Farrell, founder of Canadians United 4 Canada, alluded to some meetings that were taking place soon:

And now thanks to Paulie, we know a little bit more about one of those meetings:

And if there remained any doubt about if this meeting took place. Ms. O'Farrell seems to confirm it:

MARCH 21 UPDATE: Paulie and Dan Hall respond:

Today she and others are already parroting the rhetoric Paulie uses:

How come I get the feeling that she is "half Native" in the way that
some people in the United States claim 1/16th Cherokee princess ancestry? 

Of course this makes an earlier post on Canadians United 4 Canada all the more ironic:

Perhaps not so surprisingly, this post and the subsequent responses can no longer be found on the Canadians United 4 Canada Facebook group wall.

Now, since Ms. O'Farrell has also opted to align herself with Paulie, we figure it might be nice to remind our readers exactly who Paulie is:

Thomas Robb, head of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

Blood & Honour

Long time supporter of Craig Cobb.
Rachel Pendergraft, daughter of Thomas Robb

Aryan Guard march 

Wolfgang Droege was the founder and leader of the neo-Nazi  Heritage Front.

Long time associate of Kyle McKee 

Friends with Max Hynes and members of the Southern Ontario Skinheads 

Some love for the first Grand Wizard of the KKK

Unlike Donald Trump, Paul Fromm will readily admit to knowing former KKK leader David Duke.

American Front speech.

The Jewish Defense League aren't exactly fans.

Southern Ontario Skinheads march
Meeting in Calgary with Kyle McKee's Blood & Honour.

Rahowa = Racial Holy War
So, Ms. O'Farrell, whenever you complain about being lumped with racists and antisemites, please feel free to refer to this and the previous article.

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