Welcome to the One People's Project Website! A lot of you are visiting here after learning about us from Escaping the KKK, and noticed that this site isn't in the best of shape. We are working on it and expect to have the site a little better to navigate shortly. In the meantime we encourage everyone who are learn more about us to hit the "About Us" button in our menu, and if you are trying to learn how you can get involved, donate or help us in any way, go to our Get Involved! page. Once again, thank you for visiting us and we apologize for the lunacy that is our website!


One People's Project

P.S., We hope everyone has a happy and safe 2017. Everyone except the fascists, that is!

  • Intolerance of Intolerance is the Only Intolerance Tolerated!
    Intolerance of Intolerance is the Only Intolerance Tolerated!

    And the greatest weapon against that intolerance is information.

  • Stay Woke!
    Stay Woke!

    OPP Executive Director Daryle Lamont Jenkins with Rachel Maddow Aug. 25, 2016

  • Be Active!
    Be Active!

    We are one people!

  • Rogues' Gallery

    Learn more about some of the individual lowlifes of the right!