Showing posts with label Ku Klux Klan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ku Klux Klan. Show all posts

14 March 2017

Rebel Media Loses Lauren Southern. Oh, And Gavin McInnes Is An Antisemitic Dick Too

Actually McInnes isn't a fan of Palestinians specifically and Muslims in general either, but we're sort of getting ahead of ourselves here.

We've written about Ezra Levant a number of times here on the blog, as well The Rebel which he started a few years back after SunNews collapsed. The Rebel is Canada's alt-right answer to Breitbart and Levant, as Rebel Commander, has used it as a vehicle to attack left-wing protesters, stoke the fears of his readers and viewers about Muslims and refugees, and celebrating far right political figures in Canada and abroad. The Rebel Commander also had a number of subordinates as well who have made names for themselves in alt-right circles as well. Among the more popular were Lauren Southern and Gavin McInnes.

Well, at least until recently.

4 September 2016

Ezra Levant Not Entirely Certain Soldiers of Odin Are A "Thing"

While we were working on our commentary yesterday on Mack Lamoureux's CBC story covering the  activities of the Soldiers of Odin in Edmonton, we were also following an interesting exchange between Mr. Lamoureux and Ezra Levant on Twitter. Sadly, as Ezra isn't a fan of ours....

.... we may have been only able to see one side of the discussion.

Unless we had a second Twitter account. Which, of course, we do.

Now, from this part of the exchange, Ezra seems to be suggesting that the Soldiers of Odin are actually a figment of Mr. Lamoureux's imagination. However, Ezra does clarify his position that he believes the SoO are exist, but only as a vehicle to entrap poor, dumb, disenfranchised, "old stock" Canadians:

29 July 2016

July 2016 Bits and Bites

This writer is currently on vacation, however there have been a few stories that have come out lately that our readers may find of interest.

Back when we first wrote about Monika Schaefer, former Green Party federal candidate and current Holocaust denier, we anticipated that the like of Paulie, Arthur Topham, and now nutter Brian Ruhe would play the "persecuted German" angle. We haven't been disappointed:

9 November 2015

Anonymous Release of KKK Members/Associates: Canadian Content

This past Thursday "Anonymous" released the details gathered in their effort to "de-hood" members of the Ku Klux Klan. Not surprisingly perhaps, most of the members are based in the United States, however we managed to find three individuals from Canada. Two of the individuals are known to ARC, however there was one interesting revelation from the third.

Craig Wyss is from Ontario and an associate of Paul Fromm; the two have look like they have met on at least one occasion and Wyss frequently commented on Paulie's Facebook posts. His Facebook profile was public up until today when he seems to have deleted it (along with a number of individuals named in the Anonymous release.... we can't imagine why) so we can't show our readers the other photos that we found on his profile, including a bomber jacket resplendent with "White Power" and KKK patches. However, the good folks at Addicting Info did manage to get a screen grab of an image in which Wyss personalized the interior of his car with a KKK decal which he proudly shows off to his friends:

19 September 2015

Paul Fromm's Annus Horribilis: Part II

When we posted the news release regarding the anti-fascists' efforts to oppose the PEGIDA Canada rally planned for today, we received some comments condemning our efforts to deny the free speech rights of the participants. We would argue that opposing PEGIDA Canada publicly isn't so much denying them their freedoms as it is showing them that the majority of people believe they are Islamophobic assholes, thus engaging in their freedoms as well. We would further add that we aren't the ones organizing the counter-protests, but we do support the efforts of those opposing PEGIDA Canada.

One of the folks who has commented on ARC promoting the counter rally was our good friend Paulie:

Since you can read the message he is referring to here, we won't bother with that part of Paulie's missive, but we can't say we feel a lot of love from him.

But this part kind of amuses us:

Not sure how a request to bring blags, banners, and noise-makers is a call for violence. Sounds more like a plan to disrupt the PEGIDA Canada event with noise and sounds. Still, it is sort of rich that Paulie is complaining about the anti-fascists plan to disrupt the PEGIDA Canada event when Paulie himself has a history of disrupting opposing rallies and speaking engagements himself back in the 1970s as a founding member of the Edmund Burke Society:

Toronto, ON – William Kunstler assaulted by members of the Edmond Burke Society

Attorney for the Chicago 7 William Kunstler was assaulted and slightly injured during a speech in Toronto after members of the Edmund Burke Society stormed the stage. Prior to the assault the Burkers had been heckling Kunstler so a spokesperson was invited to state the groups views. Paul Fromm took the stage and poured water over Kunstler’s notes, resulting in Kunstler pouring water over Fromm.

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society precipitate riot

“In May 1970 the Burkers counter-demonstrated against ‘the last of the big Communist anti-Vietnam war demonstrations in Toronto’ … The ensuing violence resulted in widespread damage to property, numerous injuries, and almost 100 arrests, 90 per cent of them supposedly left-wingers, the remainder Edmund Burke Society supporters. In later years, it was revealed that the rampaging demonstrators and the destruction actually were precipitated by Edmund Burke Society infiltrators into the left-wing ranks. The purpose was to discredit the anti-American peacenik movement.” (Barrett, 59)

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society associates arrested for assassination plot

Police arrested two men after receiving tips of a plot to assassinate Soviet premier Alexei Kosygin in Toronto. Raids on a number of homes of several Edmond Burke Society members yielded weapons and what spokesperson Paul Fromm characterized as, “equipment.” Earlier in the week Edmund Burke Society member Geza Matrai attacked Kosygin while the Soviet premier was visiting Ottawa.

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society members attack audience in Convocation Hall, University of Toronto

“Quebec labour leader Michel Chartrand and lawyer Robert Lemieux, referred to later by a former Burker… as FLQ communists, were the targets. As the Toronto Daily Star (29 March 1971) described it, Edmund Burke Society members hurled a stink bomb, threw stones through windows, and sprayed the hall with a mace-like substance. The building caretaker had to be treated for temporary blindness, and a Toronto Telegraph reporter also hospitalized after being kicked in the head and abdomen.” (Barrett, 60)

Barrett, Stanley R. Is God a Racist? The Right Wing in Canada. University of Toronto Press: Toronto. 1989.

And given his support for the likes of the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour, Volksfront, National Socialist Movement, Klan, etc, it's sort of hard to take Paulie all that seriously.

Besides, he might have to deal with other more pressing matters in the near future:

Meet Austin Collins, a participant in Ku Klux Klan leader Tom Robb's "Faith and Freedom" conference in 2011. It appears that Collins stumbled across our little spot on the Internet, read about Paulie's difficulty with fidelity (NSFW), and unlike other "White Nationalists" didn't sweep Paulie's indiscretions under the rug:

22 August 2015

Bits and Bites: August 2015 Not Belated Edition

It's sometimes a tough call on whether or not we should discuss certain individuals on the blog. There are those like "the Goudreau" who seem to court any sort of attention, positive (rarely) or negative (much more frequent) as if the attention validates their importance. Usually the significance that individual places upon himself is in inverse proportion to the actual significance the individual actually has.

Such is the case of Ron Banerjee who, as the head (and likely only member) of Canadian Hindu Advocacy, has been able to fool a number of conservative media types into treating him with a degree of deference that would not necessarily be afforded to him if they realized how insignificant he really is.... to say nothing of the really disgusting things he writes and says about Muslims, Sikhs, LGBTQ, women, and a host of other groups an individuals.

Case in point, last week Banerjee and other members of Rise Canada, the newest hate group that Banerjee has created, protested outside the building where Olivia Chow accepted the NDP nomination to run in Spadina—Fort York.

But to refer to "members" of Rise Canada is perhaps a bit generous of us:

Yep. Two. That's all he was able to muster.

Banerjee later posted a video of himself (or at least the dulcet sounds of his slightly slurred voice) and the other dude harassing the folks entering the building. We won't play the entire video, but this part is somewhat interesting:

5 April 2015

Paul Fromm's Huge Ego and Woman Woes

Right now Paulie is currently visiting all his close friends at KKK leader Tom Robb's "Faith and Freedom" Conference in Arkansas. There, Paulie and the other giants of the, "white nationalist" movement are speaking on the issues close to their black little hearts.

Oh, and we know they are giants of the wn movement because that's how Paulie describes them as well as himself:

Now if there's one thing Paulie isn't known for it's his modesty. Really, it takes some real chutzpah to write in the third person an article in which you feature yourself and declare yourself among the greats of the contemporary wn movement, though to be fair that has always been a rather limited pool of applicants. So, who are these other, "giants" Paulie writes of in addition to himself?

Right. Like we noted a moment ago, it's a very limited pool.

9 December 2014

Paul Fromm and the Morality of the Movement

October was a big month for Paul Fromm. He was running for mayor of Mississauga in an election which, if it can be believed, he actually did worse than in his previous effort. Earlier in the month he was in Budapest to attend and speak at a conference organized by the racist National Policy Institute, though that event didn't exactly go off without a hitch.


And just after the election at the end of the month, Paulie was once again an honored guest and speaker at Thomas Robb's Knights of the Ku Klux Klan annual European American Heritage Festival, organized both by Robb and his daughter Rachel Pendergraft, which purports to be a family friendly affair:


Oh, and then there was this (NSFW).

Now when we alluded to this apparent leak of photographs, one of the individuals who commented on the article made the following statement:

IMO this isn't relevant to ARC's mission. Paul Fromm is a fucking Nazi. His marital problems I could care less about.

We would be hard pressed to disagree with that statement, which is why we didn't post the images on the blog here and why we really haven't referred to them since. However, over the last couple of months we decided that they do have relevance.

5 April 2014

April 2014 Bites and Bites

You know, Paulie really isn't trying anymore. Point of fact is he hasn't been trying for a few years. There was a time when he tried at least to maintain a semblance of mainstream respectability, but it looks like those times have long past.

This weekend, Paulie is speaking at a Tom Robb's Klan gathering in Arkansas. Though this in and of itself isn't exactly anything new, the subject matter of his speech has certainly become much more overt:

Diane King, eh? Uhm, wasn't Paulie married to Diane at one time? We wonder what happened (hint, we don't actually wonder what happened).

But you know, maybe we're overselling this a bit?

Or maybe not?

Closer to home, the Goudreau finally decided to respond to Luke Northmore's accusations from a few months back:

We're sure that Luke responded with the measured restraint we've come to expect from him:


12 January 2014

January 2014 Bits and Bites

This past Friday the "Toronto Star" published a story about the discovery of Klan documents dating to the 1920s that were found in an old barn. The journalist who wrote the story had contacted us before publication and we provided some information concerning the history of the movement, though we're sure he likely already had that covered. That said, the story reminded us that we had something to contribute as well. One of our friends had found an Ontario Klan handbook dating to 1927 (the dying days of the Ontario Klan as it turned out) at a used book store. He sent us some scanned shots of the publication, though unfortunately the images turned out to be really too small to read. Here are a few pages of the publication:

A story published on the same day in the "Toronto Sun" provided details in a family feud over the estate of former Canadian Nazi leader Martin Weiche:

30 August 2013

Paul Fromm: Summer Instructor at Kamp Klan

Clockwise: Paul Fromm, Billy Roper,
Rachel Pendergraft, Thomas Robb
Some time ago we reported that Paulie, who lost his job as a teacher in 1997 and later had his certification stripped from him, would be in Arkansas in August 2013 to, in his words, teach a course to "students" attending a Ku Klux Klan seminar. Well, we suppose he didn't actually refer to it as a Klan seminar (the name given is the SOTC Training Institute), but given that it was organized and hosted by Thomas Robb, a man described as the national director of the KKK (at least the faction that David Duke organized in the 1970s who's leadership was followed by Don Black, a man with his own link to Canadian boneheads including Fromm) we think it's fair to refer to it as a Klan event. We actually like what others have described the event as though: Klan Kamp.

Paulie has been attending Klan events for a number of years now, though again he has always seemed to have been careful not to actually refer to these events as being hosted by the Klan. However since Paulie has become an active user of social media, that veil of respectability he has attempted to cultivate for himself since he became active in right-wing fringe politics in the late 1960s has crashed and burned, a fact that becomes readily apparent as one peruses the pages of this particular blog.

Regarding the Klan itself for example, Paulie has very nice things to say about the founder of the racist terrorist organization:

5 July 2013

Paul Fromm's New Gig: KKK Summer Camp

Sometimes one learns the most interesting things when following Paulie's Facebook account (which, by the way, is conveniently public which means we don't even have to do anything sneaky).

For a number of years Paulie has been tight with Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights of the Kul Klux Klan (the Klan faction David Duke originally lead). He has been interviewed by the Klan:

And he has been a frequent attendee and speaker at Robb's "Faith and Freedom" conference:

The account of his presentation at the 2012 conference is one of the more colourful accounts of Paulie that we've read:

Next up was Paul Fromm, a red-faced Canadian anti-immigration crusader and straight up crazy motherfucker. Oh, he had a nice sort of aw-shucks speaking style that, along with his pleasant Canadian accent, gave him the air of a slightly frazzled professor. But he was perhaps the most extreme extremist of the entire weekend.

"When I go to the Wal-Mart I don't see a group of young Negroes with backward hats on looking to lift somebody's wallet," he said, in praise of the charms of Harrison's non-diversity. "When I took a brief stroll from my hotel, you didn't have some 13-year-old negress trying to sell herself to me." I don't know where Paul Fromm usually vacations—presumably somewhere with plentiful 13-year-old negress prostitutes with very forward dispositions—but I do know that he is crazy as a fucking loon. But he's also rhetorically nifty. "We are being ethnically cleansed from the cities of America!" he thundered. "I don't know if it was the Hutus cleansing the Tutsis, or the Tutsis cleansing the Hutus. Well, they should all be cleansed."

Knowing this, we weren't surprised to see that Paulie is promoting this endeavor by Robb:

25 May 2013

Ford Family Member Connected to KKK in 1980s

Remember this photo?

It recently appeared on "The Daily Show" earlier this week. This is Toronto mayor Rob Ford with Jon Latvis, founding member of the racist band RaHoWa with ties to the Heritage Front, Creativity Movement, and violent racists. We found this photo and sent it to Warren Kinsella by way of a friend, and long story short, it created a bit of a minor scandal. Latvis himself claimed he was not racist and in fact had been fooled by RaHoWa. He further threatened to sue (including a direct message) Kinsella, however Latvis seemed unaware of how the Internet actually worked and that he had left a very long record of his active and enthusiastic involvement with organized racism. And to his friends who might have been concerned about his public rejection of racism and antisemitism, he offered this as an explanation:

At the time ARC suggested that this incident was just yet another in on a long, long, list of poor judgement calls made by Ford and his team and that he was likely not sympathetic to National Socialism. We generally still believe this to be true, though given other statements he might generously be considered to be rather bigoted. However, as a result of the current scandal (and you would have to be living under a rock to not know what we are referring to) we've learned that at least some of his immediate family were active to a degree in the racist movement in Canada. The relevant section in a "Globe & Mail" article alleging the some members of the Ford family have had a long history of being involved in the drug trade details Rob Ford's sister's involvement with members of the KKK and Heritage Front:

22 March 2013

Doug Christie: The Truth Will Out (Part II)

Christie in his law kiosk
Not surprisingly, we've already been criticized for our focus on Doug Christie by our friends at Free Dominion, including what might be a veiled (and pretty ironic in light of their claim to be supporters of free speech) threat of, we suspect, future litigation for having the temerity to post and comment on what Christie himself published. But then this is all part of the whitewash of Doug Christie and his reinvention as a free speech hero who defended those who said or wrote quirky things about Jews and people of color. As a result, Christie has practically been deified while we and other Christie critics are vilified.

But then our Free Dominion friends might have a little bit of a problem. You see, while we are an easy target (they don't like us very much for some reason), it might be more difficult for them to vilify someone who leads an organization that recently hosted an event to raise funds in support Free Dominion (pictures here and here).

What does Meir Weinstein have to say about the passing of Doug Christie?

NOTE: While it might seem silly to black out the names of the other individual also involved in the conversation we decided that we would do so unless given permission to post his name here.

So why would the head of the Canadian branch of the JDL write, "let him rot in hell" regarding the passing of Doug Christie? Well, one thing we've noted here in covering JDL, the organization in general and Meir specifically, are pretty consistent when it comes to an understandable antipathy towards people who hold anti-Jewish or anti-Semetic views and who promote those views publicly.

Which brings us to the topic at hand. Was Christie, as Meir Weinstein appears to imply, deserving of such criticism?

27 June 2012

"Not a Nazi" Willis Cleared in Assault Case

First of all, holy crap! You mean to tell us that it took this long to come to trail and reach any kind of verdict?
William "Willis" Miettinen is the shirtless dude (hell,
he's pretty much always shirtless for some reason) seig
heiling with Robert Reitmeier, Terry Tremaine,
John Marleau, Chris Waters (big guy wearing the
white tent) and other assorted boneheads in a photo
taken after the 2008 "White Pride" march in Calgary
Second, "suspected white supremacist"? Oh, we do believe we've cleared that one up on a few occassions already (such as here, here, here, and here).

Alleged cameraman attacker cleared

By ,Calgary Sun
First posted: | Updated:

7 April 2011

Chris Waters Hearts Mo Gulett. No, Not Really

You know, we frequently make fun of the many name changes that the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour/C19/ATB/ANC/CTV/ESP have had over the past 4 years, but WEB really isn't a hell of a lot better:

What Reitmeier is specifically writing about here is that many of the members of WEB are also members of a group known as the Aryan Nations Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (so in their brief history, they have been known as the Aryan Guard Renegades, Western European Brotherhood and/or Bloodlines, and now the ANK). The ANK seems to be some weird synthesis of Aryan Nations nougat and Klan chocolate rolled up into one nasty ass candy bar of hatred and are connected to the United Knights of Tennessee, Order of the Ku Klux Klan. The ANK does have a Canadian presence, albeit fairly minimal, with the HQ in Regina, Saskatchewan:

10 October 2010

Aryan Guard and McKee: Not Many Friends Left

The long running dispute between the Aryan Guard (now calling themselves Blood & Honour) and their rival offshoot, W.E.B. is sort of low lying fruit for us. One can guarantee that, month to month, there will be something that we could write about on this blog. In reality and in spite of what might be believed, we actually let the vast majority of it pass without comment here. Even we're sort of bored by it. However, there are still occasions when it might be worth a look back to see where in the feud they are. One never knows when the next pipe bomb attack will occur.

This evening, on a whim, one of our writers took a look at the Facebook group "Fuck Aryan Guard!!!!" created by Tyler Sturrup and administered by himself and Dustyn Johnson. At first, there's not much to really talk about, but then we noticed something that at least we found to be interesting. Let's see if our dear readers can spot it as well:

See it? No, not the pictures that Reitmeier took from this blog and posted to the group. Look for a name. See it? If not, here's a hint:

This is a picture from the March 21, 2008 Aryan Guard march in Calgary. We see McKee of course, but who is the rotund fellow with his arm wrapped around McKee's skinny shoulders? Why, it's none other than the Grand Dragon of the Saskatchewan Ku Klux Klan, Mr. Christopher Waters.

A few years back, Waters made the claim that there were over 200 Klan members in Saskatchewan and almost 3500 across Canada. He also stated they would soon be holding a major Klan event in Saskatchewan, however it never ultimately came to fruition. He, along with at least two other Saskatchewan-based Klan members, did attend the first Aryan Guard march in 2008, as pictured above, as well as attending the after party in full Klan Klown Kostume.

So how does Waters feel about McKee and the Aryan Guard now?

We suppose that Waters will not be attending the planned Aryan Guard March in 2011 then? Then again, since Reitmeier claims that W.E.B. is affiliated with the Klan and Aryan Nations, we might see them heading to Calgary anyways:

Also interesting, though not at all surprising, is that this blog is used by boneheads to keep tabs on each other as well:

The screenshot they took is of this one below, which was underlined (we presume by Johnson) to emphasis that Marleau and McKee shopped information on one of the targets of the pipe bomb to both us and to the spokesperson for the Calgary ARA (Marleau's denial is posted on the Facebook group by Reitmeier):

Gee, we wonder how pissed off when we drop a real bombshell eventually?