Myanmar elections: Now comes the crunch for Aung San Suu Kyi

Myanmar elections: Now comes the crunch for Aung San Suu Kyi

Yangon: To the outside world she is a gentle-speaking, photogenic icon of democracy shown in a Hollywood movie bravely defying brutal military rulers.

The 70-year-old Nobel laureate has returned democracy to a nation held hostage for more than half a century, and given hope for a better life to millions of desperately poor people.

But there is another side to Aung San Suu Kyi that worries foreign diplomats, analysts and businesspeople in Myanmar, one of an authoritarian figure cloistered by a small group of advisers who is often dismissive of advice.


Analysts say that as Ms Suu Kyi moves to form what she describes as a "government of national reconciliation" after Sunday's overwhelming election victory she will have to overcome scepticism over what many people here describe as a domineering management style and lack of experience.

Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar's opposition leader and chairperson of the National League for Democracy (NLD), arrives at the party headquarters in Yangon on Monday.

Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar's opposition leader and chairperson of the National League for Democracy (NLD), arrives at the party headquarters in Yangon on Monday.Credit:Blooomberg

"Aung San Suu Kyi has never held power. It is hard to know what she will do if she has authority rather than mere influence," said Nicholas Farrelly, director of the Myanmar Research Centre at the Australian National University.

"Her management of her National League for Democracy suggests that her personal style is far from inclusive or consultative," he said. "But that may change once she has to make serious decisions that directly impact the lives of 52 million people. Her own preferences will need to be moderated to best reflect the needs of the people."

Analysts say that Myanmar's long-term stability will depend on Ms Suu Kyi reaching an accommodation with the country's big and well-entrenched army as it goes through its own structural transition.

Under the constitution, the military holds a quarter of seats in parliament, gets to appoint key security ministers and controls vast conglomerates spanning multi-billion dollar business interests.

Reading the news in Yangon on Monday.

Reading the news in Yangon on Monday. Credit:Bloomberg

Ms Suu Kyi has sent mixed signals about how she plans to deal with the military that for years insulted and humiliated her, and kept her under house arrest for 15 years.

A declaration she made on election eve that she would run the government "above" an elected president infuriated the generals, who wrote into the country's 2008 constitution a clause that specifically barred her from the post because her late husband and sons are British.

Buddhist monks walk past the National League for Democracy (NLD) headquarters on Monday.

Buddhist monks walk past the National League for Democracy (NLD) headquarters on Monday. Credit:Bloomberg

But in other comments on the campaign trial she has stressed the importance of the military, which was founded by her independence hero father, Aung San.

Jonathan Bogais, a south-east Asia expert at the University of Sydney, said that although some military hardliners remain determined to keep power at all costs, many have embraced a form of "corporate militarism" fed on economic development and trade, especially since reforms started in 2012.

Newspapers for sale in Yangon on Monday.

Newspapers for sale in Yangon on Monday. Credit:Bloomberg

Professor Bogais said these "entrepreneurs" have no desire to enter into conflict with a new administration, especially one led by the NLD.

"The NLD must negotiate with this segment of the military to alienate the hardliners and move forward," he said. Professor Bogais said the military has already made clear that having a 'puppet' president violates the constitution.

But he said some hardliners "may be less concerned by the points of law than by the threat to their power".

Larry Jagan, a prominent Yangon-based analyst and commentator with close ties to the NLD, said Ms Suu Kyi knows she must find a way to build a rapport with the generals.

During a visit to China in June she was asked who was the most important, a party or the army. She replied "the army, most certainly".

Mr Jagan said that although army chief Min Aung Hlaing rebuffed attempts by Ms Suu Kyi to meet recently, officials of her party and military leaders have been in secret contact and are talking about a smooth transition to an NLD-led government.

"While the details of what the two sides have been discussing is strictly secret, former military officers believe the key question will be co-existence in the new order and a modus operandi," he said.

"But whatever happens the Lady (Ms Suu Kyi) will have to negotiate the army's acquiescence to achieve a peaceful and smooth transition."

Dr Farrelly from the ANU said Myanmar's long-term success will rely on the careful management of democratic, militarist, ethnic and conservative interests.

Ms Suu Kyi's critics have condemned her silence on Buddhist persecution of Muslim Rohingya Muslims in western Rakhine state.


"In the wake of the election, Aung San Suu Kyi can get started on the right foot by ensuring that her potential enemies see a future for themselves in the system where the NLD holds much sway," he said.

"Everyone needs to compromise and find meaningful accommodations … the alternative, as Myanmar history shows, is more war, strife and trauma."

Lindsay Murdoch is a three-time winner of the Walkley Award, Australia's top award for journalistic excellence. Lindsay is a former correspondent based in Singapore, Jakarta and Darwin. In 1999 he covered the tumultuous events in East Timor, and in 2003 he covered the Iraq war while embedded with US Marines.

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