Donald Trump is doing more to undermine himself than any Democrat

13 December 2016 15:00

America may need to ‘vote again,’ says former CIA operative Robert Baer – preferably in a plebiscite not orchestrated by…

Rex Tillerson’s appointment shows Trump will put America first

13 December 2016 13:00

The appointment of Exxon mobile CEO Rex Tillerson as America’s next Secretary of State – which is expected to be…

If the Fed kick-starts global rate rises, the UK shouldn’t be left behind

13 December 2016 12:20

One is growing at 2.9 percent, the other at 2.1 percent. In one retail sales are growing at 1 percent,…

Guardian fails to get in the Christmas spirit

13 December 2016 12:13

In the past year, the Guardian have declared tea-drinkers to possess ‘the worst possible English trait, up there with colonialism‘,…

Why Remoaners are wrong to claim Brexit is starting to bite

13 December 2016 12:03

So, the Remoaners have at last got a piece of economic news they can try to crow about – the…

The seven ways ‘Remain’ could have won the EU referendum

13 December 2016 10:00

Trying to write the first draft of history on the EU referendum and the leadership mess that followed had both…

Banning shops from opening on Boxing Day is a terrible idea

13 December 2016 9:02

Britain was once a nation of shopkeepers. But one wonders for how much longer. As if the combination of Amazon, councils’ parking charges…

What the papers say: Southern strikes, pig-headed militants and what Brexit means for Ireland

13 December 2016 8:35

Social care was notable by its absence from the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement. But the care system is now firmly back…

Jeremy Corbyn’s Christmas drinks – Chilcot, trouser-gate and pork pies

13 December 2016 8:30

Since Jeremy Corbyn was elected Labour leader, the party has struggled when it comes to forging a positive relationship with…

The SpeccieLeaks take on Trump’s first encounter with Putin

13 December 2016 8:00

SpeccieLeaks presents: Transcript of private meeting between President Trump and President Putin, 14 February 2017, Andreyevsky Hall, Grand Kremlin Palace…

We’re seeing the sad death of the once noble Labour party

13 December 2016 7:30

Sleaford wasn’t terribly good for Labour, was it? Nor indeed Richmond Park. Sleaford was never very Labour friendly – although,…

Theresa May tries to show she cares about social care

12 December 2016 22:30

In the Conservatives’ 2015 manifesto, there was a plan to reform the care system for the over-65s and introduce a…

What the trouser row really tells us about Theresa May

12 December 2016 16:18

It would be extraordinary if a row about a pair of trousers had continued into a second week – if…

Lib Dems’ new marketing strategy

12 December 2016 15:46

During the coalition years, Lib Dem conferences were well-attended events with many businesses, too, opting to exhibit. However, since the…

Britain must lead the global fight against modern slavery

12 December 2016 12:36

It has been 200 years since Britain abolished the slave trade and sent the Royal Navy out to enforce the…

Jeremy Corbyn unveils his Christmas card

12 December 2016 9:13

Last year it was a bicycle, this year it’s a dove. Yes, Jeremy Corbyn has refrained from using a photo…

Labour left put Jeremy Corbyn on notice

12 December 2016 8:57

After a disappointing result for Labour in the Sleaford by-election on Friday, over the weekend it fell on Diane Abbott and Ken…

What the papers say: Theresa May’s wrong trousers and why Boris is ‘bang on the money’

12 December 2016 8:38

It would be ‘wrong’ to dwell on the subject of Theresa May’s £1,000 leather trousers, says the Times in its…

Handbags at dawn in Downing Street

12 December 2016 8:06

It’s handbags at dawn over in Downing Street. Last week, Nicky Morgan used an interview with the Times to criticise Theresa May…

Here’s how Theresa May can grant assurances to all Britain’s EU nationals

12 December 2016 6:09

In the chaos after the Brexit vote, no one really noticed when Theresa May adopted an odd position on EU…

How California could be heading for its own version of Brexit

11 December 2016 11:30

On the face of it, Brits and Californians don’t have much in common: one prefers a spot of Earl Grey, the…

I’m a part of the elite. So why am I cheering for the populist right?

11 December 2016 10:00

‘Are you Charles Moore of The Spectator?’ I answered to that description. ‘Well,’ said my questioner, ‘I am worried that you’re…

Theresa May: ‘I get so frustrated with Whitehall’

11 December 2016 8:30

The Prime Minister’s office is a small, unimpressive room in 10 Downing Street with miserable views and unexceptional furniture. Since…

AA Gill, 1954 – 2016

10 December 2016 20:18

When we redesigned The Spectator six years ago, we spent months working on the launch issue and there was one…