The retirement wave changing Sydney

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The retirement of the Baby Boomer generation is beginning to reshape Sydney's economy as jobs growth dwindles in some of the city's most affluent suburbs.

The number of workers living in the Eastern Suburbs, the North Shore and the Ryde region fell in the year to November, exclusive analysis of local area jobs figures shows. Those areas also had some of the nation's lowest unemployment rates.

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Terry Rawnsley, a regional economics expert with SGS Economics and Planning, who did the research, said the ageing of the population had contributed to this trend.

"The labour markets in those regions are strong with high participation and very low unemployment," he said. "This suggests the fall in employment is being driven more by demographic factors, such as Baby Boomers leaving the labour force, than by economic weakness."

The Baby Boomers – born between 1946 and 1961 – have begun to retire during the past decade. The post-retirement behaviour of that large demographic cohort will have a major economic impact.

"In the past a large number of retirees would have left Sydney and headed for coastal retreats but it seems many Boomers are staying put," Rawnsley said.


A growing proportion of retirees in well-located neighbourhoods threatens to put added pressure on the city's infrastructure because many younger workers will be required to live long distances from employment hubs.

"If older residents 'occupy the crease' it makes it harder to house new younger residents in those areas," Rawnsley said.

This problem could be exacerbated if more retirees shift closer to the CBD from homes in middle-ring and outer suburbs.

Comparing employment growth in the Eastern Suburbs statistical region to that in Parramatta and the Central Coast illustrates the shifting employment patterns in Greater Sydney. Over the past five years the Eastern Suburbs added just 5000 extra workers while 27,000 were added in the Parramatta region and 39,000 in the Central Coast region in that period.

The Eastern Suburbs had an unemployment rate of just 2.8 per cent in November, the lowest in Australia.

Mr Rawnsley warned Sydney's economy could suffer in the long term if a growing share of young people are forced to live a long way from the city's job hubs.

The NSW government's intergenerational report released this year projected the ageing of the population would result in a budget deficit of 3.4 per cent of Gross State Product by 2056.

The local area employment figures revealed a fall in employment in Sydney's outer west and south-west in the year to November but that was most likely due to economic factors rather than demographic change.

The jobs growth picture in regional NSW was mixed.

Employment has been declining in the Murray region for more than a decade, the analysis showed.

"This has been driven by falls in agriculture," Mr Rawnsley said.

The Capital region – which spans from the north of Canberra to the state's south coast – and the Southern Highlands and Shoalhaven region have also experienced an extended period of weakness.

However, employment growth has been strong in Newcastle, the Hunter and Illawarra.

Mr Rawnsley said proximity to Sydney looks to be a key factor to employment growth in regional NSW.

"Places like Illawarra and Newcastle have good access to the Sydney labour market, high coastal amenity and housing affordability," he said.

Sydney contributed 30 per cent of all new jobs in Australia between November 2015 and November 2016.