ACT News

New Year's resolutions from well-known Canberrans

We make them, we break them. Sometimes we even achieve them. What better time than the start of a new year to set ourselves some goals. Some well-known Canberrans share their resolutions.

Chief Minister Andrew Barr

Andrew Barr

ACT Chief Minister

In 2017 I'm going to not sweat the small stuff and take the time to celebrate the big wins.

I'd like to learn something I didn't as a student - this year I'll focus on the sciences and art history.

And write up a bucket list and actually cross things off - travel and experiences will feature heavily.


Santa delivered a repaired bike and a new helmet so I'd like to take up bike riding as a new hobby.

And drop a few kilos - a traditional resolution to be sure ... but one that I'm keen to achieve.

Authors and collaborators Chris Uhlmann and Steve Lewis.

Steve Lewis


I'm going to do whatever I can do to make sure Secret City 2 makes it to broadcast and pound my way up Mt Ainslie more regularly.

Member for Fraser, Andrew Leigh outside his office which is 600m outside the new Fraser border. He will now need to move to a new office inside the new Fraser electorate. 
7 July 2016
Photo by Rohan Thomson
The Canberra Times

Andrew Leigh

Federal Member for Fenner

To serve the people of Canberra, develop Labor policies, be an enthusiastic dad to my three extraordinary boys and a loving husband to my amazing wife, and run a sub-2:50 marathon. Like most ambitious lists, I may not make it to the end.

NEWS 19/09/2016 Supplied ABC TV News presenter Virginia Haussegger will step down to head up a new foundation to improve the representation of women in the public service and in government.?

Virginia Haussegger

Director, 5050 by 2030 Foundation, University of Canberra

Develop a habit of leaving work before it gets dark.

Be a more conscientious consumer, sourcing food and wine from local Canberra and region producers.

Take more time out for myself to slow down, smell the roses, and while away the hours with people I love, and those who make me laugh.

Find new ways to cut through and expose the deeply rooted sexism and gender bias that pervades Australia's news media.

Personally contact the Chair of every ASX top 200 company that has no women on its board and ask "why?"; while also pointing out how disappointed shareholders will be to learn of the company's neglect of the strategic business advantage a diverse and inclusive board would provide.

Strengthen my "nip it in the bud right now" approach to calling out every day gender bias and thoughtless stereotyping that demeans women.

Spend less time on administration, and more time thinking, dreaming and writing

Read more fiction

Remember to Look up at the sky, and scan the horizon.

Canberra Airport managing director Stephen Byron has welcomed the Badgerys Creek announcement.

Stephen Byron

Managing director of Canberra Airport; chair of the board, Canberra Grammar School

Support the evolution of Singapore Airlines from four flights a week to daily.

See the introduction of co-education flourish at CGS.

Work less.

Spend more time with my family time

More skiing and bike riding.

Minister for Justice and consumer affairs, Shane Rattenbury, on the release of the 2016 Segway Review Report. Photo Elesa Kurtz

Shane Rattenbury

Minister for justice and consumer affairs

Some of my New Years resolutions are to learn some of Canberra's favourite recipes - as inspiration I got Capital Cookbook 3 for Christmas.

To grow more food from my garden - including a better crop of strawberries next season.

To visit new national parks in Australia and overseas.

And to get on with implementing the Parliamentary Agreement, and improve services for Canberrans.

Raiders Aiden Sezer looks to off load. NRL Finals Series Raiders Vs Panthers.

Aiden Sezer

Canberra Raiders

On a personal note, I'm basing my goals around team performance and hopefully I can just do my job a bit more consistently and a bit better. I'm putting all the steps in place in the pre-season to do so and hopefully I can take the next step in my game.

For the team, we haven't spoken about [another top four finish] at all since we got back. We've been pretty keen on just getting our bodies in good nick and obviously doing all the stuff off the field in terms of playing our best footy. We've got a settled squad and we've got a few good acquisitions this year and hopefully they can add to the depth and the competition in our squad. We haven't really spoken about it, we know what we're capable of. I guess we touched on it a bit last year so we'll see how we go.

Alistair Coe has become the leader of the ACT LIberal party and and Nicole Lawder his deputy. Photo by Karleen Minney.

Alistair Coe

Leader of the ACT Opposition

My New Year's resolutions are to finally complete the half finished DIY projects around the house (my wife's resolution for me!), run 1000 kilometres and continue to hold the government to account whilst proposing new ideas for Canberra.