Mum's hilarious pregnancy announcement: 'We lied, you aren’t our last'

An Aussie blogger has announced she is pregnant with her fourth child by posting a hilarious apology note to her youngest daughter.

Mel Watts, who blogs at the Modern Mumma, posed a photo of the note, which she has stuck on to her daughter's cot. Her daughter is also pictured and she's definitely not happy.

"We're sorry we lied, you aren't our last baby," the note read.

Mel Watts, of The Modern Mumma, with her husband and kids.
Mel Watts, of The Modern Mumma, with her husband and kids. Photo: Instagram/The Modern Mumma

"You have until June 2017 to get used to the idea - until then we'd appreciate it if you learned to sleep through the night."

Watts continued: "I know this may come as a shock, feel lucky you're the first to know out of your siblings and everyone else.

"Though we think they'll take it better."

Watts also shared that she has been struggling with pregnancy nausea: "I feel like I can say morning sickness doesn't get any better with the number of babies you have ... What's one more? We're having number four.

"The kids are pumped. Nolan and I are over the moon."

Watts first reached viral fame earlier this year when she shared a brutally honest post about sex after kids.

"Did we just have a quickie? Like a daytime one," Watts wrote back in July.

"I mean I've been turning him down for long enough I actually felt bad. Knowing it was only going to take a few minutes and I'll have a day of any food I want to eat, listen to any music I want and an early night. Sounds delightful right?!"

Noting that she'd turned her husband down countless times out of pure exhaustion, she added: "But today, I thought the amount of effort he has put into every sexual advance it would just be plain mean of me."

At the time, one commenter wrote: "So well written and so true. If it makes you feel any better, there will be plenty of opportunities once the kids are teenagers and you'll feel like making up for lost time! Something to look forward to."

And now, Watts and her family also have a brand new baby to look forward to!