
Queensland Rail fiasco: Who is Brisbane's rail advocate, Paul Pluta?

Rail advocate Paul Pluta proudly admits he has leaked information to the media about issues within Queensland Rail as the operator grapples with its driver shortage debacle.

But who is Paul Pluta? And why is he so passionate about Brisbane's ongoing train fiasco?

Technically, you could argue Mr Pluta is not a 'whistleblower', as he does not work at Queensland Rail.

But the Brisbane IT worker turned YouTube broadcaster says he has contacts who provide him with the inside scoop.

"I've got some good sources in there who are very upset," he said. "I don't work for Queensland Rail so I can leak what I like."

It all started about two years ago, when the rail enthusiast from Brisbane's south-west caught an Airtrain that he said was dirty, cluttered, late, with a broken air-conditioning unit and with some passengers smoking.


"I just came from overseas, you come from Japan, you can set your clock to how accurate the train is," Mr Pluta said.

"And I came back to Queensland and I took the Airtrain... that's when I started with QR."

Mr Pluta made headlines after he obtained a report prepared by consultants Indec, which warned of train crew shortages in a draft report in January 2016, well ahead of the last-minute cancellations in October.

At the time, Transport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said he was not aware of the report and asked for the document after it emerged.

Mr Pluta also emailed Mr Hinchliffe in March warning of driver shortages, and posted a YouTube video on November 27 warning of the Christmas rail meltdown.

The beleaguered Queensland Rail has been under pressure for months, following numerous cancellations, including 100 in October following the opening of the Redcliffe Peninsula Line, amid driver shortages.

The latest stuff-up occurred on Christmas Day, when 235 services - or one-third of services - were cancelled at short notice.

His YouTube channels - under the names Paul Pluta and Archie Luxury - feature wrist watch and travel reviews, sprinkled with videos directly addressing Queensland Rail and Mr Hinchliffe, with lashings of f-bombs, c-bombs and other profanities.

Mr Pluta said he played a character in his videos, who was based on an American preacher, "in the quest for things".

"I'm a YouTube celebrity, that's how I make my money," Mr Pluta said.

"It's a kind of comedy-type channel, black satire-type comedy.

"I'm very politically incorrect.

"I've been doing YouTube since 2009, 32 million views, I get a million views a month, I've got about 7000 videos."

In terms of expensive watches such as Rolex, Mr Pluta said people seemed to think they were buying "class".

"But what the inner joke is with my channel is, I know a lot about these high-end expensive things, but I'm as crass as they come, that's the joke," he said.

"I know more about these luxury items than most people, but I'm still as crass and nasty as the bin man."

Mr Pluta said despite the satire, he did like Queensland.

"But I think they need a bloody good stir, I don't like waste, I hate waste, and all I see is waste," he said.

"I'm trying to expose it [issues in Queensland Rail], I'm sick of this situation."

He also made a video this week directed at Mr Hinchliffe, describing who should be sacked from Queensland Rail.

Mr Pluta claimed he made $30,000 from Google ads, with another $30,000 to $40,000 in donations and gifts, and engaged in "e-beggin", but also spent a lot on travel, which was tax deductible.

He says he has been unable to have a conversation with Mr Hinchliffe, but had attempted to find out information through Right to Information requests with Queensland Rail for two years.

Several top employees have quit Queensland Rail in recent months, including chief executive officer Helen Gluer, chairman Michael Klug and chief operating officer Kevin Wright.

Former Rio Tinto boss Philip Strachan is investigating what went wrong in Queensland Rail in its crewing practices.

Mr Pluta insists he was not political, and has been a member of Labor, the Liberal Party and the Palmer United Party, but just wants a reliable train system.

"I'm very cynical of government bullshit - both sides of politics - I despise both sides equally as much," he said.

"I hate them all with an equal vengeance."

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