Canadian Embassies’ Unjust Withholding of Visas for Global South WSF Participants is Unacceptable

Thu, 2016-08-04 03:51
Submitted by ald

Le refus ou la retenue injustifiée des visas pour les participant-es de l’hémisphère sud par les ambassades canadiennes est inacceptable

La version française suit

Please disseminate and participate! S’il vous plaît diffuser et participez!

Organizers call for response: “We call on the WSF Montreal local organizing committee, the International Committee of the WSF, and all organizers, media-makers and activist who are invested in the integrity of the WSF to respond to this situation of unjustified mass refusal of visas to participants from the global south.”

To take action, visit:

Les organisateurs-trices en appellent à une réaction: « Nous en appelons au comité organisateur local du FSM à Montréal, au Comité International du FSM, et à l’ensemble des organisateurs-trices, des créateurs-trices et des activistes investies dans l’intégrité du FSM à répondre à cette situation injustifiée de refus massif de visas pour les participant-es du Sud du globe. »

Pour agir, visitez :

Allied effort from the Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity:



Wed, 2016-04-20 22:51
Submitted by akonnor

Fabian from UK with comrades of IMC-EAST LEGON

“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our own community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own’’ Cesar Chavez


Wed, 2016-04-20 21:59
Submitted by akonnor

UTC Seeks Court Order against Protesting Students

Thu, 2016-02-18 05:55
Submitted by DeeDee Halleck

UCT seeks court order against protesting students
17 FEB 2016 13:18 JENNI EVANS

Vice chancellor Max Price said the university is obtaining a court order that would prevent students from engaging in violent protests.
Police clash with students during a protest at UCT on Tuesday night. (Gallo)
The University of Cape Town is applying for an interdict to prevent violent protests after paintings and a bus were torched, and vice chancellor Max Price’s office was petrol bombed.

Students Hold Press Conference at UTC

Thu, 2016-02-18 05:49
Submitted by DeeDee Halleck

Prices said the problem was that students applied to several universities to widen their chance of getting in, and this, he believed was the reason why accommodation at UCT was so scarce this year.

After the press conference, journalists were let out of a back door at the Bremmer Building to avoid protesters.

Wits on high alert
In the light of the protests at UCT, the University of Witwatersrand increased security on Wednesday, Wits vice chancellor Adam Habib said.

De bamako, en route pour la convergence IMC Africa 2015 à Accra

bamako --> accra La délégation composé de 4 personnes ont fait le trajet par la route environ 1200 km. Elle a pris le départ le 7 août 2015 vers 6 heures de matin. Il est a noté que suite à des raisons de sante la cinquième personne n’a pas pu effectuer le déplacement. Ainsi, la caravane traverse la frontière Mali Burkina Faso au environ de 12 heures.


Sat, 2015-11-21 22:43
Submitted by sphinx

Story By DeeDee Halleck

For me, it started with camcorders in the 1970s. Straight out of the 60s. It was not home movies. It wasn’t like youTube. There were hardly any piano playing cats. It was the prostitutes of Lyon occupying the cathedral.[1] It was the welfare applicants of Saint Jacques looking for health care. [2] It was Skip at the 72 Democratic Convention confronting Roger Mudd and all of mainstream TV journalism.[3] It was Harriet leaving her Lanesville home and the sink full of dishes.[4] All that information. All that rage.

Early video started with collectives: sharing tools and sharing ideas. Where to put the programs? There was no internet. How to share? What about television? So we fought for the airwaves and for access to cable. In the U.S. we won cable’s PEG (Public, Education, Government) --channels and tools to make our own TV: channels in almost every major city. There were collectives producing weekly programs: Paper Tiger, Termite TV, Not Channel Zero, Whispered Media, Co-Lab TV, DIVA TV, Cast Iron TV and many other producing groups. Deep Dish TV leased commercial satellite transponders and transmitted collations of programs on racism, war, kids, women, health, censorship and art. Later we fought for access to commercial satellite channels—and won the non-commercial public transponder set asides on direct broadcast cable: Free Speech TV, Link TV and many universities were able to have national networks.

When the internet started, the collaborations went global. We made web sites and list serves replete with facts and fighters from movements across the globe:, Zapatista, apc, greennet, Burmanet, McSpotlight, Witness.

By the late 1990s we realized that we were mostly fighting the same enemy: capital and the lending vultures of global capital—the World Bank, the G8, the IMF. The meetings of these groups became a place for resistance and documentation of that resistance. These encampments, the marches, the strikes, the global social forums still persist. To fight those powers we have channels and websites, transponders and servers. We share spaces both physical and virtual: Australia’s CAT, (Community Activist Technology), Engage Media, Indymedia. For me, Indymedia was infranstructure for the needed global connections.

Visit to Transatlantic Slave trade Memorials

Sun, 2015-08-16 15:56
Submitted by akonnor

A sister from Mali in front of the Cape Coast Castle

Participants of the Indymedia Africa 2015 Convergence in Accra- Ghana, wrapped up their 6 day convergence with a visit to the infamous Elmina and Cape Coast Castles, where millions of Africans where shackled with foot, arm and neck chains, tortured, raped, and murdered with indifference or shipped off from the continent to slavery.