
The bottom line: Punters have a legitimate right to expect that bookmaking licences are granted with great scrutiny.

Why gambling with online bookmakers can be a mug's game

"GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY". If there's one ubiquitous message, cutting through all professional sports, and the wall-to-wall media coverage of them - Melbourne's Spring Racing Carnival is the exemplar - it's that betting on sport is integral to the spectacle. Provided your wagering is practised with sufficient restraint and responsibility, of course. 

Is Canberra's Nick Kyrgios only hurting himself by withdrawing from the Olympics?

Nick Kyrgios has bottled it

In the words of Alfred Hitchcock, there is no terror in a bang - only in the anticipation of it. That would have been the AOC's dilemma regarding Nick Kyrgios.

Beauty and the beast: cyclists competing in the Paris-Roubaix race.

Why care factor zero can kill sport

For sport to flourish, there is a required buy-in; a trust between sport and those who must be actively invested in it in order for sport to be something more than a monstrous triviality.

Maria Sharapova announcing her failed drug test.

Sharapova's drug trouble simply astonishing

Whether Maria Sharapova can reduce her ban, by proving a lack of "intention", is speculative; but this is certainly not a case where Sharapova can argue she isn't significantly at fault.