Careers with SEEK

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Careers with SEEK

Careers with SEEK provides career as well as job hunting news, advice and trends to enhance the value and reading experience of employment advertisements in the classified sections of News Corp Australia's metropolitan mastheads. More than just jobs, editorial aims to inform and help job seekers achieve more in their career, including those who are happy in their jobs but are open to opportunities if they arise.

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Careers with SEEK

Careers with SEEK makes it easy to access potential employees via multi-channel recruitment touchpoints to attract the best candidates for their roles. Available in both print via News Corp Australia's metropolitan papers and Seek's online employment offering to reach the largest pool of job seekers. 

The Careers with SEEK section is published each Saturday in News Corp Australia's metropolitan newspapers in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. It targets readers who are interested in employment changes in their industry and those who want to develop themselves professionally. It also provides valuable information and advice for active job seekers.

Key Facts



Source: Readership - emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending March 2016. Circulation - ABC Jan-Mar 2016.