The three children, Theodore McGee, CamdenEllis and Curren Collas, were all close in age – between 22 months and 2 years old. All boys died within a span of two years. The cause, in each case, was the same. a tragic accident involving tipped-over Ikea furniture. Each death happened at home; each death came as its own unimaginable shock ... ....
At least 10 people have been killed in a bomb attack on Ataturk airport in Istanbul, Turkey Tuesday evening, multiple media reports said Tuesday.Around 40 people were wounded in the blasts at the capital's main international airport, according to Turkish news broadcaster Haberturk ...Witnesses told CNN taxis were ferrying wounded to the hospital. A U.S....
Looking deep into space, scientists from a Southwest Research Institute-led team have discovered an elusive, dark moon orbiting Makemake, one of the so-called “big four” dwarf planets populating the Kuiper Belt region at the edge of our solar systems, Science Daily reported Tuesday. Makemake's moon proves there are still wild things waiting to be discovered, even in places people have already looked.” – Dr....
Egypt sent both boxes to France’s BEA air safety agency for repairs Monday ... She added French officials were “not at all” siding with the theory that the plane was crashed or downed on purpose.The investigation comes before the black box data has been pored over, something which may offer new clues in the case....
An ingenious British teenager has programmed a chatbot that has successfully challenged 160,000 parking tickets since its launch last year, BBCNews reported Tuesday.CreatorJoshua Browder said about 250,000 people have used the free service so far.The bot, named Do Not Pay, currently works in the UK and New York in the U.S. It asks a series of questions to determine the validity of a penalty notice....
The University of HongKong) Back...Department of Surgery of Li Ka ShingFaculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) introduced the latest lymphedema surgeries, Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis (LVA) and Vascularised Lymph NodeTransfer (VLNT), to Hong Kong in 2012 and 2013 respectively ... It is a network formed by numerous lymphatic vessels which transport lymph throughout the body like a river....
The abduction of five HongKong booksellers, two of whom were European citizens, is the most chilling example of a much wider erosion of freedom in Hong Kong. I lived in Hong Kong for the first five years of Chinese sovereignty, and I saw early warning signs of subtle threats to freedom then ...The Crackdown on Human Rights in China 2013-2016, includes a section on Hong Kong....
Croix River says its work could be jeopardized if a Republican congressman successfully exempts a Washington County hydro system from federal oversight. U.S.Rep ... Croix River system and improve fish access at 19th-century dams ...WoodlandPulp — which is owned by a HongKong investment group and employs 400 Maine residents — says licensing costs make it too expensive to operate the dams anymore ... Croix for 18 years ... ....
The Investment Commission yesterday said it plans to appeal a ruling by an administrative court in favor of Taobao HongKong Ltd (香港淘寶), insisting the online retailer has failed to comply with investment rules in Taiwan... Taobao Hong Kong’s parent ... In 2013, Taobao registered in Taiwan as a Hong Kong-based company, Taobao Hong Kong, the data showed....
ISA course presenter, Nik Zanella, hosted an ISA SUPFlatWaterCourse in Saikung Bay, HongKong in May, certifying sixteen new instructors ... Instructors were certified in countries including Brazil, Switzerland, Finland, Canada, Belgium and Hong Kong, highlighting the universal appeal and access that has fueled the growth of the sport in recent years....
This past weekend, HongKong firefighters extinguished the city’s longest-running fire in 20 years ...Industrial buildings in Hong Kong that were constructed before 1973 are not required to have sprinklers; the warehouse in question was completed in 1961 ... But on a deeper level, the conflagration magnified two trends afoot in Hong Kong ... Hong Kong’s 2016 score is also the highest in the survey’s 12-year history....
The InternationalFederation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the HongKong Journalists Association (HKJA), along with the Foreign Correspondent's Club of Hong Kong and the Independent Commentators Association, in strongly criticizing the Shenwei Government's interference with media coverage of protests in Wukan village on June 21, 2016 ... One Hong Kong journalist said....
HongKongRugby Football Union). Societe Generale and the Hong Kong Rugby UnionCommunity Foundation announced a three-year partnership to promote education and integration of disadvantaged members of society ... 'The Hong Kong Rugby Union is delighted to be partnering with Societe Generale around these engaging and innovative community-based programmes....
HongKong Exchanges and ClearingLimited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange") take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular....
HongKong Exchanges and ClearingLimited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement ...Hong Kong, 28 June 2016 ... Zhong Hong and Mr....
BeijingDevelopment (HongKong) Limited) The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss however arising from or in rel ... 北京發展 ( 香港 ) 有 限 公 司 BEIJING DEVELOPMENT (HONGKONG) LIMITED. (Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability) (Stock Code....