- published: 04 Apr 2014
- views: 103709
Coming Out is a 1989 East German romantic drama film directed by Heiner Carow and written by Wolfram Witt. Starring Matthias Freihof, Dagmar Manzel, and Dirk Kummer, the film deals with the process of the protagonist's "coming out" and admitting to himself and others that he is a gay man. The film was shot entirely on location in East Berlin and includes scenes shot with amateurs in some of the city's gay bars and clubs.
Premiering at the Kino International in Berlin on the very night that the Berlin Wall collapsed, 9 November 1989, Coming Out was the first and last East German feature film that dealt centrally with the lives of gay men. Coming Out won two awards, including the "Silver Bear", at the Berlinale in 1990 for its frank treatment of the issue of homosexuality .
The story revolves around a young high-school teacher, Philipp Klahrmann, who during his first day at work collides with a fellow teacher, Tanja, in one of the school's corridors. As Phillip insists on making sure the Tanja is okay, there is an obvious connection between the two that is much more than a simple friendly co-worker relationship. As a result of the brief accident in the hallway, Philipp ensures Tanja is okay and later on takes Tanja out for a drink. A romance quickly develops between the two. That same night, back at Tanja's apartment, the two engage in a frank discussion. Tanja reveals that they attended the same university and that she had a crush, as did most of her female classmates, on Philipp who was at that time "going steady" with another classmate. Eventually, the two partake in their first physical display of affection, and after sleeping together Philipp bluntly asks if Tanja would want him as her husband.
Offenbarung Coming Out (1989)
Coming Out - Trailer
Coming out (Heiner Carow, 1989) - Opening scene with Dirk Kummer
TSfilmvault - Coming out (1989) Clip
Interview: Matthias Freihof · "Coming Out" (Film) · Homosexualität in der DDR
Coming Out 1989 DVDRip XviD cut
1989: Mauerfall und Coming-out | Mit 17... Das Jahrhundert der Jugend
Coming Out movie clip
The Professional Athlete Who Came Out as a Gay Man—in 1989 | Where Are They Now | OWN
coming out
*CC English available. Click on CC to be able to see them* "Die Handlung spielt in Ost-Berlin. Der junge Lehrer Philipp lernt seine Kollegin Tanja nach einem Unfall im Treppenhaus der Schule näher kennen, und die beiden beginnen eine Beziehung. Ein alter Freund Tanjas, Jakob, den sie Redford nennt, entpuppt sich als Jugendliebe Philipps. Philipps Eltern hatten die Beziehung beendet, indem sie Jakob einen Zirkelkasten und ein Fahrrad als Entschädigung schenkten. Durch die Wiederbegegnung gerät Philipp in eine Krise, flüchtet in eine Schwulenbar, aus der er schließlich volltrunken von zwei Barbesuchern nach Hause gebracht wird. Einen dieser für ihn anfangs anonymen Helfer, den jungen Matthias, trifft er bald danach vor dem Schauspielhaus wieder und beginnt eine Beziehung mit diesem. Philip...
Trailer zum DEFA-Film "Coming Out" (1989) von Heiner Carow. Director: Heiner Carow Script: Wolfram Witt Camera: Martin Schlesinger Editing: Evelyn Carow Music: Stefan Carow Cast: Matthias Freihof, Dagmar Manzel, Dirk Kummer, Michael Gwisdek, Werner Dissel The first and only DEFA feature film about homosexuality, it premiered on November 9, 1989, the evening of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Philipp and Tanja teach at the same school. Both enjoy their work immensely. Both win their pupils' trust to talk about pressing problems. This shared view of their job brings Tanja and Philipp together, and it is especially Tanja who sees in this friend the love of her life. Philipp feels positively attracted to her as well. But when a friend of his youth reminds him of an earlier erotic bond, he rea...
I find this scene so incredibly brilliant and moving (like the whole movie)... "Coming out" by Heiner Carow, East Germany, 1989. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097095/ German audio; English subtitles from allsubs.org. Cut with Avidemux, DejaVu Serif embedded subtitles.
Am Abend des 9. November 1989 fiel die Mauer. Wenige Stunden zuvor erlebte "Coming Out", der erste DDR-Kinofilm mit explizit schwuler Thematik, seine Premiere. Zufall und auch wieder nicht. Denn die sexuelle Emanzipationsgeschichte passte zur Emanzipation eines ganzen Volkes. Wir sprachen zwei Jahrzehnte später mit Matthias Freihof, dem Hauptdarsteller von "Coming Out". RevolutionundEinheit.de war ein Projekt der Kooperative Berlin, welches von März 2009 bis Oktober 2010 mit Unterstützung der Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur (BStA), der Bundesbeauftragten für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (BStU), dem Freistaat Sachsen und dem Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (ZZF) durchgeführt wurde. Mit dem Einheitsju...
Carsten Schatz ist 1989 Soldat in der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR -- und schwul. Nach dem Mauerfall beginnt für ihn ein neues Leben im wilden Berlin. Die ganz große Freiheit birgt ein Risiko: AIDS. Alle Filme gibt´s auf http://www.dw.de/mit17
Coming Out (1989) is reportedly the first film to come out of East Germany to deal openly with gay issues. Philipp (Matthias Freihof), a closeted teacher, is dating a female colleague to keep up appearances. One night, by 'accident' he stumbles into a gay bar, meets and promptly falls in love with a young man. Transformed by this love he is no longer afraid to face up to who he is.
In the late '80s, a Los Angeles Times poll revealed that nearly 70 percent of the country thought homosexuality was a sin. It was into this climate that Mr. Universe winner Bob Paris revealed his relationship with his partner at the time, Rod Jackson. Now, more than 25 years after coming out of the closet, the former bodybuilding champ shares his thoughts on the death threats he received after his announcement, the fate of his relationship with Rod and the country's shifting perception of homosexuality.Tune in Sundays at 9/8c. For more on #WhereAreTheyNow, visit http://www.wherearetheynow.buzz Find OWN on TV at http://www.oprah.com/FindOWN SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1vqD1PN About Where Are They Now: Their stories made headlines across America. Now, the original series Oprah: Where Are The...
Ignorant people and the L.A. Times endorse racial quotas and affirmative action
If you don't they depict you as a criminal mind
from a radical right wing extremist faction
You missed the Holocaust and you never owned a slave
and you live on the street, not a cotton plantation
But they'll tax you to death, 'til you go to the grave
because an Escalade driver wants reparations
That's the state of the state, it's all fucked up
Every panhandling bum on the street has athletic shoes and a fucking sag
The man on T.V and the people you meet say
you're homophobic if you're not a fag
Illegal aliens living high on the hog
in the latest styles with a new cell phone
You paid for his car yet you live like a dog,
working your fingers right down to the bone
All these other place like Oregon, Arizona and Colorado have good bowls in their parks
We could too if all of our money wasn't spent to bankroll narcs
How can you blame the kids for wanting to get high
When you look at the crap they've got to skate it just makes you want to die
The money we spend on the lottery was supposed to fix our inferior schools
Since that hasn't happened the least they could do
is build us some empty swimming pools
Convicts in prison just sit on their asses
yet still they get three hots and a cot
You're working your ass off and always taking classes
but an empty wallet is all you've got
Since you learned to crawl you have looked for a wife
and clung to a dream of owning a home
But you can't provide even yourself a good life
so you are rejected and left all alone