The One Big Union Monthly (June 1937)

The One Big Union Monthly (June 1937)

The June 1937 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, with articles on Mexico's labor movement and a traveling delegate in the Pacific Northwest. Contributors include x372561, Paul Kolinski, x22063, Fred Thompson and Walter Pfeffer.


-The labor movement in Mexico by x372561

-Escape! by A Convict

-A traveler makes camp

-"No one shall go hungry" by Paul Kolinski

-Current lessons from the experience of labor by x22063

-What excuse for capitalism? by Fred Thompson

-Book reviews

-Make your own intelligence test

-How we got this way

-A page of rebel verse

-"What better times come business will bring them" by Walter Pfeffer

-What of the coming generation


The One Big Union Monthly (June 1937).pdf3.78 MB