So you're thinking of leaving FeedBurner?

Which service do you use?

A man carrying a large email envelope.


Do you want your email list transfer to be as painless and as easy as possible?

Great, only FeedBlitz can do this STRAIGHT from FeedBurner

  • Only FeedBlitz has the capability to extract your custom settings.

  • Only FeedBlitz can migrate your account seamlessly including your email settings, design, logos & schedule.

  • Only FeedBlitz will pull all your email subscribers across seamlessly without their having to re-subscribe.

  • With FeedBlitz you will also get limitless mailings, competitive fees & expert technical support.

  • The FeedBlitz formula for Migration Success Ease + Completeness = Safety & Speed

Got a large list?

No limits, no overages, simple pricing.

Make the switch now!

Learn about all the features you will get.

OK, do it yourself email migration

Work you’re taking on

  • You'll have to export and then import subscribers.
  • You have to re-create your design, schedule & layouts.

Risks you’re running

  • Email providers other than FeedBlitz might force readers to resubscribe.
  • Some don't like you to link to 'unsafe' areas.
  • Anti-spam policies can be heavy handed and suspend your mailings for days or weeks.
  • Some providers have daily limits on list imports — it may take days or weeks to import your list.
  • You'll miss out on FeedBlitz’s unique benefits like monetization opportunities.

Reconsider FeedBlitz

No limits, no restrictions, no hassle.

Reconsider your options

Installation, configuration, and set-up.

  • Dual opt-in reminders
  • Spam complaints
  • Personalization
  • Custom feeds
  • Click through & tracking at subscriber level
  • Blog powered and manual emails
  • Schedule flexibility
  • Category and tag filtering
  • Deliverability
  • Autoresponders
  • Bounce handling
  • ISP relations
  • Monetization
  • Affiliate friendly
  • Mobile friendly
  • Customization
  • Subscriber management

Make the switch now!

Watch How to Leave FeedBurner

A man walking while carrying balloons with symbols of RSS, people and dollars.


Do you want to minimize subscriber loss, maximize monetization opportunities or are you worried about the subscriber migration complexity?

Choose FeedBlitz

We have successfully moved thousands of customers from FeedBurner to FeedBlitz. We make it easy for you using our unique wizard, unparalleled experience and knowledgeable support.

Who else uses FeedBlitz?

You’re in good company: Seth Godin, Copyblogger and Jay Baer all use FeedBlitz for their feeds.

Our support continues after migration

We’ll also continuously remind any remaining FeedBurner subscribers to switch to your new feed.

Make the Switch Now!

Learn more about switching

OK, do it yourself RSS migration

Work you're taking on

  • Finding, installing and managing multiple plugins to replicate the features.
  • Figuring out what to change on your website without any technical support.

Risks you're running

  • Greater subscriber loss because you won't have migration features.
  • Limited or missing RSS subscriber statistics.
  • No automated resubscribe reminders.

Reconsider FeedBlitz

Migrate away from FeedBurner using FeedBlitz’s unique wizard anyway. Have confidence, it’s easy to use and our support team is there for you.

With FeedBlitz, you will secure your RSS readership in the short term without compromising your long term options. For as little as $1.49 per month, what’s not to like?

Start with FeedBlitz
A man juggling podcast symbols with ease.


Do you want a service which is similar to FeedBurner SmartCast, works without re-submitting your podcast to iTunes and minimizes subscriber loss?

Choose FeedBlitz

  • Migrate FeedBurner SmartCast podcasts to FeedBlitz's autocast features
  • Only FeedBlitz has processes and features to avoid iTunes problems, retaining your iTunes audience.

You're in good company

Leading podcasters like Oxford University Press, Blogcast FM, and Love from the Oven successfully switched from FeedBurner to FeedBlitz.

Safeguard your audience, switch now

Find out how to migrate your FeedBurner podcast

OK, do it yourself podcast migration

Work you're taking on

  • Figuring out what to change on your website without help.
  • Navigating the iTunes change process alone.

Risks you're running

  • Getting the iTunes migration wrong may result in your podcast being suspended.
  • You might have to resubmit your new feed which will not migrate your old subscribers.
  • Greater subscriber loss without migration features.
  • Limited or missing RSS subscriber statistics.

Reconsider FeedBlitz

Migrate away from FeedBurner using FeedBlitz’s unique wizard anyway. Have confidence, it’s easy to use and our support team is there for you.

With FeedBlitz, you will secure your podcast audience in the short term without compromising your long term options. Starting at $1.49 per month, what's not to like?

Start with FeedBlitz