FeedBlitz for Internet Marketers

Extend the reach of your autoresponders, list management and shopping cart integrations with our social media automation and viral sharing.

Lighten your workload. Use FeedBlitz to drive automated affiliate marketing messages to your customers.

Every affiliate marketer needs to deliver messages to their list “ reliably.

Your affiliate website drives messages to your customer and prospect list – using FeedBlitz you can automate messaging which saves you time.

Lighten the load with FeedBlitz.

  • Automatically send new blog posts to your list
  • Send newsletters compiled from your blog posts automatically
  • Deliver auto-responders from sign-up triggers
  • Know your feed will broadcast time the future delivery of your newsletters “ precisely
  • Get great statistics, subscriber updates
  • We only charge for delivered mail “ no hidden fees for unsubs or undeliverables
  • Enable social sharing for your content “ leverage the viral marketplace

Join FeedBlitz, automate your email marketing and lighten your load.

Sign Up for 30-Day Free Trial »

See Who Else Trusts FeedBlitz

Check out http://feedblitz.com for gr8 versatile RSS/email newsletter options. Comprendia | Comprendia

Big thanks to www.feedblitz.com and @phollows for fixing our newsletter issues super quick! Great team. PSFK | PSFK

@problogger hey we’ve found major success for ourselves and many clients switching over to FeedBlitz #feedblitz #AweberAlternatives bradsemp | Dr. Brad Semp

Okay – it works great. We are automating newsletters from a blog thru FeedBlitz. Check it out. http://bit.ly/FeedBlitz emarketgirl | Sally Cohen

How do top affiliate marketers like Denise Wakeman and NAMS founder, David Perdew, use FeedBlitz?

Knowing your audience and selling in your niche are the top priorities for successful affiliate marketing website owners. Growing your list of subscribers leveraging your expert content is probably your main priority.

But these sophisticated and financially successful sites are using FeedBlitz advanced features like segmented lists, multi user accounts, auto-responders tied to shopping cart checkout actions, prize draws and customer surveys.

You already know you need to leverage your list to grow your revenues. FeedBlitz makes it easy for you to launch new campaigns and monetize your list.

But there’s more?รกOur extensive knowledge base of articles and the FeedBlitz blog show you new features which may help you build your business. This past year we added social sharing on Google+ and Pinterest; we enabled more shopping cart integration and automatic social influence statistics. There will be more features added as the internet develops. FeedBlitz stays up with the trends and so can you.

And if you have any issues, our support team is here to help with email and phone support (USA Eastern timezone).

Sign Up for 30-Day Free Trial »


After the free 30 day trial, you will be moved to a monthly subscription. What you pay depends on how many unique email subscribers your blog has. Prices start at $1.49 per month.

Remember, RSS reader subscriptions are always FREE.

Sign Up for 30-Day Free Trial Now

Need to know more? Did we answer all your questions? Contact us!

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Read what other FeedBlitz users say.