

Message Delivery

Automated delivery to email, RSS, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in one operation Unlimited mailings per month
Automated or manual delivery Unlimited mailing lists
Detailed delivery metrics with heatmaps Unlimited multi-step autoresponders
CAN-SPAM compliant List segmentation
Established deliverability with major ISPs Suppression lists
Sender ID and SPF authentication in all mailings
Third party delivery verification and major blacklist monitoring




Real Time Reporting

Heatmaps Metrics tracked include: sent, opens, clicks, unsubscribes, soft bounces, hard bounces, complaints, & forwards
Google Analytics integration Subscriber level open and click through rates
Unsubscribe survey Subscriber self-service portal




Advanced Capabilities

Create a newsletter from any valid RSS feed on any platform API to integrate our capabilities on your website
Unlimited custom fields for internal data Triggers and parsers
Segmentation Shopping cart integration
Personalization HTML Source code access for mailings and templates
WYSIWYG Intelligent post truncation
Quickly build a newsletter from an external URL




Easy Deployment

Simple set up wizard Support available Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm Eastern via email, Twitter, phone, and chat.
Custom branding Help Me Now
Test email and online preview capabilities Making the Most of FeedBlitz
Enhanced RSS versions Knowledge Base
Integration guide



Publishers can enjoy the ease of set it and forget it RSS to email publication or take advantage of powerful On Demand features that allow traditional email marketing without having to first publish to a feed.

Smart publishers know that not every subscriber wants the same content on the same schedule. At FeedBlitz publishers can create multiple lists that deliver exactly the right content to the right audience at the right time.

FeedBlitz publishers can mail their subscribers as many times as they want to. We at FeedBlitz believe that publishers are paying for an email service provider and should be encouraged to use the service to fit their needs.

See what links and format works best with your subscribers. Continually improve your email campaigns by learning what works with your audience.

Safely add subscribers with our fully automated, dual opt-in, bounce handling, auto-reminding, CAN-SPAM compliant services. There’s no need to share where you live, either; FeedBlitz allows you to retain your privacy.

Automate your sales funnel, deliver incentives, and reward new subscribers with multi-step autoresponders and activity-based triggers.

Segmentation uses custom fields to extract subsets of subscribers from a single list. Applications for segmentation include:

  • A/B testing: Sending a different message to different groups to test response rates;
  • Special offers: Send a message to subscribers who have (or have not) bought a product or service;
  • Registration updates: Send a message to subscribers who have not completed your registration form;
  • Geographical targeting and event marketing: target subscribers in specific regions.
  • Seed lists: Sending messages to a select few subscribers prior to a full blast.

FeedBlitz has great deliverability. we get the emails where they’re needed for you because we apply best practices at every step of the subscription life cycle. We monitor our reputation and all the lists we serve every day to detect and manage problems before they affect deliverability.

Easily exclude subscribers from specific mailings through the use of suppression lists.

SPF and DKIM are email authentication protocols that prove to a recipient that email that says it is from a given sender, such as FeedBlitz, is actually from that sender. SPF and DKIM, combined with our excellent deliverability and IP reputation, help to ensure that your email gets to where it belongs: your subscribers’ inbox. FeedBlitz supports DKIM delegation.

FeedBlitz acceptance rates range between 99.60% and 99.80% according to third party measurement service Return Path.

One click activation of Google Analytics tracking. Yes, it’s that simple.

Know exactly who opened and clicked on the links within any email. Use this information in conjunction with segmentation and suppression lists for truly powerful email marketing.

FeedBlitz’s unsubscribe survey allows you to gather instant feedback on why a subscriber unsubsribed from your list. Use this data to test different delivery schedules, lengths, and content types.

Your time is valuable; subscribers can manage their FeedBlitz subscriptions within the FeedBlitz interface.

Bring your feed, any (valid!) feed. FeedBlitz can power a newsletter created from any valid RSS feed (Yes, we do podcasts, too). WordPress? Blogger? TypePad? SquareSpace? Tumblr? Your own hand crafted content management system? If the feed validates, we can power it.

Have coding chops? Fantastic, FeedBlitz has an API to integrate our capabilities into your site.

Enjoy an unlimited number of custom fields to maintain as much internal client data as you wish.

FeedBlitz’s triggers and parsers creates interoperability with a wide range of marketing platforms and shopping carts. If the platform you use can send an email to a designated address, we can help you integrate it with FeedBlitz. Use these actions to create subscribe and unsubscribe actions or move clients through your sales funnel. FeedBlitz’s support team is ready to help you put your marketing plan into action.

Use FeedBlitz’s custom fields, dates, or actions to segment your lists. Create re-engagement campaigns or reward your best customers.

FeedBlitz can work with shopping carts to send transactional emails to reward proven customers (and invite them to join your list). You can also use these emails to ensure your customers aren’t pestered after having made a purchase.

Sometimes you want to dig down into the source code, FeedBlitz gives you full access to the HTML code of your email’s template and any Newsflash mailings. Use this power wisely.

Use Custom Fields to personalize list your mailings with your subscriber’s name or other information.

FeedBlitz’s WSYWIG editor makes creating an on demand newsflash a breeze. If you can create a post in WordPress you can create a newsflash email. The WSYWIG editor is used anywhere you can edit text to send to a subscriber.

Let FeedBlitz truncate your posts for you. FeedBlitz retains all post formatting, preserving your links, formatting, and images. Don’t send a boring, stripped down, teaser to your content, let FeedBlitz really give your readers a taste.

Follow the step-by-step instructions of our Set-Up Wizard to set up any website or migrate from FeedBurner.

Support is here to help for any reason, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Eastern. We are available via email, chat, Twitter, and phone.

If you’re worried, for any reason, our customer service team will set-up a new site, migrate any feed, or perform the FeedBurner Migration for you with our Help Me Now service.

Branding is important to us and to you, use CNAME to make sure only your domain is mentioned in the feed url? We’ll serve your feed at: feeds.yourdomain.com/yourextension.

If you are unsure about a template you’ve created, you can send test emails and preview how an email looks in your app or mobile device.

Making the Most of FeedBlitz is a free ebook that covers many of the features not mentioned in the FeedBurner Migration Manual. Need to learn more about suppression lists and segmentations? Want to learn exactly how we calculate your feed’s circulation? We’ve got it covered.

RSS can do so much more than simply deliver your posts to your audience. Feedblitz adds: metrics, social sharing, recent comments, related posts, and the ability to monetize through our ad network. No more fiddling with social plugins or pasting in code to ensure your posts are ready, set it and forget it.

Once your RSS feed is set up you can quickly check to ensure the feed is not being cached and is redirected and displaying the correct migration message with our handy Integration Guide (tool).

Have questions? FeedBlitz’s knowledge base has lots of answers with screenshots and screencasts to help make sure you are getting the most out of FeedBlitz